#%env/templates/metas.template%# #%env/templates/header.template%# #%env/templates/submenuUseCaseAccount.template%#

User Administration

#(text)# ::

User created: #[username]#


User changed: #[username]#

#(/text)# #(error)# ::

Generic error.


Passwords do not match.


Username too short. Username must be >= 4 Characters.


Username already used (not allowed).

#(/error)# #(passwordNotSetWarning)#::
No password is set for the administration account. Please define a password for the admin account.
Admin Account
Access to your peer from your own computer (localhost access) is granted. No need to configure an administration account.
You need this only if you want a remote access to your peer.
Access Rules
Protection of all pages: if set to on, access to all pages need authorization; if off, only pages with "_p" extension are protected.
User Accounts
Select user
or goto user account list
Edit current user: #[username]#