function AllSnippets() { var query = document.getElementsByName("former")[0].value; var span = document.getElementsByTagName("span"); for(var x=0;x<span.length;x++) { if (span[x].className == 'snippetLoading') { var url = document.getElementById("url" + span[x].id); requestSnippet(url,query); } } } function requestSnippet(url, query){ var request=createRequestObject();'get', '/xml/snippet.xml?url=' + escape(url) + '&search=' + escape(query),true); request.onreadystatechange = function () {handleState(request)}; request.send(null); } function handleState(req) { if(req.readyState != 4){ return; } var response = req.responseXML; var snippetText = response.getElementsByTagName("text")[0]; var urlHash = response.getElementsByTagName("urlHash")[0]; var status = response.getElementsByTagName("status")[0]; var span = document.getElementById(urlHash) removeAllChildren(span); //span.removeChild(span.firstChild); if (status < 11) { span.className = "snippetLoaded"; //span.setAttribute("class", "snippetLoaded"); } else { span.className = "snippetError"; //span.setAttribute("class", "snippetError"); } // replace "<b>" text by <strong> node var pos1=snippetText.indexOf("<b>"); var pos2=snippetText.indexOf("</b>"); while (pos1 >= 0 && pos2 > pos1) { leftString = document.createTextNode(snippetText.substring(0, pos1)); //other text if (leftString != "") span.appendChild(leftString); //add the bold text strongNode=document.createElement("strong"); middleString=document.createTextNode(snippetText.substring(pos1 + 3, pos2)); strongNode.appendChild(middleString); span.appendChild(strongNode); // cut out left and middle and go on with remaining text snippetText=snippetText.substring(pos2 + 4); pos1=snippetText.indexOf("<b>"); pos2=snippetText.indexOf("</b>"); } // add remaining string if (snippetText != "") { span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(snippetText)); } } function addHover() { if (document.all&&document.getElementById) { var divs = document.getElementsByTagName("div"); for (i=0; i<divs.length; i++) { var node = divs[i]; if (node.className=="searchresults") { node.onmouseover=function() { this.className+=" hover"; } node.onmouseout=function() { this.className=this.className.replace(" hover", ""); } } } } }