// linkstructure.java // ------------ // (C) 2014 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net // first published 02.04.2014 on http://yacy.net // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA import java.io.IOException; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import net.yacy.cora.document.encoding.ASCII; import net.yacy.cora.document.id.DigestURL; import net.yacy.cora.order.Base64Order; import net.yacy.cora.protocol.HeaderFramework; import net.yacy.cora.protocol.RequestHeader; import net.yacy.cora.protocol.ResponseHeader; import net.yacy.cora.util.ConcurrentLog; import net.yacy.search.Switchboard; import net.yacy.search.index.Fulltext; import net.yacy.search.schema.HyperlinkEdge; import net.yacy.search.schema.HyperlinkGraph; import net.yacy.search.schema.HyperlinkType; import net.yacy.server.serverObjects; import net.yacy.server.serverSwitch; import net.yacy.server.servletProperties; public class linkstructure { public static serverObjects respond(final RequestHeader header, final serverObjects post, final serverSwitch env) { final servletProperties prop = new servletProperties(); final String ext = header.get(HeaderFramework.CONNECTION_PROP_EXT, ""); //final boolean json = ext.equals("json"); final boolean xml = ext.equals("xml"); final Switchboard sb = (Switchboard) env; Fulltext fulltext = sb.index.fulltext(); if (post == null) return prop; boolean authenticated = sb.adminAuthenticated(header) >= 2; int maxtime = Math.min(post.getInt("maxtime", 60000), authenticated ? 300000 : 1000); int maxnodes = Math.min(post.getInt("maxnodes", 10000), authenticated ? 10000000 : 100); HyperlinkGraph hlg = new HyperlinkGraph(); int maxdepth = 0; if (post.get("about", null) != null) try { // get link structure within a host String about = post.get("about", null); // may be a URL, a URL hash or a domain hash DigestURL url = null; String hostname = null; if (about.length() == 12 && Base64Order.enhancedCoder.wellformed(ASCII.getBytes(about))) { byte[] urlhash = ASCII.getBytes(about); try { String u = authenticated ? sb.getURL(urlhash) : null; url = u == null ? null : new DigestURL(u); } catch (IOException e) { ConcurrentLog.logException(e); } } else if (url == null && about.length() > 0) { // consider "about" as url or hostname url = new DigestURL(about.indexOf("://") >= 0 ? about : "http://" + about); // accept also domains hostname = url.getHost(); } if (hostname == null) return prop; // now collect _all_ documents inside the domain until a timeout appears hlg.fill(fulltext.getDefaultConnector(), hostname, null, maxtime, maxnodes); maxdepth = hlg.findLinkDepth(); } catch (final MalformedURLException e) {} else if (post.get("to", null) != null) try { // get link structure between two links DigestURL to = new DigestURL(post.get("to", null), null); // must be an url DigestURL from = post.get("from", null) == null ? null : new DigestURL(post.get("from", null)); // can be null or must be an url hlg.path(sb.index, from, to, maxtime, maxnodes); } catch (final MalformedURLException e) {} // finally just write out the edge array writeGraph(prop, hlg, maxdepth); // Adding CORS Access header for xml output if (xml) { final ResponseHeader outgoingHeader = new ResponseHeader(200); outgoingHeader.put(HeaderFramework.CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN, "*"); prop.setOutgoingHeader(outgoingHeader); } // return rewrite properties return prop; } private static void writeGraph(final servletProperties prop, final HyperlinkGraph hlg, final int maxdepth) { int c = 0; for (HyperlinkEdge e: hlg) { prop.putJSON("edges_" + c + "_source", e.source.getPath()); prop.putJSON("edges_" + c + "_target", e.target.type.equals(HyperlinkType.Outbound) ? e.target.toNormalform(true) : e.target.getPath()); prop.putJSON("edges_" + c + "_type", e.target.type.name()); Integer depth_source = hlg.getDepth(e.source); Integer depth_target = hlg.getDepth(e.target); prop.put("edges_" + c + "_depthSource", depth_source == null ? -1 : depth_source.intValue()); prop.put("edges_" + c + "_depthTarget", depth_target == null ? -1 : depth_target.intValue()); c++; } prop.put("edges", c); prop.put("maxdepth", maxdepth); } }