package de.anomic.kelondro; // a collectionIndex is an index to collection (kelondroCollection) objects // such a collection ist defined by the following parameters // - chunksize // - chunkcount // each of such a collection is stored in a byte[] which may or may not have space for more chunks // than already exists in such an array. To store these arrays, we reserve entries in kelondroArray // database files. There will be a set of array files for different sizes of the collection arrays. // the 1st file has space for chunks, the 2nd file for * chunks, // the 3rd file for ^^3 chunks, and the n-th file for ^^n chunks. // if the loadfactor is 4, then we have the following capacities: // file 0: 4 // file 1: 16 // file 2: 64 // file 3: 256 // file 4: 1024 // file 5: 4096 // file 6:16384 // file 7:65536 // the maximum number of such files is called the partitions number. // we don't want that these files grow too big, an kelondroOutOfLimitsException is throws if they // are oversized. // the collection arrays may be migration to another size during run-time, which means that not only the // partitions as mentioned above are maintained, but also a set of "shadow-partitions", that represent old // partitions and where data is read only and slowly migrated to the default partitions. import; import; public class kelondroCollectionIndex { private kelondroIndex index; private File path; private String filenameStub; private int loadfactor; //private int partitions; private int maxChunks; private kelondroFixedWidthArray[] array; private int[] arrayCapacity; private kelondroRow rowdef; private static File arrayFile(File path, String filenameStub, int loadfactor, int chunksize, int partitionNumber) { String lf = Integer.toHexString(loadfactor).toUpperCase(); while (lf.length() < 2) lf = "0" + lf; String cs = Integer.toHexString(chunksize).toUpperCase(); while (cs.length() < 4) cs = "0" + cs; String pn = Integer.toHexString(partitionNumber).toUpperCase(); while (pn.length() < 2) pn = "0" + pn; return new File(path, filenameStub + "." + lf + "." + cs + "." + pn + ".kca"); // kelondro collection array } private static final long day = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; private static int daysSince2000(long time) { return (int) (time / day) - 10957; } public kelondroCollectionIndex(File path, String filenameStub, int keyLength, kelondroOrder indexOrder, long buffersize, long preloadTime, int loadfactor, kelondroRow rowdef, int partitions) throws IOException { this.path = path; this.filenameStub = filenameStub; this.rowdef = rowdef; //this.partitions = partitions; this.loadfactor = loadfactor; // create index file(s) int[] columns; columns = new int[3]; columns[0] = keyLength; columns[1] = 4; // chunksize (number of bytes in a single chunk, needed for migration option) columns[2] = 4; // chunkcount (number of chunks in this collection) columns[3] = 4; // index (position in index file) columns[4] = 2; // update time in days since 1.1.2000 index = new kelondroSplittedTree(path, filenameStub, indexOrder, buffersize, preloadTime, 8, new kelondroRow(columns), 1, 80, true); // create array files this.array = new kelondroFixedWidthArray[partitions]; this.arrayCapacity = new int[partitions]; // open array files int load = 1; for (int i = 0; i < partitions; i++) { load = load * loadfactor; array[i] = openArrayFile(i); arrayCapacity[i] = load; } this.maxChunks = load; } private kelondroFixedWidthArray openArrayFile(int partitionNumber) throws IOException { File f = arrayFile(path, filenameStub, loadfactor, rowdef.objectsize(), partitionNumber); if (f.exists()) { return new kelondroFixedWidthArray(f); } else { int load = 1; for (int i = 0; i < partitionNumber; i++) load = load * loadfactor; int[] columns = new int[4]; columns[0] = index.row().width(0); // add always the key columns[1] = 4; // chunkcount (raw format) columns[2] = 2; // last time read columns[3] = 2; // last time wrote columns[4] = 2; // flag string, assigns collection order as currently stored in table columns[5] = load * rowdef.objectsize(); return new kelondroFixedWidthArray(f, new kelondroRow(columns), 0, true); } } private int arrayIndex(int requestedCapacity) throws kelondroOutOfLimitsException{ // the requestedCapacity is the number of wanted chunks for (int i = 0; i < arrayCapacity.length; i++) { if (arrayCapacity[i] >= requestedCapacity) return i; } throw new kelondroOutOfLimitsException(maxChunks, requestedCapacity); } public int size() throws IOException { return index.size(); } public void put(byte[] key, kelondroRowCollection collection) throws IOException, kelondroOutOfLimitsException { if (collection.size() > maxChunks) throw new kelondroOutOfLimitsException(maxChunks, collection.size()); // first find an old entry, if one exists kelondroRow.Entry oldindexrow = index.get(key); // define the new storage array byte[][] newarrayrow = new byte[][]{key, kelondroNaturalOrder.encodeLong((long) collection.size(), 4), null /*collection.getOrderingSignature().getBytes()*/, collection.toByteArray()}; if (oldindexrow == null) { // the collection is new // find appropriate partition for the collection: int part = arrayIndex(collection.size()); // write a new entry in this array int newRowNumber = array[part].add(array[part].row().newEntry(newarrayrow)); // store the new row number in the index kelondroRow.Entry e = index.row().newEntry(); e.setCol(0, key); e.setColLongB256(1, this.rowdef.objectsize()); e.setColLongB256(2, collection.size()); e.setColLongB256(3, (long) newRowNumber); e.setColLongB256(4, daysSince2000(System.currentTimeMillis())); index.put(e); } else { // overwrite the old collection // read old information //int chunksize = (int) kelondroNaturalOrder.decodeLong(oldindexrow[1]); // needed only for migration int chunkcount = (int) oldindexrow.getColLongB256(2); int rownumber = (int) oldindexrow.getColLongB256(3); int oldPartitionNumber = arrayIndex(chunkcount); int newPartitionNumber = arrayIndex(collection.size()); // see if we need new space or if we can overwrite the old space if (oldPartitionNumber == newPartitionNumber) { // we don't need a new slot, just write in the old one array[oldPartitionNumber].set(rownumber, array[oldPartitionNumber].row().newEntry(newarrayrow)); // update the index entry kelondroRow.Entry e = index.row().newEntry(); e.setCol(0, key); e.setColLongB256(1, this.rowdef.objectsize()); e.setColLongB256(2, collection.size()); e.setColLongB256(3, (long) rownumber); e.setColLongB256(4, daysSince2000(System.currentTimeMillis())); index.put(e); } else { // we need a new slot, that means we must first delete the old entry array[oldPartitionNumber].remove(rownumber); // write a new entry in the other array int newRowNumber = array[newPartitionNumber].add(array[newPartitionNumber].row().newEntry(newarrayrow)); // store the new row number in the index kelondroRow.Entry e = index.row().newEntry(); e.setCol(0, key); e.setColLongB256(1, this.rowdef.objectsize()); e.setColLongB256(2, collection.size()); e.setColLongB256(3, (long) newRowNumber); e.setColLongB256(4, daysSince2000(System.currentTimeMillis())); index.put(e); } } } public kelondroRowCollection get(byte[] key) throws IOException { // find an entry, if one exists kelondroRow.Entry indexrow = index.get(key); if (indexrow == null) return null; // read values int chunksize = (int) indexrow.getColLongB256(1); int chunkcount = (int) indexrow.getColLongB256(2); int rownumber = (int) indexrow.getColLongB256(3); int partitionnumber = arrayIndex(chunkcount); // open array entry kelondroRow.Entry arrayrow = array[partitionnumber].get(rownumber); if (arrayrow == null) throw new kelondroException(arrayFile(this.path, this.filenameStub, this.loadfactor, chunksize, partitionnumber).toString(), "array does not contain expected row"); // read the row and define a collection int chunkcountInArray = (int) arrayrow.getColLongB256(1); if (chunkcountInArray != chunkcount) throw new kelondroException(arrayFile(this.path, this.filenameStub, this.loadfactor, chunksize, partitionnumber).toString(), "array has different chunkcount than index: index = " + chunkcount + ", array = " + chunkcountInArray); return new kelondroRowCollection(rowdef, chunkcount, arrayrow.getColBytes(3)); } public void remove(byte[] key) throws IOException { // find an entry, if one exists kelondroRow.Entry indexrow = index.get(key); if (indexrow == null) return; // read values //int chunksize = (int) kelondroNaturalOrder.decodeLong(indexrow[1]); int chunkcount = (int) indexrow.getColLongB256(2); int rownumber = (int) indexrow.getColLongB256(3); int partitionnumber = arrayIndex(chunkcount); // remove array entry array[partitionnumber].remove(rownumber); } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(new java.util.Date(10957 * day)); System.out.println(new java.util.Date(0)); System.out.println(daysSince2000(System.currentTimeMillis())); } }