#%env/templates/metas.template%# #%env/templates/header.template%#

Crawler Monitor

Next update in seconds.

Queue Size   Max
Local Crawler     unlimited
Remote Crawler     unlimited
Database Entries
Pages (URLs)    
RWIs (Words)    
Indicator Level
PPM (Pages Per Minute)        
Traffic (Crawler)     MB  
RWI RAM (Word Cache)    

#(info)# :: Error with profile management. Please stop YaCy, delete the file DATA/PLASMADB/crawlProfiles0.db and restart. :: Error: #[errmsg]# :: Application not yet initialized. Sorry. Please wait some seconds and repeat the request. :: ERROR: Crawl filter "#[newcrawlingfilter]#" does not match with crawl root "#[crawlingStart]#". Please try again with different filter. :: Crawling of "#[crawlingURL]#" failed. Reason: #[reasonString]#
:: Error with URL input "#[crawlingStart]#": #[error]# :: Error with file input "#[crawlingStart]#": #[error]# :: Crawling of "#[crawlingURL]#" started. Please wait some seconds, it may take some seconds until the first result appears there. If you crawl any un-wanted pages, you can delete them here.

Crawl Queue:

Queue Profile Initiator Depth Modified Date Anchor Name URL Size Delete

Crawl Profiles:

#{crawlProfiles}# #{/crawlProfiles}#
Crawl Thread Start URL Depth Filter MaxAge Auto Filter Depth Auto Filter Content Max Page Per Domain Accept '?' URLs Fill Proxy Cache Local Text Indexing Local Media Indexing Remote Indexing
#[name]# #[startURL]# #[depth]# #[filter]# #[crawlingIfOlder]# #[crawlingDomFilterDepth]# #{crawlingDomFilterContent}##[item]#
#[crawlingDomMaxPages]# #(withQuery)#no::yes#(/withQuery)# #(storeCache)#no::yes#(/storeCache)# #(indexText)#no::yes#(/indexText)# #(indexMedia)#no::yes#(/indexMedia)# #(remoteIndexing)#no::yes#(/remoteIndexing)# #(deleteButton)#::