// CrawlResults.java // (C) 2005 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net, Frankfurt a. M., Germany // first published 09.03.2005 on http://yacy.net // // This is a part of YaCy, a peer-to-peer based web search engine // // $LastChangedDate: 2006-04-02 22:40:07 +0200 (So, 02 Apr 2006) $ // $LastChangedRevision: 1986 $ // $LastChangedBy: orbiter $ // // LICENSE // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Locale; import de.anomic.http.httpHeader; import de.anomic.index.indexURLReference; import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaHTCache; import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaSwitchboard; import de.anomic.server.serverObjects; import de.anomic.server.serverSwitch; import de.anomic.server.logging.serverLog; import de.anomic.tools.nxTools; import de.anomic.yacy.yacySeed; import de.anomic.yacy.yacyURL; public class CrawlResults { public static serverObjects respond(httpHeader header, serverObjects post, serverSwitch env) { // return variable that accumulates replacements final plasmaSwitchboard sb = (plasmaSwitchboard) env; final serverObjects prop = new serverObjects(); int lines = 500; boolean showControl = env.getConfigBool("IndexMonitorControl", true); boolean showInit = env.getConfigBool("IndexMonitorInit", false); boolean showExec = env.getConfigBool("IndexMonitorExec", false); boolean showDate = env.getConfigBool("IndexMonitorDate", true); boolean showWords = env.getConfigBool("IndexMonitorWords", true); boolean showTitle = env.getConfigBool("IndexMonitorTitle", true); boolean showURL = env.getConfigBool("IndexMonitorURL", true); if (post == null) { post = new serverObjects(); post.put("process", "0"); } // find process number int tabletype; try { tabletype = Integer.parseInt(post.get("process", "0")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { tabletype = 0; } if ((post != null) && (post.containsKey("autoforward")) && (tabletype == 5) && (sb.crawlResults.getStackSize(5) == 0)) { // the main menu does a request to the local crawler page, but in case this table is empty, the overview page is shown tabletype = 0; } // check if authorization is needed and/or given if (((tabletype > 0) && (tabletype < 6)) || (post != null && (post.containsKey("clearlist") || post.containsKey("deleteentry")))) { String authorization = ((String) header.get(httpHeader.AUTHORIZATION, "xxxxxx")); if (authorization.length() != 0) { if (! sb.verifyAuthentication(header, true)){ // force log-in (again, because wrong password was given) prop.put("AUTHENTICATE", "admin log-in"); return prop; } } else { // force log-in prop.put("AUTHENTICATE", "admin log-in"); return prop; } } if(post != null) { // custom number of lines if (post.containsKey("count")) { lines = Integer.parseInt(post.get("count", "500")); } // do the commands if (post.containsKey("clearlist")) sb.crawlResults.clearStack(tabletype); if (post.containsKey("deleteentry")) { String hash = post.get("hash", null); if (hash != null) { // delete from database sb.webIndex.removeURL(hash); } } if (post.containsKey("moreIndexed")) { lines = Integer.parseInt(post.get("showIndexed", "500")); } if (post.get("sc") != null) if (post.get("sc").equals("0")) showControl = false; else showControl = true; if (post.get("si") != null) if (post.get("si").equals("0")) showInit = false; else showInit = true; if (post.get("se") != null) if (post.get("se").equals("0")) showExec = false; else showExec = true; if (post.get("sd") != null) if (post.get("sd").equals("0")) showDate = false; else showDate = true; if (post.get("sw") != null) if (post.get("sw").equals("0")) showWords = false; else showWords = true; if (post.get("st") != null) if (post.get("st").equals("0")) showTitle = false; else showTitle = true; if (post.get("su") != null) if (post.get("su").equals("0")) showURL = false; else showURL = true; } // end != null // create table if (tabletype == 0) { prop.put("table", "2"); } else if (sb.crawlResults.getStackSize(tabletype) == 0) { prop.put("table", "0"); } else { prop.put("table", "1"); if (lines > sb.crawlResults.getStackSize(tabletype)) lines = sb.crawlResults.getStackSize(tabletype); if (lines == sb.crawlResults.getStackSize(tabletype)) { prop.put("table_size", "0"); } else { prop.put("table_size", "1"); prop.put("table_size_count", lines); } prop.put("table_size_all", sb.crawlResults.getStackSize(tabletype)); if (showControl) { prop.put("table_showControl", "1"); prop.putHTML("table_showControl_feedbackpage", "CrawlResults.html"); prop.put("table_showControl_tabletype", tabletype); } else prop.put("table_showControl", "0"); prop.put("table_showInit", (showInit) ? "1" : "0"); prop.put("table_showExec", (showExec) ? "1" : "0"); prop.put("table_showDate", (showDate) ? "1" : "0"); prop.put("table_showWords", (showWords) ? "1" : "0"); prop.put("table_showTitle", (showTitle) ? "1" : "0"); prop.put("table_showURL", (showURL) ? "1" : "0"); boolean dark = true; String urlHash, initiatorHash, executorHash; String cachepath, urlstr, urltxt; yacySeed initiatorSeed, executorSeed; indexURLReference urle; indexURLReference.Components comp; int i, cnt = 0; for (i = sb.crawlResults.getStackSize(tabletype) - 1; i >= (sb.crawlResults.getStackSize(tabletype) - lines); i--) { initiatorHash = sb.crawlResults.getInitiatorHash(tabletype, i); executorHash = sb.crawlResults.getExecutorHash(tabletype, i); // serverLog.logFinest("PLASMA", "plasmaCrawlLURL/genTableProps initiatorHash=" + initiatorHash + " executorHash=" + executorHash); urlHash = sb.crawlResults.getUrlHash(tabletype, i); // serverLog.logFinest("PLASMA", "plasmaCrawlLURL/genTableProps urlHash=" + urlHash); try { urle = sb.webIndex.getURL(urlHash, null, 0); if(urle == null) { serverLog.logWarning("PLASMA", "CrawlResults: URL not in index for crawl result "+ i +" with hash "+ urlHash); urlstr = null; urltxt = null; cachepath = null; comp = null; } else { comp = urle.comp(); urlstr = comp.url().toNormalform(false, true); urltxt = nxTools.shortenURLString(urlstr, 72); // shorten the string text like a URL cachepath = plasmaHTCache.getCachePath(new yacyURL(urlstr, null)).toString().replace('\\', '/').substring(plasmaHTCache.cachePath.toString().length() + 1); } // serverLog.logFinest("PLASMA", "plasmaCrawlLURL/genTableProps urle=" + urle.toString()); initiatorSeed = sb.webIndex.seedDB.getConnected(initiatorHash); executorSeed = sb.webIndex.seedDB.getConnected(executorHash); prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_dark", (dark) ? "1" : "0"); if (showControl) { prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showControl", "1"); prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showControl_feedbackpage", "CrawlResults.html"); prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showControl_tabletype", tabletype); prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showControl_urlhash", urlHash); } else prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showControl", "0"); if (showInit) { prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showInit", "1"); prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showInit_initiatorSeed", (initiatorSeed == null) ? "unknown" : initiatorSeed.getName()); } else prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showInit", "0"); if (showExec) { prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showExec", "1"); prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showExec_executorSeed", (executorSeed == null) ? "unknown" : executorSeed.getName()); } else prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showExec", "0"); if (showDate && urle != null) { prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showDate", "1"); prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showDate_modified", daydate(urle.moddate())); } else prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showDate", "0"); if (showWords && urle != null) { prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showWords", "1"); prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showWords_count", urle.wordCount()); } else prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showWords", "0"); if (showTitle) { prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showTitle", (showTitle) ? "1" : "0"); if (cachepath == null) { prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showTitle_available", "0"); } else { prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showTitle_available", "1"); if (comp == null || comp.dc_title() == null || comp.dc_title().trim().length() == 0) prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showTitle_available_nodescr", "0"); else { prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showTitle_available_nodescr", "1"); prop.putHTML("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showTitle_available_nodescr_urldescr", comp.dc_title()); } prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showTitle_available_cachepath", cachepath); prop.putHTML("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showTitle_available_urltitle", urlstr); } } else prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showTitle", "0"); if (showURL) { prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showURL", "1"); if (cachepath == null) { prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showURL_available", "0"); } else { prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showURL_available", "1"); prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showURL_available_cachepath", cachepath); prop.putHTML("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showURL_available_urltitle", urlstr); prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showURL_available_url", urltxt); } } else prop.put("table_indexed_" + cnt + "_showURL", "0"); dark = !dark; cnt++; } catch (Exception e) { serverLog.logSevere("PLASMA", "genTableProps", e); } } prop.put("table_indexed", cnt); } prop.put("process", tabletype); // return rewrite properties return prop; } private static SimpleDateFormat dayFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd", Locale.US); private static String daydate(Date date) { if (date == null) { return ""; } else { return dayFormatter.format(date); } } }