<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>YACY: Search Page</title> #[metas]# <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Search for #[former]#" href="index.rss?search=#[former]#"> </head> <body marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0"> #[header]# <br><br> <center><h2><font size="2" face="Helvetica, Arial" color="#212942">SEARCH WITH <img src="/env/grafics/kaskelix.gif" align="center"></font></h2></center><br><br> <center>#[promoteSearchPageGreeting]#</center><br> <!-- <form action="yacy/search.html" method="get"> --> <form action="index.html" method="get"> <center><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td> enter search word list, separated by space: </td></tr><tr><td> <input name="search" type="text" size="52" maxlength="80" value="#[former]#"> <input type="submit" name="Enter" value="Search"> </td></tr><tr><td> max. number of results: <select NAME="count"> <option #(count-10)#::selected#(/count-10)#>10</option> <option #(count-50)#::selected#(/count-50)#>50</option> <option #(count-100)#::selected#(/count-100)#>100</option> <option #(count-1000)#::selected#(/count-1000)#>1000</option> </select> order by: <select NAME="order"> <option value="Quality-Date" #(order-quality)#::selected#(/order-quality)#>Quality-Date</option> <option value="Date-Quality" #(order-date)#::selected#(/order-date)#>Date-Quality</option> </select> </td></tr><tr><td> resource: <select NAME="resource"> <option value="global" #(resource-global)#::selected#(/resource-global)#>global</option> <option value="local" #(resource-local)#::selected#(/resource-local)#>local</option> </select> max. search time (seconds): <select NAME="time"> <option #(time-1)#::selected#(/time-1)#>1</option> <option #(time-3)#::selected#(/time-3)#>3</option> <option #(time-10)#::selected#(/time-10)#>10</option> <option #(time-30)#::selected#(/time-30)#>30</option> <option #(time-60)#::selected#(/time-60)#>60</option> </select> </td></tr><tr><td> url mask: #(urlmaskoptions)# <input name="urlmaskfilter" type="text" size="12" maxlength="80" value="#[urlmaskfilter]#"> :: <input type="radio" name="urlmask" value="yes" checked> restrict on <input name="urlmaskfilter" type="text" size="12" maxlength="80" value="#[urlmaskfilter]#"> <input type="radio" name="urlmask" value="no"> show all #(/urlmaskoptions)# </td></tr></table></center> </form> <p> #(excluded)# :: <b>The following words are stop-words and had been excluded from the search: #[stopwords]#.</b> #(/excluded)# #(num-results)# :: No Results. :: No Results. (length of search words must be at least 3 characters) :: <p>No Results. If you think this is unsatisfactory then you may consider to support the global index by running your own proxy/peer. If everybody contributes, the results will get better.</p> <p>Other possible reasons for no result:<br> <ul> <li>the search time was too short. Search again with same query to catch up 'late peers'.<li> <li>there is currently no support for german umlaute. please use ae/oe/ue instead</li> <li>words of length < 3 are not indexed. please omit such words</li> <li>yacy tries to index singular instead of plural words. please use the singular form</li> <li>only complete words are indexed, not parts of words</li> <li>don't use stopwords as search words</li> <li>during this test phase the reaction time of remote peers is unknown. Please repeat your search to see if there are late-responses from remote peers</li> </ul></p> <p>If you think the information you searched should exist in the global index, then please run your own peer and start a crawl of your wanted information to make it available for everyone. Then stay online to support crawls from other peers. Thank you!</p> :: #[linkcount]# results from a total number of #[totalcount]# known links. You can try to <a href="/index.html?search=#[former]#&Enter=Search&count=#[count]#&order=#[order]#&resource=#[resource]#&time=#[time]#&urlmaskfilter=.*">catch up more links</a> from 'late' peers to enricht this search result. #(/num-results)# #(combine)# :: <br><b>Please search for several words simultaneously!</b> Click on one of these constraints:<br> #{words}# <a href="index.html?search=#[newsearch]#&Enter=Search&count=#[count]#&order=#[order]#&resource=#[resource]#&time=#[time]#">#[word]#</a> #{/words}# #(/combine)# </p> <!-- linklist begin --> #{results}# <!-- link begin --> <p><b> #[description]# </b><br> <a href="#[url]#">#[urlname]#</a><br> #[date]#<br></p> <!-- link end --> #{/results}# <!-- linklist end --> <p> #(resultbottomline)# :: The global search resulted in #[globalresults]# link contributions from other yacy peers :: You can enrich the search results by using the 'global' option: this will search also other yacy peers :: You cannot get global search results because you are not connected to another yacy peer. To connect you must first use the proxy. See here for an <a href="http://www.anomic.de/AnomicHTTPProxy/Installation.html#wininst">installation guide</a>. Alternatively, you can run the proxy in permanent online mode, which also grants global search. To do this, press this button: <form action="SettingsAck_p.html" method="get"> <input type="submit" name="pmode" value="go online"> </form> :: You can enrich the search results by using the 'global' option; you must also switch to online mode (by using the proxy) to contribute to the global search. #(/resultbottomline)# </p><br> <hr> <center><i>YACY is a GPL'ed project with the target of implementing a P2P-based global search engine.<br> Architecture and implementation (C) by Michael Peter Christen, <img src="/env/grafics/mcemailh.gif"></i></center> #[footer]# </body> </html>