//plasmaCrawlRobotsTxt.java //------------------------------------- //part of YACY //(C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net //first published on http://www.anomic.de //Frankfurt, Germany, 2004 // //This file is contributed by Martin Thelian // [MC] moved some methods from robotsParser file that had been created by Alexander Schier to this class //last major change: $LastChangedDate$ by $LastChangedBy$ //Revision: $LastChangedRevision$ // //This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or //(at your option) any later version. // //This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //GNU General Public License for more details. // //You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software //Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA package de.anomic.crawler; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import de.anomic.http.HttpClient; import de.anomic.http.JakartaCommonsHttpClient; import de.anomic.http.JakartaCommonsHttpResponse; import de.anomic.http.httpHeader; import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroBLOB; import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroBLOBHeap; import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroBLOBTree; import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroException; import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroMap; import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroNaturalOrder; import de.anomic.server.serverByteBuffer; import de.anomic.server.serverFileUtils; import de.anomic.server.logging.serverLog; import de.anomic.yacy.yacyURL; public class RobotsTxt { public static final String ROBOTS_DB_PATH_SEPARATOR = ";"; kelondroMap robotsTable; private final File robotsTableFile; private ConcurrentHashMap syncObjects; //private static final HashSet loadedRobots = new HashSet(); // only for debugging public RobotsTxt(File robotsTableFile) { this.robotsTableFile = robotsTableFile; robotsTableFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); kelondroBLOB blob = null; if (robotsTableFile.getName().endsWith(".heap")) { try { blob = new kelondroBLOBHeap(robotsTableFile, 64, kelondroNaturalOrder.naturalOrder); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { blob = new kelondroBLOBTree(robotsTableFile, true, true, 256, 512, '_', kelondroNaturalOrder.naturalOrder, false, false, true); } robotsTable = new kelondroMap(blob, 100); syncObjects = new ConcurrentHashMap(); } private void resetDatabase() { // deletes the robots.txt database and creates a new one if (robotsTable != null) robotsTable.close(); if (!(robotsTableFile.delete())) throw new RuntimeException("cannot delete robots.txt database"); robotsTableFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); robotsTable = new kelondroMap(new kelondroBLOBTree(robotsTableFile, true, true, 256, 512, '_', kelondroNaturalOrder.naturalOrder, false, false, true), 100); } public void clear() throws IOException { this.robotsTable.clear(); } public void close() { this.robotsTable.close(); } public int size() { return this.robotsTable.size(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Entry getEntry(String urlHostPort, boolean fetchOnlineIfNotAvailableOrNotFresh) { // this method will always return a non-null value Entry robotsTxt4Host = null; try { HashMap record = this.robotsTable.get(urlHostPort); if (record != null) robotsTxt4Host = new Entry(urlHostPort, record); } catch (kelondroException e) { resetDatabase(); } catch (IOException e) { resetDatabase(); } if (fetchOnlineIfNotAvailableOrNotFresh && ( robotsTxt4Host == null || robotsTxt4Host.getLoadedDate() == null || System.currentTimeMillis() - robotsTxt4Host.getLoadedDate().getTime() > 7*24*60*60*1000 )) { // make or get a synchronization object Long syncObj = this.syncObjects.get(urlHostPort); if (syncObj == null) { syncObj = new Long(System.currentTimeMillis()); this.syncObjects.put(urlHostPort, syncObj); } // we can now synchronize for each host separately synchronized (syncObj) { // if we have not found any data or the data is older than 7 days, we need to load it from the remote server // check the robots table again for all threads that come here because they waited for another one // to complete a download try { HashMap record = this.robotsTable.get(urlHostPort); if (record != null) robotsTxt4Host = new Entry(urlHostPort, record); } catch (kelondroException e) { resetDatabase(); } catch (IOException e) { resetDatabase(); } if (robotsTxt4Host != null && robotsTxt4Host.getLoadedDate() != null && System.currentTimeMillis() - robotsTxt4Host.getLoadedDate().getTime() <= 7*24*60*60*1000) { return robotsTxt4Host; } // generating the proper url to download the robots txt yacyURL robotsURL = null; try { robotsURL = new yacyURL("http://" + urlHostPort + "/robots.txt", null); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { serverLog.logSevere("ROBOTS","Unable to generate robots.txt URL for host:port '" + urlHostPort + "'."); robotsURL = null; } Object[] result = null; if (robotsURL != null) { serverLog.logFine("ROBOTS","Trying to download the robots.txt file from URL '" + robotsURL + "'."); try { result = downloadRobotsTxt(robotsURL, 5, robotsTxt4Host); } catch (Exception e) { result = null; } } /* assert !loadedRobots.contains(robotsURL.toNormalform(false, false)) : "robots-url=" + robotsURL.toString() + ", robots=" + ((result == null || result[DOWNLOAD_ROBOTS_TXT] == null) ? "NULL" : new String((byte[]) result[DOWNLOAD_ROBOTS_TXT])) + ", robotsTxt4Host=" + ((robotsTxt4Host == null) ? "NULL" : robotsTxt4Host.getLoadedDate().toString()); loadedRobots.add(robotsURL.toNormalform(false, false)); */ if (result == null) { // no robots.txt available, make an entry to prevent that the robots loading is done twice if (robotsTxt4Host == null) { // generate artificial entry robotsTxt4Host = new Entry( urlHostPort, new ArrayList(), new Date(), new Date(), null, null, new Integer(0)); } else { robotsTxt4Host.setLoadedDate(new Date()); } // store the data into the robots DB addEntry(robotsTxt4Host); } else { Object[] parserResult = robotsParser.parse((byte[]) result[DOWNLOAD_ROBOTS_TXT]); ArrayList denyPath = (ArrayList) parserResult[0]; if (((Boolean) result[DOWNLOAD_ACCESS_RESTRICTED]).booleanValue()) { denyPath = new ArrayList(); denyPath.add("/"); } // store the data into the robots DB robotsTxt4Host = addEntry( urlHostPort, denyPath, new Date(), (Date) result[DOWNLOAD_MODDATE], (String) result[DOWNLOAD_ETAG], (String) parserResult[1], (Integer) parserResult[2]); } } } return robotsTxt4Host; } public int crawlDelay(yacyURL theURL) { String urlHostPort = getHostPort(theURL); RobotsTxt.Entry robotsEntry = getEntry(urlHostPort, true); return robotsEntry.getCrawlDelay(); } private Entry addEntry( String hostName, ArrayList disallowPathList, Date loadedDate, Date modDate, String eTag, String sitemap, Integer crawlDelay ) { Entry entry = new Entry( hostName, disallowPathList, loadedDate, modDate, eTag, sitemap, crawlDelay); addEntry(entry); return entry; } private String addEntry(Entry entry) { // writes a new page and returns key try { this.robotsTable.put(entry.hostName, entry.mem); return entry.hostName; } catch (IOException e) { return null; } } public class Entry { public static final String DISALLOW_PATH_LIST = "disallow"; public static final String LOADED_DATE = "date"; public static final String MOD_DATE = "modDate"; public static final String ETAG = "etag"; public static final String SITEMAP = "sitemap"; public static final String CRAWL_DELAY = "crawlDelay"; // this is a simple record structure that hold all properties of a single crawl start HashMap mem; private LinkedList disallowPathList; String hostName; public Entry(String hostName, HashMap mem) { this.hostName = hostName.toLowerCase(); this.mem = mem; if (this.mem.containsKey(DISALLOW_PATH_LIST)) { this.disallowPathList = new LinkedList(); String csPl = this.mem.get(DISALLOW_PATH_LIST); if (csPl.length() > 0){ String[] pathArray = csPl.split(ROBOTS_DB_PATH_SEPARATOR); if ((pathArray != null)&&(pathArray.length > 0)) { this.disallowPathList.addAll(Arrays.asList(pathArray)); } } } else { this.disallowPathList = new LinkedList(); } } public Entry( String hostName, ArrayList disallowPathList, Date loadedDate, Date modDate, String eTag, String sitemap, Integer crawlDelay ) { if ((hostName == null) || (hostName.length() == 0)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The hostname is missing"); this.hostName = hostName.trim().toLowerCase(); this.disallowPathList = new LinkedList(); this.mem = new HashMap(5); if (loadedDate != null) this.mem.put(LOADED_DATE,Long.toString(loadedDate.getTime())); if (modDate != null) this.mem.put(MOD_DATE,Long.toString(modDate.getTime())); if (eTag != null) this.mem.put(ETAG,eTag); if (sitemap != null) this.mem.put(SITEMAP,sitemap); if (crawlDelay != null) this.mem.put(CRAWL_DELAY,crawlDelay.toString()); if ((disallowPathList != null)&&(disallowPathList.size()>0)) { this.disallowPathList.addAll(disallowPathList); StringBuffer pathListStr = new StringBuffer(); for (int i=0; i pathIter = this.disallowPathList.iterator(); while (pathIter.hasNext()) { String nextPath = pathIter.next(); // allow rule if (nextPath.startsWith("!") && nextPath.length() > 1 && path.startsWith(nextPath.substring(1))) { return false; } // disallow rule if (path.startsWith(nextPath)) { return true; } } return false; } } // methods that had been in robotsParser.java: public static final int DOWNLOAD_ACCESS_RESTRICTED = 0; public static final int DOWNLOAD_ROBOTS_TXT = 1; public static final int DOWNLOAD_ETAG = 2; public static final int DOWNLOAD_MODDATE = 3; private static final String getHostPort(yacyURL theURL) { String urlHostPort = null; int port = getPort(theURL); urlHostPort = theURL.getHost() + ":" + port; urlHostPort = urlHostPort.toLowerCase().intern(); return urlHostPort; } private static final int getPort(yacyURL theURL) { int port = theURL.getPort(); if (port == -1) { if (theURL.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase("http")) { port = 80; } else if (theURL.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase("https")) { port = 443; } } return port; } public yacyURL getSitemapURL(yacyURL theURL) { if (theURL == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); yacyURL sitemapURL = null; // generating the hostname:poart string needed to do a DB lookup String urlHostPort = getHostPort(theURL); RobotsTxt.Entry robotsTxt4Host = this.getEntry(urlHostPort, true); try { String sitemapUrlStr = robotsTxt4Host.getSitemap(); if (sitemapUrlStr != null) sitemapURL = new yacyURL(sitemapUrlStr, null); } catch (MalformedURLException e) {/* ignore this */} return sitemapURL; } public Integer getCrawlDelay(yacyURL theURL) { if (theURL == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); Integer crawlDelay = null; // generating the hostname:poart string needed to do a DB lookup String urlHostPort = getHostPort(theURL); RobotsTxt.Entry robotsTxt4Host = getEntry(urlHostPort, true); try { crawlDelay = robotsTxt4Host.getCrawlDelay(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) {/* ignore this */} return crawlDelay; } public boolean isDisallowed(yacyURL nexturl) { if (nexturl == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); // generating the hostname:port string needed to do a DB lookup String urlHostPort = getHostPort(nexturl); RobotsTxt.Entry robotsTxt4Host = null; robotsTxt4Host = getEntry(urlHostPort, true); return robotsTxt4Host.isDisallowed(nexturl.getFile()); } private static Object[] downloadRobotsTxt(yacyURL robotsURL, int redirectionCount, RobotsTxt.Entry entry) throws Exception { if (redirectionCount < 0) return new Object[]{Boolean.FALSE,null,null}; redirectionCount--; boolean accessCompletelyRestricted = false; byte[] robotsTxt = null; long downloadStart, downloadEnd; String eTag=null, oldEtag = null; Date lastMod=null; downloadStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); // if we previously have downloaded this robots.txt then we can set the if-modified-since header httpHeader reqHeaders = new httpHeader(); // add yacybot user agent reqHeaders.put(httpHeader.USER_AGENT, HTTPLoader.crawlerUserAgent); // adding referer reqHeaders.put(httpHeader.REFERER, (yacyURL.newURL(robotsURL,"/")).toNormalform(true, true)); if (entry != null) { oldEtag = entry.getETag(); reqHeaders = new httpHeader(); Date modDate = entry.getModDate(); if (modDate != null) reqHeaders.put(httpHeader.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE,HttpClient.dateString(entry.getModDate())); } // setup http-client //TODO: adding Traffic statistic for robots download? JakartaCommonsHttpClient client = new JakartaCommonsHttpClient(10000, reqHeaders, null); JakartaCommonsHttpResponse res = null; try { // sending the get request res = client.GET(robotsURL.toString()); // check for interruption if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) throw new InterruptedException("Shutdown in progress."); // check the response status if (res.getStatusLine().startsWith("2")) { if (!res.getResponseHeader().mime().startsWith("text/plain")) { robotsTxt = null; serverLog.logFinest("ROBOTS","Robots.txt from URL '" + robotsURL + "' has wrong mimetype '" + res.getResponseHeader().mime() + "'."); } else { // getting some metadata eTag = res.getResponseHeader().containsKey(httpHeader.ETAG)?(res.getResponseHeader().get(httpHeader.ETAG)).trim():null; lastMod = res.getResponseHeader().lastModified(); // if the robots.txt file was not changed we break here if ((eTag != null) && (oldEtag != null) && (eTag.equals(oldEtag))) { serverLog.logFinest("ROBOTS","Robots.txt from URL '" + robotsURL + "' was not modified. Abort downloading of new version."); return null; } // downloading the content serverByteBuffer sbb = new serverByteBuffer(); try { serverFileUtils.copyToStream(new BufferedInputStream(res.getDataAsStream()), new BufferedOutputStream(sbb)); } finally { res.closeStream(); } robotsTxt = sbb.getBytes(); downloadEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); serverLog.logFinest("ROBOTS","Robots.txt successfully loaded from URL '" + robotsURL + "' in " + (downloadEnd-downloadStart) + " ms."); } } else if (res.getStatusCode() == 304) { return null; } else if (res.getStatusLine().startsWith("3")) { // getting redirection URL String redirectionUrlString = res.getResponseHeader().get(httpHeader.LOCATION); if (redirectionUrlString==null) { serverLog.logFinest("ROBOTS","robots.txt could not be downloaded from URL '" + robotsURL + "' because of missing redirecton header. [" + res.getStatusLine() + "]."); robotsTxt = null; } else { redirectionUrlString = redirectionUrlString.trim(); // generating the new URL object yacyURL redirectionUrl = yacyURL.newURL(robotsURL, redirectionUrlString); // following the redirection serverLog.logFinest("ROBOTS","Redirection detected for robots.txt with URL '" + robotsURL + "'." + "\nRedirecting request to: " + redirectionUrl); return downloadRobotsTxt(redirectionUrl,redirectionCount,entry); } } else if (res.getStatusCode() == 401 || res.getStatusCode() == 403) { accessCompletelyRestricted = true; serverLog.logFinest("ROBOTS","Access to Robots.txt not allowed on URL '" + robotsURL + "'."); } else { serverLog.logFinest("ROBOTS","robots.txt could not be downloaded from URL '" + robotsURL + "'. [" + res.getStatusLine() + "]."); robotsTxt = null; } } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { if(res != null) { // release connection res.closeStream(); } } return new Object[]{new Boolean(accessCompletelyRestricted),robotsTxt,eTag,lastMod}; } }