<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>YaCy '#[clientname]#': Console Status</title> #%env/templates/metas.template%# <meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="30" /> </head> <body style="margin:0px;"> #%env/templates/header.template%# #%env/templates/submenuConfig.template%# <!--[if IE]> <div style="clear:left;" class="gainlayout"> <![endif]--> <div class="welcome"> <center><h2>Welcome to YaCy!</h2></center> <dl> <!-- urgent --> #(urgentSetPassword)#:: <dt class="hintIcon"><img src="env/grafics/bad.png" width="32" height="32" alt="bad" /></dt> <dd class="hint"><strong>Your settings are _not_ protected!</strong> Please open the <a href="ConfigBasic.html">settings</a> page <strong>immediately</strong> and set an administration password. </dd> #(/urgentSetPassword)# #(urgentStatusVirgin)#:: <dt class="hintIcon"><img src="env/grafics/bad.png" width="32" height="32" alt="bad"/></dt> <dd class="hint">You have not published your peer seed yet. This happens automatically, just wait. While you have this status you are not allowed to search other peers. </dd> #(/urgentStatusVirgin)# <!-- warnings --> #(warningGoOnline)#:: <dt class="hintIcon"><img src="env/grafics/bad.png" width="32" height="32" alt="bad"/></dt> <dd class="hint">The peer must go online to get a peer address. </dd> #(/warningGoOnline)# #(warningStatusJunior)#:: <dt class="hintIcon"><img src="env/grafics/bad.png" width="32" height="32" alt="bad"/></dt> <dd class="hint">You cannot be reached from outside. A possible reason is that you are behind a firewall, NAT or Router. But you can <a href="index.html">search the internet</a> using the other peers' global index on your own search page. We encourage you to open your firewall for the port you configured (usually: 8080), or to set up a 'virtual server' in your router settings (often called DMZ). Please be fair, contribute your own index to the global index. </dd> #(/warningStatusJunior)# <!-- hints --> #(hintVersionAvailable)#:: <dt class="hintIcon"><img src="env/grafics/idea.png" width="32" height="32" alt="idea"/></dt> <dd class="hint">Latest public version is v#[latestVersion]#. You can download a more recent version of YaCy. Click here to install this update and restart YaCy: <form action="Status.html" method="get" class="PeerControl"> <button type="submit" name="aquirerelease" value="Update YaCy"> <img src="/env/grafics/lock.gif" /> Install YaCy v#[latestVersion]# </button> </form> </dd> #(/hintVersionAvailable)# <!-- #(hintVersionDownload)#:: <dt class="hintIcon"><img src="env/grafics/start.gif" alt="Start"/></dt> <dd class="hint">You can download the latest releases here: #[versionResMain]# or #[versionResDev]# </dd> #(/hintVersionDownload)# --> #(hintStatusSenior)#:: <dt class="hintIcon"><img src="env/grafics/good.png" width="32" height="32" alt="good"/></dt> <dd class="hint">You are running a server in senior mode and you support the global internet index, which you can also <a href="index.html">search yourself</a>. </dd> #(/hintStatusSenior)# #(hintStatusPrincipal)#:: <dt class="hintIcon"><img src="env/grafics/good.png" width="32" height="32" alt="good"/></dt> <dd class="hint">You have a principal peer because you publish your seed-list to a public accessible server where it can be retrieved using the URL <a href="#[seedURL]#">#[seedURL]#</a>. </dd> #(/hintStatusPrincipal)# #(hintCrawlStart)#:: <dt class="hintIcon"><img src="env/grafics/idea.png" width="32" height="32" alt="idea"/></dt> <dd class="hint">Your Web Page Indexer is idle. You can start your own web crawl <a href="CrawlStartSimple_p.html">here</a> </dd> #(/hintCrawlStart)# #(hintCrawlMonitor)#:: <dt class="hintIcon"><img src="env/grafics/idea.png" width="32" height="32" alt="idea"/></dt> <dd class="hint">Your Web Page Indexer is busy. You can <a href="WatchCrawler_p.html">monitor your web crawl</a> here. </dd> #(/hintCrawlMonitor)# <!-- templates #(hint)#:: <dt class="hintIcon"><img src="env/grafics/idea.png" width="32" height="32" alt="idea"/></dt> <dd class="hint"> </dd> #(/hint)# #(hint)#:: <dt class="hintIcon"><img src="env/grafics/idea.png" width="32" height="32" alt="idea"/></dt> <dd class="hint"> </dd> #(/hint)# #(hint)#:: <dt class="hintIcon"><img src="env/grafics/idea.png" width="32" height="32" alt="idea" /></dt> <dd class="hint"> </dd> #(/hint)# #(hint)#:: <dt class="hintIcon"><img src="env/grafics/idea.png" width="32" height="32" alt="idea" /></dt> <dd class="hint"> </dd> #(/hint)# --> </dl> </div> <div class="sidebar"> <fieldset> <legend>Public System Properties</legend> <dl> <dt>System Version</dt> <dd>#[versionpp]#</dd> <dt>This peer's address</dt> <dd>#(peerAddress)# Not assigned :: http://#[address]#<br/> http://#[peername]#.yacy #(/peerAddress)#</dd> <dt>This peer's name</dt> <dd>#[peerName]#/#[hash]#</dd> <dt>This peer's statistics</dt> <dd>#(peerStatistics)# Unknown :: <div>Uptime: #[uptime]#</div> <div>Links/RWI: #[links]# / #[words]#</div> <div>PPM/QPH: #[pagesperminute]# / #[queriesperhour]#</div> <div>Connects: <span title="connected Juniors">#[juniorConnects]#</span> | <span title="connected Seniors">#[seniorConnects]#</span> | <span title="connected Principals">#[principalConnects]#</span> | <span title="disconnected peers">#[disconnects]#</span> (#[connects]# peers/hour) #(/peerStatistics)# </div></dd> <dt>This peer's status</dt> <dd>#(peerStatus)# Virgin :: Junior :: Senior :: Principal #(/peerStatus)#</dd> <dt>Other peers</dt> <dd>#(otherPeers)#not online::#[num]# other peers online.#(/otherPeers)#</dd> #(showPrivateTable)# <dt>Log-In</dt> <dd>Click here to <a href="Status.html?login=">log in</a> as administrator and see full status.</dd> :: #(/showPrivateTable)# </dl> </fieldset> </div> #%[privateStatusTable]%# <!--[if IE]> </div> <![endif]--> #%env/templates/footer.template%# </body> </html>