#%env/templates/metas.template%# #%env/templates/header.template%# #%env/templates/submenuCrawlURLFetch.template%#

Manage stack for remote URL fetches

#(addedUrls)#::Added #[added]# URLs!#(/addedUrls)#
Currently stacked URLs:
Totally fetched / added URLs:
#[totalFetched]# / #[totalAdded]#
Fetched from #[peer]#
#(set)#:: Set max. size for each transfer to #[value]#:: Setting max. size for each transfer to #[value]# was unsuccessful: may not be negative#(/set)#
Add URLs to stack
of #[locurls]# URLs #(shiftloc)#:: Shifted #[value]# URLs from Local Crawler Queue to URL Fetcher Stack (not bound: #[failed]#)#(/shiftloc)#
of #[remurls]# URLs #(shiftrem)#:: Shifted #[value]# URLs from Remote Crawler Queue to URL Fetcher Stack (not bound: #[failed]#)#(/shiftrem)#
#(uploadError)#:: No file entered for upload#(/uploadError)#

#(upload)#:: Added #[added]# and rejected #[failed]# URLs from uploaded file successfully:: An internal error occured processing the uploaded file: #[error]##(/upload)#