#%env/templates/metas.template%# #%env/templates/header.template%#


Used Blacklist engine: #[blacklistEngine]#

This function provides an URL filter to the proxy; any blacklisted URL is blocked from being loaded. You can define several blacklists and activate them separately. You may also provide your blacklist to other peers by sharing them; in return you may collect blacklist entries from other peers.

Edit list:
New list:

Active list: #[currentBlacklist]# #(disabled)#::No blacklist selected#(/disabled)#

Activate this list for ...

These are the domain name / path patterns in this blacklist:
You can select them here for deletion

Import blacklist items from other YaCy peers: Host:
Import blacklist items from URL: URL:
Import blacklist items from file: File:

#(status)# :: #[item]# was removed from blacklist :: #[item]# was added to the blacklist #(/status)#
