/** * DocumentImage * Copyright 2014 by Michael Peter Christen * First released 29.11.2014 at http://yacy.net * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program in the file lgpl21.txt * If not, see . */ package net.yacy.crawler.data; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument; import net.yacy.cora.date.GenericFormatter; import net.yacy.cora.document.encoding.ASCII; import net.yacy.cora.document.id.DigestURL; import net.yacy.cora.util.Html2Image; import net.yacy.search.index.Fulltext; import net.yacy.search.schema.CollectionSchema; /** * This class hosts document snapshots. * * The storage is organized in the following hierarchy: * - in the root path are subpaths for each host:port * - in the host:port path are subpaths for the crawl depth, two digits length * - in the crawl depth path are subpaths for the first two charaters of the url-hash, called shard * - in the shard path are files, named with '.'. * .. where the has the form "yyyyMMdd" and ext may be one of {pdf,jpg,png,xml,json}. * The pdf is created with wxhtmltopdf, jpg/png is created with convert * and the xml/json is an extract from solr. * * The construction of the file name with the date allows to make several copies of the same document * for different snapshot-times. The usage of the crawl depth makes it easier to extract a specific part * of the domain. */ public class Snapshots { private File storageLocation; private Map>> directory; // a TreeMap for each domain where the key is the depth and the value is a Set containing a key/urlhash id to get all files into a specific order to provide a recent view on the documents public Snapshots(File location) { this.storageLocation = location; // scan the location to fill the directory this.directory = new HashMap<>(); for (String domain: location.list()) { TreeMap> domaindepth = new TreeMap<>(); this.directory.put(domain, domaindepth); File domaindir = new File(location, domain); if (domaindir.isDirectory()) domainscan: for (String depth: domaindir.list()) { TreeSet dateid = new TreeSet<>(); Integer depthi = -1; try { depthi = Integer.parseInt(depth); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { continue domainscan; } domaindepth.put(depthi, dateid); File sharddir = new File(domaindir, depth); if (sharddir.isDirectory()) for (String shard: sharddir.list()) { File snapshotdir = new File(sharddir, shard); if (snapshotdir.isDirectory()) for (String snapshotfile: snapshotdir.list()) { if (snapshotfile.endsWith(".pdf")) { String s = snapshotfile.substring(0, snapshotfile.length() - 4); int p = s.indexOf('.'); assert p == 12; if (p > 0) { String key = s.substring(p + 1) + '.' + s.substring(0, p); dateid.add(key); } } } } } } } /** * Load a pdf snapshot of a document. * A proxy must be given to ensure that multiple loads containing i.e. image are cached * Use http://localhost: as proxy. * @param url * @param depth * @param date * @param proxy - a string of the form 'http://: * @return */ public File downloadPDFSnapshot(final DigestURL url, final int depth, final Date date, boolean replaceOld, String proxy, String userAgent) { Collection oldPaths = findPaths(url, depth, "pdf"); if (replaceOld) { for (File oldPath: oldPaths) oldPath.delete(); } File path = definePath(url, depth, date, "pdf"); path.getParentFile().mkdirs(); boolean success = Html2Image.writeWkhtmltopdf(url.toNormalform(true), proxy, userAgent, path); if (success) { announceStorage(url, depth, date); return path; } return null; } /** * Compute the path of a snapshot. This does not create the snapshot, only gives a path. * Also, the path to the storage location is not created. * @param url * @param ext * @param depth * @param date * @return a file to the snapshot */ public File definePath(final DigestURL url, final int depth, final Date date, final String ext) { String id = ASCII.String(url.hash()); String ds = GenericFormatter.SHORT_MINUTE_FORMATTER.format(date); File path = new File(pathToShard(url, depth), id + "." + ds + "." + ext); return path; } private void announceStorage(final DigestURL url, final int depth, final Date date) { String id = ASCII.String(url.hash()); String ds = GenericFormatter.SHORT_MINUTE_FORMATTER.format(date); TreeMap> domaindepth = this.directory.get(pathToHostDir(url)); if (domaindepth == null) {domaindepth = new TreeMap>(); this.directory.put(pathToHostDir(url), domaindepth);} TreeSet dateid = domaindepth.get(depth); if (dateid == null) {dateid = new TreeSet(); domaindepth.put(depth, dateid);} dateid.add(ds + '.' + id); } public static enum Order { ANY, OLDESTFIRST, LATESTFIRST; } /** * select a set of urlhashes from the snapshot directory. The selection either ordered * by generation date (upwards == OLDESTFIRST or downwards == LATESTFIRST) or with any * order. The result set can be selected either with a given host or a depth * @param host selected host or null for all hosts * @param depth selected depth or null for all depths * @param order Order.ANY, Order.OLDESTFIRST or Order.LATESTFIRST * @param maxcount the maximum number of hosthashes. If unlimited, submit Integer.MAX_VALUE * @return a map of hosthashes with the associated creation date */ public Map select(String host, Integer depth, final Order order, int maxcount) { TreeSet dateIdResult = new TreeSet<>(); if (host == null && depth == null) { loop: for (TreeMap> domaindepth: this.directory.values()) { for (TreeSet keys: domaindepth.values()) { dateIdResult.addAll(keys); if (order == Order.ANY && dateIdResult.size() >= maxcount) break loop; } } } if (host == null && depth != null) { loop: for (TreeMap> domaindepth: this.directory.values()) { TreeSet keys = domaindepth.get(depth); if (keys != null) dateIdResult.addAll(keys); if (order == Order.ANY && dateIdResult.size() >= maxcount) break loop; } } if (host != null && depth == null) { TreeMap> domaindepth = this.directory.get(pathToHostDir(host,80)); if (domaindepth != null) loop: for (TreeSet keys: domaindepth.values()) { dateIdResult.addAll(keys); if (order == Order.ANY && dateIdResult.size() >= maxcount) break loop; } } if (host != null && depth != null) { TreeMap> domaindepth = this.directory.get(pathToHostDir(host,80)); if (domaindepth != null) { TreeSet keys = domaindepth.get(depth); if (keys != null) dateIdResult.addAll(keys); } } Map result = new HashMap<>(); Iterator i = order == Order.LATESTFIRST ? dateIdResult.descendingIterator() : dateIdResult.iterator(); while (i.hasNext() && result.size() < maxcount) { String di = i.next(); int p = di.indexOf('.'); assert p >= 0; String d = di.substring(0, p); Date date; try { date = GenericFormatter.SHORT_MINUTE_FORMATTER.parse(d); } catch (ParseException e) { try { date = GenericFormatter.SHORT_DAY_FORMATTER.parse(d); } catch (ParseException ee) { date = new Date(); } } result.put(di.substring(p + 1), date); } return result; } /** * get the depth to a document, helper method for definePath to determine the depth value * @param url * @param fulltext * @return the crawldepth of the document */ public int getDepth(final DigestURL url, final Fulltext fulltext) { Integer depth = null; if (fulltext.getDefaultConfiguration().contains(CollectionSchema.crawldepth_i)) { try { SolrDocument doc = fulltext.getDefaultConnector().getDocumentById(ASCII.String(url.hash()), CollectionSchema.crawldepth_i.getSolrFieldName()); if (doc != null) { depth = (Integer) doc.getFieldValue(CollectionSchema.crawldepth_i.getSolrFieldName()); } } catch (IOException e) { } } return depth == null ? 0 : depth; } /** * for a given url, get all paths for storage locations. * The locations are all for the single url but may represent different storage times. * This method is inefficient because it tests all different depths, it would be better to use * findPaths/3 with a given depth. * @param url * @param ext * @return a set of files for snapshots of the url */ public Collection findPaths(final DigestURL url, final String ext) { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Collection paths = findPaths(url, i, ext); if (paths.size() > 0) return paths; } return new ArrayList<>(0); } /** * for a given url, get all paths for storage locations. * The locations are all for the single url but may represent different storage times. * @param url * @param ext * @param depth * @return a set of files for snapshots of the url */ public Collection findPaths(final DigestURL url, final int depth, final String ext) { String id = ASCII.String(url.hash()); File pathToShard = pathToShard(url, depth); String[] list = pathToShard.exists() && pathToShard.isDirectory() ? pathToShard.list() : null; // may be null if path does not exist ArrayList paths = new ArrayList<>(); if (list != null) { for (String f: list) { if (f.startsWith(id) && f.endsWith(ext)) paths.add(new File(pathToShard, f)); } } return paths; } private File pathToShard(final DigestURL url, final int depth) { String id = ASCII.String(url.hash()); File pathToHostDir = new File(storageLocation, pathToHostDir(url)); File pathToDepthDir = new File(pathToHostDir, pathToDepthDir(depth)); File pathToShard = new File(pathToDepthDir, pathToShard(id)); return pathToShard; } private String pathToHostDir(final DigestURL url) { return pathToHostDir(url.getHost(), url.getPort()); } private String pathToHostDir(final String host, final int port) { return host + "." + port; } private String pathToDepthDir(final int depth) { return depth < 10 ? "0" + depth : Integer.toString(depth); } private String pathToShard(final String urlhash) { return urlhash.substring(0, 2); } }