No action submitted
Go back to the Settings page.
Your system is not protected by a password
Please go to the User Administration page and set an administration password.
You don't have the correct access right to perform this task.
Please log in.
You can now go back to the Settings page if you want to make more changes.
Application will terminate after working off all scheduled tasks.
We don't track YaCy users, YaCy does not send 'home-pings', we do not even know how many people use YaCy as their private search engine.
Therefore we like to ask you: do you like YaCy? Will you use it again... if not, why? Is it possible that we change a bit to suit your needs?
Please send us feed-back about your experience with an
anonymous message
or a
posting to our web forums
or a
bug report!
If you are a professional user and you would like to use YaCy in your company in combination with consulting services by YaCy specialists, please see http://pro.yacy.net. ::
Application will terminate after working off all scheduled tasks.
Then YaCy will restart.
If you can't reach YaCy's interface after 5 minutes restart failed.
Installing release #[release]#
YaCy will be restarted after installation.
The file you are trying to install is not located in the release directory.
Go back to the System Update page.