#%env/templates/metas.template%# #%env/templates/simpleheader.template%#

Host Browser

Browse the index of #[ucount]# documents. Enter a host or an URL for a file list or select one of a list of hosts.

Host/URL: #(delete)#::#(/delete)#
#[result]# #(hosts)#::
Host List #{list}#
#[count]##(crawler)#::/#[pending]##(/crawler)##(errors)#::/#[count]##(/errors)# URLs
Count Colors:
   Documents without Errors
   Pending in Crawler
   Load Errors
#(/hosts)# #(files)#::
Browser for #[path]#

Documents on host: #[hostsize]#; Documents in subpath: #[subpathsize]#

#(root)# :: #(/root)# #{list}# #(type)# #(stored)# #(load)#:::: :: :: #(/stored)# :: #(/type)# #{/list}#
Show Metadata
#[url]# load & index#(/load)#indexedloadingload fail: #[error]#
#[url]# #[count]# files
#(/files)# #(outbound)#::
Outbound Links, outgoing from #[host]# - Host List #{list}#
#[host]#browse #[host]#
#[count]# URLs

#(/outbound)# #(inbound)#::
Inbound Links, incoming to #[host]# - Host List #{list}#
#[host]#browse #[host]#
#[count]# URLs
#(/inbound)# #(admin)#::
Administration Options
#(/admin)# #%env/templates/footer.template%#