#%env/templates/metas.template%# #%env/templates/header.template%#

Detailed Search

Local Query
Max. number of results:
Max. search time (seconds):
Max. word distance:
Local Ranking
Position in Text
Word Distance
Word Hit Count
Domain Length
URL Length
URL Components
Description Length
Description Components
Query appears in URL
Query appears in Description
URL Component appears in Toplist
Description Component appears in Toplist
Global Query
(to be filled with more global options)

#(excluded)# :: The following words are stop-words and had been excluded from the search: #[stopwords]#. #(/excluded)# #(num-results)# :: #[linkcount]# results from #[orderedcount]# ordered links of a total number of #[totalcount]# known. #(/num-results)# #(combine)# ::

Topwords (to refine search): #{words}# #[word]# #{/words}# #(/combine)#


delete #[description]#
#(snippet)#:: #[text]#
#(/snippet)#  #[urlname]#
 #[date]# | YBR-#[ybr]# | Info

