/** * URIMetadataNode * Copyright 2012 by Michael Peter Christen * First released 10.8.2012 at http://yacy.net * * This file is part of YaCy Content Integration * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program in the file lgpl21.txt * If not, see . */ package net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.yacy.cora.date.GenericFormatter; import net.yacy.cora.date.MicroDate; import net.yacy.cora.document.analysis.Classification; import net.yacy.cora.document.analysis.Classification.ContentDomain; import net.yacy.cora.document.encoding.ASCII; import net.yacy.cora.document.id.DigestURL; import net.yacy.cora.document.id.MultiProtocolURL; import net.yacy.cora.federate.solr.SolrType; import net.yacy.cora.lod.vocabulary.Tagging; import net.yacy.cora.order.Base64Order; import net.yacy.cora.util.ConcurrentLog; import net.yacy.crawler.retrieval.Response; import net.yacy.document.SentenceReader; import net.yacy.document.Tokenizer; import net.yacy.document.parser.pdfParser; import net.yacy.kelondro.data.word.Word; import net.yacy.kelondro.data.word.WordReferenceRow; import net.yacy.kelondro.data.word.WordReferenceVars; import net.yacy.kelondro.util.Bitfield; import net.yacy.kelondro.util.MapTools; import net.yacy.kelondro.util.kelondroException; import net.yacy.peers.Seed; import net.yacy.peers.SeedDB; import net.yacy.search.index.Segment; import net.yacy.search.query.QueryParams; import net.yacy.search.schema.CollectionConfiguration; import net.yacy.search.schema.CollectionSchema; import net.yacy.search.snippet.TextSnippet; import net.yacy.utils.crypt; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument; /** * This is the URIMetadata object implementation for Solr documents. * The purpose of this object is the migration from the old metadata structure to solr document. * Future implementations should try to replace URIMetadata objects completely by SolrDocument objects */ public class URIMetadataNode extends SolrDocument /* implements Comparable, Comparator */ { private static final long serialVersionUID = -256046934741561968L; protected String keywords = null; protected DigestURL url; protected Bitfield flags = null; protected int imagec = -1, audioc = -1, videoc = -1, appc = -1; protected double lat = Double.NaN, lon = Double.NaN; protected float score = 0; // during generation of a search result this value is set protected String snippet = null; protected WordReferenceVars word = null; // this is only used if the url is transported via remote search requests // fields for search results (implemented from ResultEntry) private String alternative_urlstring; private String alternative_urlname; private TextSnippet textSnippet = null; public URIMetadataNode(final Properties prop, String collection) { // generates an plasmaLURLEntry using the properties from the argument // the property names must correspond to the one from toString //System.out.println("DEBUG-ENTRY: prop=" + prop.toString()); super(); final String urlRaw = crypt.simpleDecode(prop.getProperty("url", "")); try { url = new DigestURL(urlRaw); } catch (final MalformedURLException e) { ConcurrentLog.logException(e); this.url = null; } String descr = crypt.simpleDecode(prop.getProperty("descr", "")); if (descr == null) descr = ""; String dc_creator = crypt.simpleDecode(prop.getProperty("author", "")); if (dc_creator == null) dc_creator = ""; String tags = crypt.simpleDecode(prop.getProperty("tags", "")); if (tags == null) tags = ""; this.keywords = Tagging.cleanTagFromAutotagging(tags); String dc_publisher = crypt.simpleDecode(prop.getProperty("publisher", "")); if (dc_publisher == null) dc_publisher = ""; String lons = crypt.simpleDecode(prop.getProperty("lon")); String lats = crypt.simpleDecode(prop.getProperty("lat")); this.setField(CollectionSchema.title.name(), descr); this.setField(CollectionSchema.author.name(), dc_creator); this.setField(CollectionSchema.publisher_t.name(), dc_publisher); this.lon = (lons == null) ? 0.0d : Double.parseDouble(lons); this.lat = (lats == null) ? 0.0d : Double.parseDouble(lats); // create new formatters to make concurrency possible final GenericFormatter formatter = new GenericFormatter(GenericFormatter.FORMAT_SHORT_DAY, GenericFormatter.time_minute); try { this.setField(CollectionSchema.last_modified.name(), formatter.parse(prop.getProperty("mod", "20000101"), 0).getTime()); } catch (final ParseException e) { this.setField(CollectionSchema.last_modified.name(), new Date()); } try { this.setField(CollectionSchema.load_date_dt.name(), formatter.parse(prop.getProperty("load", "20000101"), 0).getTime()); } catch (final ParseException e) { this.setField(CollectionSchema.load_date_dt.name(), new Date()); } try { this.setField(CollectionSchema.fresh_date_dt.name(), formatter.parse(prop.getProperty("fresh", "20000101"), 0).getTime()); } catch (final ParseException e) { this.setField(CollectionSchema.fresh_date_dt.name(), new Date()); } this.setField(CollectionSchema.referrer_id_s.name(), prop.getProperty("referrer", "")); this.setField(CollectionSchema.md5_s.name(), prop.getProperty("md5", "")); this.setField(CollectionSchema.size_i.name(), Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("size", "0"))); this.setField(CollectionSchema.wordcount_i.name(), Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("wc", "0"))); final String dt = prop.getProperty("dt", "t"); String[] mime = Response.doctype2mime(null,dt.charAt(0)); this.setField(CollectionSchema.content_type.name(), mime); final String flagsp = prop.getProperty("flags", "AAAAAA"); this.flags = (flagsp.length() > 6) ? QueryParams.empty_constraint : (new Bitfield(4, flagsp)); this.setField(CollectionSchema.language_s.name(), prop.getProperty("lang", "")); this.setField(CollectionSchema.inboundlinkscount_i.name(), Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("llocal", "0"))); this.setField(CollectionSchema.outboundlinkscount_i.name(), Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("lother", "0"))); this.imagec = Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("limage", "0")); this.audioc = Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("laudio", "0")); this.videoc = Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("lvideo", "0")); this.appc = Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("lapp", "0")); this.snippet = crypt.simpleDecode(prop.getProperty("snippet", "")); this.score = Float.parseFloat(prop.getProperty("score", "0.0")); List cs = new ArrayList(); cs.add(collection); this.setField(CollectionSchema.collection_sxt.name(), cs); this.word = null; if (prop.containsKey("wi")) { this.word = new WordReferenceVars(new WordReferenceRow(Base64Order.enhancedCoder.decodeString(prop.getProperty("wi", ""))), false); } } public URIMetadataNode(final SolrDocument doc) { super(); for (String name : doc.getFieldNames()) { this.addField(name, doc.getFieldValue(name)); } Float scorex = (Float) doc.getFieldValue("score"); // this is a special field containing the ranking score of a search result this.score = scorex == null ? 0.0f : scorex.floatValue(); final byte[] hash = ASCII.getBytes(getString(CollectionSchema.id)); // TODO: can we trust this id ? final String urlRaw = getString(CollectionSchema.sku); try { this.url = new DigestURL(urlRaw, hash); } catch (final MalformedURLException e) { ConcurrentLog.logException(e); this.url = null; } } public URIMetadataNode(final SolrDocument doc, final WordReferenceVars searchedWord, final float scorex) { this(doc); this.word = searchedWord; this.score = scorex; } public URIMetadataNode (final String urlstr) { super(); try { url = new DigestURL(urlstr); this.setField(CollectionSchema.sku.name(), url.toNormalform(true)); this.setField(CollectionSchema.id.name(), ASCII.String(url.hash())); } catch (final MalformedURLException e) { ConcurrentLog.logException(e); this.url = null; } } public URIMetadataNode(DigestURL theurl) { super(); url = theurl; this.setField(CollectionSchema.sku.name(), url.toNormalform(true)); this.setField(CollectionSchema.id.name(), ASCII.String(url.hash())); } /** * Get the content domain of a document. This tries to get the content domain from the mime type * and if this fails it uses alternatively the content domain from the file extension. * @return the content domain which classifies the content type */ public ContentDomain getContentDomain() { String mime = mime(); if (mime == null) return this.url.getContentDomainFromExt(); ContentDomain contentDomain = Classification.getContentDomainFromMime(mime); if (contentDomain != ContentDomain.ALL) return contentDomain; return this.url.getContentDomainFromExt(); } public byte[] hash() { return this.url.hash(); } public String hosthash() { String hosthash = (String) this.getFieldValue(CollectionSchema.host_id_s.getSolrFieldName()); if (hosthash == null) hosthash = ASCII.String(this.url.hash(), 6, 6); return hosthash; } public Date moddate() { return getDate(CollectionSchema.last_modified); } public Date[] datesInContent() { return getDates(CollectionSchema.dates_in_content_dts); } public DigestURL url() { return this.url; } public boolean matches(Pattern pattern) { return pattern.matcher(this.url.toNormalform(true).toLowerCase()).matches(); //CharacterRunAutomaton automaton = new CharacterRunAutomaton(matcher); //boolean match = automaton.run(this.url.toNormalform(true).toLowerCase()); //return match; } public String dc_title() { ArrayList a = getStringList(CollectionSchema.title); if (a == null || a.size() == 0) return ""; return a.get(0); } public List h1() { ArrayList a = getStringList(CollectionSchema.h1_txt); if (a == null || a.size() == 0) return new ArrayList(0); return a; } public List h2() { ArrayList a = getStringList(CollectionSchema.h2_txt); if (a == null || a.size() == 0) return new ArrayList(0); return a; } public List h3() { ArrayList a = getStringList(CollectionSchema.h3_txt); if (a == null || a.size() == 0) return new ArrayList(0); return a; } public List h4() { ArrayList a = getStringList(CollectionSchema.h4_txt); if (a == null || a.size() == 0) return new ArrayList(0); return a; } public List h5() { ArrayList a = getStringList(CollectionSchema.h5_txt); if (a == null || a.size() == 0) return new ArrayList(0); return a; } public List h6() { ArrayList a = getStringList(CollectionSchema.h6_txt); if (a == null || a.size() == 0) return new ArrayList(0); return a; } public String dc_creator() { return getString(CollectionSchema.author); } public String dc_publisher() { return getString(CollectionSchema.publisher_t); } public String dc_subject() { if (this.keywords == null) { this.keywords = getString(CollectionSchema.keywords); } return this.keywords; } public double lat() { if (Double.isNaN(this.lat)) { this.lon = 0.0d; this.lat = 0.0d; String latlon = (String) this.getFieldValue(CollectionSchema.coordinate_p.getSolrFieldName()); if (latlon != null) { int p = latlon.indexOf(','); if (p > 0) { // only needed if not already checked by solr coordinate if (latlon.charAt(0) <= '9') { // prevent alpha's this.lat = Double.parseDouble(latlon.substring(0, p)); if (this.lat < -90.0d || this.lat > 90.0d) this.lat = 0.0d; } if ( (p < latlon.length()-1) && (latlon.charAt(p+1) <= '9') ) { this.lon=Double.parseDouble(latlon.substring(p + 1)); if (this.lon < -180.0d || this.lon > 180.0d) this.lon = 0.0d; } } } } return this.lat; } public double lon() { if (Double.isNaN(this.lon)) lat(); return this.lon; } public float score() { return this.score; } public Date loaddate() { return getDate(CollectionSchema.load_date_dt); } /** * Get calculated date until resource shall be considered as fresh * this may be a date in future * * @return Date initally calculated to (loaddate + (loaddate - lastmodified)/2) */ public Date freshdate() { // getDate() can't be used as it checks for date <= now Date x = (Date) this.getFieldValue(CollectionSchema.fresh_date_dt.getSolrFieldName()); if (x == null) return new Date(0); return x; } public String md5() { return getString(CollectionSchema.md5_s); } public char doctype() { ArrayList a = getStringList(CollectionSchema.content_type); if (a == null || a.size() == 0) return Response.docType(url()); return Response.docType(a.get(0)); } public String mime() { ArrayList mime = getStringList(CollectionSchema.content_type); return mime == null || mime.size() == 0 ? null : mime.get(0); } public String language() { String language = getString(CollectionSchema.language_s); if (language == null || language.length() == 0) return "en"; return language; } public byte[] referrerHash() { String referrer = getString(CollectionSchema.referrer_id_s); if (referrer == null || referrer.length() == 0) return null; return ASCII.getBytes(referrer); } /** * gives the size in byte of the original url document * @return filesize of url */ public int filesize() { return getInt(CollectionSchema.size_i); } public Bitfield flags() { if (flags == null) { this.flags = new Bitfield(); if (dc_subject() != null && dc_subject().indexOf("indexof") >= 0) this.flags.set(Tokenizer.flag_cat_indexof, true); ContentDomain cd = getContentDomain(); if (lon() != 0.0d || lat() != 0.0d) this.flags.set(Tokenizer.flag_cat_haslocation, true); if (cd == ContentDomain.IMAGE || limage() > 0) this.flags.set(Tokenizer.flag_cat_hasimage, true); if (cd == ContentDomain.AUDIO || laudio() > 0) this.flags.set(Tokenizer.flag_cat_hasaudio, true); if (cd == ContentDomain.VIDEO || lvideo() > 0) this.flags.set(Tokenizer.flag_cat_hasvideo, true); if (cd == ContentDomain.APP) this.flags.set(Tokenizer.flag_cat_hasapp, true); if (lapp() > 0) this.flags.set(Tokenizer.flag_cat_hasapp, true); } return this.flags; } public int wordCount() { return getInt(CollectionSchema.wordcount_i); } public int llocal() { return getInt(CollectionSchema.inboundlinkscount_i); } public int lother() { return getInt(CollectionSchema.outboundlinkscount_i); } public int limage() { if (this.imagec == -1) { this.imagec = getInt(CollectionSchema.imagescount_i); } return this.imagec; } public int laudio() { if (this.audioc == -1) { this.audioc = getInt(CollectionSchema.audiolinkscount_i); } return this.audioc; } public int lvideo() { if (this.videoc == -1) { this.videoc = getInt(CollectionSchema.videolinkscount_i); } return this.videoc; } public int lapp() { if (this.appc == -1) { this.appc = getInt(CollectionSchema.applinkscount_i); } return this.appc; } public int virtualAge() { return MicroDate.microDateDays(moddate()); } public int wordsintitle() { ArrayList x = getIntList(CollectionSchema.title_words_val); if (x == null || x.size() == 0) return 0; return x.get(0).intValue(); } public int urllength() { return getInt(CollectionSchema.url_chars_i); } public String snippet() { return this.snippet; } public String[] collections() { ArrayList a = getStringList(CollectionSchema.collection_sxt); return a.toArray(new String[a.size()]); } public WordReferenceVars word() { return this.word; } public static Iterator getLinks(SolrDocument doc, boolean inbound) { Collection urlstub = doc.getFieldValues((inbound ? CollectionSchema.inboundlinks_urlstub_sxt : CollectionSchema.outboundlinks_urlstub_sxt).getSolrFieldName()); Collection urlprot = urlstub == null ? null : CollectionConfiguration.indexedList2protocolList(doc.getFieldValues((inbound ? CollectionSchema.inboundlinks_protocol_sxt : CollectionSchema.outboundlinks_protocol_sxt).getSolrFieldName()), urlstub.size()); String u; LinkedHashSet list = new LinkedHashSet(); if (urlprot != null && urlstub != null) { assert urlprot.size() == urlstub.size(); Object[] urlprota = urlprot.toArray(); Object[] urlstuba = urlstub.toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < urlprota.length; i++) { u = ((String) urlprota[i]) + "://" + ((String) urlstuba[i]); int hp = u.indexOf('#'); if (hp > 0) u = u.substring(0, hp); list.add(u); } } return list.iterator(); } public static Date getDate(SolrDocument doc, final CollectionSchema key) { Date x = doc == null ? null : (Date) doc.getFieldValue(key.getSolrFieldName()); Date now = new Date(); return (x == null) ? new Date(0) : x.after(now) ? now : x; } public String getText() { return getString(CollectionSchema.text_t); } public List getSentences(final boolean pre) { List sentences = new ArrayList<>(); String text = this.getText(); if (text == null || text.length() == 0) return sentences; SentenceReader sr = new SentenceReader(text, pre); while (sr.hasNext()) sentences.add(sr.next()); sr.close(); sr = null; text = null; return sentences; } public ArrayList getDescription() { return getStringList(CollectionSchema.description_txt); } public static URIMetadataNode importEntry(final String propStr, String collection) { if (propStr == null || propStr.isEmpty() || propStr.charAt(0) != '{' || !propStr.endsWith("}")) { ConcurrentLog.severe("URIMetadataNode", "importEntry: propStr is not proper: " + propStr); return null; } try { return new URIMetadataNode(MapTools.s2p(propStr.substring(1, propStr.length() - 1)), collection); } catch (final kelondroException e) { // wrong format ConcurrentLog.severe("URIMetadataNode", e.getMessage()); return null; } } protected StringBuilder corePropList() { // generate a parseable string; this is a simple property-list final StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(300); // create new formatters to make concurrency possible final GenericFormatter formatter = new GenericFormatter(GenericFormatter.FORMAT_SHORT_DAY, GenericFormatter.time_minute); try { s.append("hash=").append(ASCII.String(this.hash())); s.append(",url=").append(crypt.simpleEncode(this.url().toNormalform(true))); s.append(",descr=").append(crypt.simpleEncode(this.dc_title())); s.append(",author=").append(crypt.simpleEncode(this.dc_creator())); s.append(",tags=").append(crypt.simpleEncode(Tagging.cleanTagFromAutotagging(this.dc_subject()))); s.append(",publisher=").append(crypt.simpleEncode(this.dc_publisher())); s.append(",lat=").append(this.lat()); s.append(",lon=").append(this.lon()); s.append(",mod=").append(formatter.format(this.moddate())); s.append(",load=").append(formatter.format(this.loaddate())); s.append(",fresh=").append(formatter.format(this.freshdate())); s.append(",referrer=").append(this.referrerHash() == null ? "" : ASCII.String(this.referrerHash())); s.append(",md5=").append(this.md5()); s.append(",size=").append(this.filesize()); s.append(",wc=").append(this.wordCount()); s.append(",dt=").append(this.doctype()); s.append(",flags=").append(this.flags().exportB64()); s.append(",lang=").append(this.language()); s.append(",llocal=").append(this.llocal()); s.append(",lother=").append(this.lother()); s.append(",limage=").append(this.limage()); s.append(",laudio=").append(this.laudio()); s.append(",lvideo=").append(this.lvideo()); s.append(",lapp=").append(this.lapp()); s.append(",score=").append(Float.toString(this.score())); if (this.word() != null) { // append also word properties final String wprop = this.word().toPropertyForm(); s.append(",wi=").append(Base64Order.enhancedCoder.encodeString(wprop)); } return s; } catch (final Throwable e) { ConcurrentLog.logException(e); return null; } } /** * the toString format must be completely identical to URIMetadataRow because that is used * to transport the data over p2p connections. */ public String toString(String snippet) { // add information needed for remote transport final StringBuilder core = corePropList(); if (core == null) return null; core.ensureCapacity(core.length() + snippet.length() * 2); core.insert(0, '{'); core.append(",snippet=").append(crypt.simpleEncode(snippet)); core.append('}'); return core.toString(); //return "{" + core + ",snippet=" + crypt.simpleEncode(snippet) + "}"; } /** * @return the object as String.
* This e.g. looks like this: *
*/ @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder core = corePropList(); if (core == null) return null; core.insert(0, '{'); core.append('}'); return core.toString(); } private int getInt(CollectionSchema field) { assert !field.isMultiValued(); assert field.getType() == SolrType.num_integer; Object x = this.getFieldValue(field.getSolrFieldName()); if (x == null) return 0; if (x instanceof Integer) return ((Integer) x).intValue(); if (x instanceof Long) return ((Long) x).intValue(); return 0; } private Date getDate(CollectionSchema field) { assert !field.isMultiValued(); assert field.getType() == SolrType.date; Date x = (Date) this.getFieldValue(field.getSolrFieldName()); if (x == null) return new Date(0); Date now = new Date(); return x.after(now) ? now : x; } private Date[] getDates(CollectionSchema field) { assert field.isMultiValued(); assert field.getType() == SolrType.date; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List x = (List) this.getFieldValue(field.getSolrFieldName()); if (x == null) return new Date[0]; return x.toArray(new Date[x.size()]); } private String getString(CollectionSchema field) { assert !field.isMultiValued(); assert field.getType() == SolrType.string || field.getType() == SolrType.text_general || field.getType() == SolrType.text_en_splitting_tight; Object x = this.getFieldValue(field.getSolrFieldName()); if (x == null) return ""; if (x instanceof ArrayList) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ArrayList xa = (ArrayList) x; return xa.size() == 0 ? "" : xa.get(0); } return (String) x; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private ArrayList getStringList(CollectionSchema field) { assert field.isMultiValued(); assert field.getType() == SolrType.string || field.getType() == SolrType.text_general; Object r = this.getFieldValue(field.getSolrFieldName()); if (r == null) return new ArrayList(0); if (r instanceof ArrayList) { return (ArrayList) r; } ArrayList a = new ArrayList(1); a.add((String) r); return a; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private ArrayList getIntList(CollectionSchema field) { assert field.isMultiValued(); assert field.getType() == SolrType.num_integer; Object r = this.getFieldValue(field.getSolrFieldName()); if (r == null) return new ArrayList(0); if (r instanceof ArrayList) { return (ArrayList) r; } ArrayList a = new ArrayList(1); a.add((Integer) r); return a; } // --- implementation for use as search result ---------- /** * Initialisize some variables only needed for search results * and eleminates underlaying fields not needed for search results * * ! never put this back to the index because of the reduced content fields * @param indexSegment * @param peers * @param textSnippet * @return */ public URIMetadataNode makeResultEntry( final Segment indexSegment, SeedDB peers, final TextSnippet textSnippet) { this.removeFields(CollectionSchema.text_t.getSolrFieldName()); // clear the text field which eats up most of the space; it was used for snippet computation which is in a separate field here this.alternative_urlstring = null; this.alternative_urlname = null; this.textSnippet = textSnippet; final String host = this.url().getHost(); if (host != null && host.endsWith(".yacyh")) { // translate host into current IP int p = host.indexOf('.'); final String hash = Seed.hexHash2b64Hash(host.substring(p + 1, host.length() - 6)); final Seed seed = peers.getConnected(hash); final String path = this.url().getFile(); String address = null; if ((seed == null) || ((address = seed.getPublicAddress(seed.getIP())) == null)) { // seed is not known from here try { if (indexSegment.termIndex() != null) indexSegment.termIndex().remove( Word.words2hashesHandles(Tokenizer.getWords( (path.replace('?', ' ') + " " + this.dc_title()), null).keySet()), this.hash()); } catch (final IOException e) { ConcurrentLog.logException(e); } indexSegment.fulltext().remove(this.hash()); // clean up } else { this.alternative_urlstring = "http://" + address + "/" + host.substring(0, p) + path; this.alternative_urlname = "http://" + seed.getName() + ".yacy" + path; if ((p = this.alternative_urlname.indexOf('?')) > 0) this.alternative_urlname = this.alternative_urlname.substring(0, p); } } return this; } /** * used for search result entry */ public String urlstring() { if (this.alternative_urlstring != null) return this.alternative_urlstring; if (!pdfParser.individualPages) return this.url().toNormalform(true); if (!"pdf".equals(MultiProtocolURL.getFileExtension(this.url().getFileName()).toLowerCase())) return this.url().toNormalform(true); // for pdf links we rewrite the url // this is a special treatment of pdf files which can be splitted into subpages String pageprop = pdfParser.individualPagePropertyname; String resultUrlstring = this.url().toNormalform(true); int p = resultUrlstring.lastIndexOf(pageprop + "="); if (p > 0) { return resultUrlstring.substring(0, p - 1) + "#page=" + resultUrlstring.substring(p + pageprop.length() + 1); } return resultUrlstring; } /** * used for search result entry */ public String urlname() { return (this.alternative_urlname == null) ? MultiProtocolURL.unescape(urlstring()) : this.alternative_urlname; } /** * used for search result entry */ public String title() { String titlestr = this.dc_title(); // if title is empty use filename as title if (titlestr.isEmpty()) { // if url has no filename, title is still empty (e.g. "www.host.com/" ) titlestr = this.url() != null ? this.url().getFileName() : ""; } return titlestr; } /** * used for search result entry */ public TextSnippet textSnippet() { return this.textSnippet; } /** * used for search result entry */ public Date[] events() { return this.datesInContent(); } /** * used for search result entry */ public boolean hasTextSnippet() { return (this.textSnippet != null) && (!this.textSnippet.getErrorCode().fail()); } /** * used for search result entry */ public String resource() { // generate transport resource if ((this.textSnippet == null) || (!this.textSnippet.exists())) { return this.toString(); } return this.toString(this.textSnippet.getLineRaw()); } @Override public int hashCode() { return this.url().hashCode(); } }