#(reload)#::#(/reload)# YaCy '#[clientname]#': URL Database Administration #%env/templates/metas.template%# #%env/templates/header.template%# #%env/templates/submenuIndexControl.template%#
API These document details can be retrieved as XHTML+RDFa document containg RDF annotations in Dublin Core vocabulary. The XHTML+RDFa data format is both a XML content format and a HTML display format and is considered as an important Semantic Web content format. The same content can also be retrieved as pure XML metadata with DC tag name vocabulary. Click the API icon to see an example call to the search rss API. To see a list of all APIs, please visit the API wiki page.

URL Database Administration

The local index currently contains #[ucount]# URL references

URL Retrieval
Retrieve by URL:

Retrieve by URL-Hash:
Index Deletion
Delete local search index (embedded Solr and old Metadata)
#(cleanupsolr)#:: Delete remote solr index
#(/cleanupsolr)# #(cleanuprwi)#:: Delete RWI Index (DHT transmission words)
#(/cleanuprwi)# #(cleanupcitation)#:: Delete Citation Index (linking between URLs)
#(/cleanupcitation)# Delete First-Seen Date Table
Delete HTTP & FTP Cache
Stop Crawler and delete Crawl Queues
Delete robots.txt Cache
Statistics about top-domains in URL Database
Show top domains from all URLs.
#(/statistics)# #(statisticslines)#::

Statistics about the top-#[domains]# domains in the database:

#{domains}# #{/domains}#
Domain URLs
#[domain]# #[count]#
#(/statisticslines)# #(dumprestore)#::
Dump and Restore of Solr Index
Dump File
Optimize Solr
merge to max. segments
Reboot Solr Core
:: #(/dumprestore)# #(lurlexport)#::
Loaded URL Export
Export File
URL Filter
Export Format
Only Domain:
Plain Text List (domains only)
HTML (domains as URLs, no title)
Full URL List:
Plain Text List (URLs only)
HTML (URLs with title)
Full Data Records:
XML (Rich and full Solr data using Solr Schema, can be imported with DATA/SURROGATE/in/)
Export to file #[exportfile]# is running .. #[urlcount]# URLs so far
:: #(/lurlexport)# #(lurlexportfinished)#::
Finished export of #[urlcount]# URLs to file #[exportfile]#
:: #(/lurlexportfinished)# #(lurlexporterror)#::
Export to file #[exportfile]# failed: #[exportfailmsg]#
:: #(/lurlexporterror)# #(indexdump)#::
Stored a solr dump to file #[dumpfile]#
:: #(/indexdump)# #(genUrlProfile)# ::No entry found for URL-hash #[urlhash]# ::

 this may produce unresolved references at other word indexes but they do not harm

 delete the reference to this url at every other word where the reference exists (very extensive, but prevents unresolved references)
#(/genUrlProfile)# #[result]# #%env/templates/footer.template%#