#%env/templates/metas.template%# #%env/templates/header.template%# #%env/templates/submenuComputation.template%#

Performance Settings for Memory


(current: #[memoryStrategy]#)

Memory Usage:

After Startup
After Initializations
before GC
After Initializations
after GC
#(gc)#before GC::after GC#(/gc)#
Max #[memoryMax]# MByte maximum memory that the JVM will attempt to use
Available #[memoryAvailAfterStartup]# MByte #[memoryAvailAfterInitBGC]# MByte #[memoryAvailAfterInitAGC]# MByte #[memoryAvailNow]# MByte total available memory including free for the JVM within maximum
Total #[memoryTotalAfterStartup]# KByte #[memoryTotalAfterInitBGC]# KByte #[memoryTotalAfterInitAGC]# KByte #[memoryTotalNow]# MByte total memory taken from the OS
Free #[memoryFreeAfterStartup]# KByte #[memoryFreeAfterInitBGC]# KByte #[memoryFreeAfterInitAGC]# KByte #[memoryFreeNow]# MByte free memory in the JVM within total amount
Used #[memoryUsedAfterStartup]# KByte #[memoryUsedAfterInitBGC]# KByte #[memoryUsedAfterInitAGC]# KByte #[memoryUsedNow]# MByte used memory in the JVM within total amount

Solr Resources:

#{SolrList}# #{/SolrList}#
Class Type Description Statistics Size
#[class]# #[type]# #[description]# #[statistics]# #[size]#
Total Cache Count = #[SolrCacheCount]#

Table RAM Index:

#{EcoList}# #{/EcoList}#
Table Size Key Value
Chunk Size Used Memory Chunk Size Used Memory
#[tableIndexPath]# #[tableSize]# #[tableKeyChunkSize]# #[tableKeyMem]# #[tableValueChunkSize]# #[tableValueMem]#
Total Mem = #[EcoIndexTotalMem]# MB

Object Index Caches:

#{indexcache}# #{/indexcache}#
Table Size Chunk Size Needed Memory Used Memory
#[Name]# #[Count]# #[ChunkSize]# #[NeededMem]# #[UsedMem]#
Total Mem: #[indexcacheTotalMem]# MB

Other Caching Structures:

Type Size Hit Miss Insert Delete
DNSCache/Hit #[namecacheHit.size]# #[namecacheHit.Hit]# #[namecacheHit.Miss]# #[namecacheHit.Insert]# (ARC)
DNSCache/Miss #[namecacheMiss.size]# #[namecacheMiss.Hit]# #[namecacheMiss.Miss]# #[namecacheMiss.Insert]# (ARC)
DNSNoCache #[namecache.noCache]#
HashBlacklistedCache #[blacklistcache.size]#
Search Event Cache #[searchevent.size]# #[searchevent.hit]# #[searchevent.miss]# #[searchevent.insert]# #[searchevent.delete]#