#%env/templates/metas.template%# #%env/templates/header.template%# #%env/templates/simpleheader.template%#

Migrate URLdb to embedded Solr Index

Convert old meta data (urldb) index to embedded Solr fulltext index.

A low priority background job has been started which reads the old index, adds it to Solr and deletes the entry from the old index.

The default "slow migration" updates any entry in the old urldb index upon access (e.g. during search events).
If you feel that the not accessed entries are still relevant, with this migration all entries from the old urldb index will be migrated.

You may refresh this page to see how many entries in the old index are left for migration

Hint: this background task runs until all entries are migrated or YaCy is shutdown. The migration is not automatically restarted.

#[count]# entries in old index left to migrate.

For large indexes this may run for a long time (migration speed: #[speed]# entries per minute)
