#!/bin/sh if [ $UID -eq 0 ] then echo echo "For security reasons, you should not run this script as root!" echo exit 1 elif [ ! -x "`which java`" ] then echo "The java command is not executable." echo "Either you have not installed java or it is not in your PATH" echo "Has this script been invoked by CRON? Then use the -c option." exit 1 #-c to be imlemented. #Possible locations for setting of PATH #sh, ksh, bash, zsh #. ~/.profile #bash #. ~/.bash_profile #csh, tcsh #. ~/.login #sh, ksh, bash, zsh #. /etc/profile #csh, tcsh #. /etc/csh.login else #startup YaCy cd `dirname $0` #get javastart args java_args="" if [ -f DATA/SETTINGS/httpProxy.conf ] then for i in $(grep javastart DATA/SETTINGS/httpProxy.conf); do i="${i#javastart_*=}";java_args=-$i" "$java_args; done fi # generating the proper classpath CLASSPATH="" for N in lib/*.jar; do CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH$N:"; done for N in libx/*.jar; do CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH$N:"; done if [ "x$1" == "x-d" ] #debug then java $java_args -classpath classes:$CLASSPATH yacy exit 0 elif [ "x$1" == "x-l" ] #logging then nohup java $java_args -classpath classes:htroot:$CLASSPATH yacy >> yacy.log & else nohup java $java_args -classpath classes:htroot:$CLASSPATH yacy > /dev/null & # nohup java -Xms160m -Xmx160m -classpath classes:htroot:$CLASSPATH yacy > /dev/null & fi echo "****************** YaCy Web Crawler/Indexer & Search Engine *******************" echo "**** (C) by Michael Peter Christen, usage granted unter the GPL Version. 2 ****" echo "**** USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Project home and releases: http://yacy.net/yacy **" echo "** LOG of YaCy: DATA/LOG/yacy00.log (and yacy.log) **" echo "** STOP YaCy: execute stopYACY.sh and wait some seconds **" echo "** GET HELP for YaCy: see www.yacy-websearch.net/wiki and www.yacy-forum.de **" echo "*******************************************************************************" echo " >> YaCy started as daemon process. Administration at http://localhost:8080 <<" fi