## List of search engines used by YaCy heuristic search option ## Format example ## SystemName = http://www.thesystem.org/search?q={searchTerms} ## all opensearch parameters can be used in search url ## {searchTerms} is replaced by search query ## {startIndex?} is replaced by result start ## {count} is replaced by expected number of results ## ## the syntax of this file: ## - all lines beginning with '##' are comments ## - all non-empty lines not beginning with '#' are keyword lines ## - all lines beginning with '#' and where the second character is not '#' are commented-out keyword lines ## ## Additional mapping files for OpenSearch HTML results can be set in DATA/SETTINGS/federatecfg/[name].html.map.properties #WordPress.com = http://en.search.wordpress.com/?q={searchTerms}&f=feed&page={startPage?} #Search WordPress.com Blogs #Los Angeles Times = http://framework.latimes.com/?s={searchTerms}&feed=rss2 #Archive-It = http://archive-it.org/seam/resource/opensearch?q={searchTerms}&n=20 # archiving cultural heritage on the web #npmjs = https://www.npmjs.com/search?q={searchTerms} # Search JavaScript packages from the npm repository ## In addition to OpenSearch systems other connectors are available to query foreign systems ## the syntax is ## SystemName = cfgfile:_connectortype_:_schemaconfig_ ## where cfgfile: is a fix prefix (to signal this is not a opensearch url) ## _connectortype_ is the type of connector to use ( available is solrconnector ) ## _schemaconfig_ is the config file with filed name mappings (the file has to exist in DATA/SETTINGS/federatecfg #datacite.org = cfgfile:solrconnector:datacite.solr.schema # International Consortium for data citation