// kelondroRowCollection.java // (C) 2006 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@anomic.de, Frankfurt a. M., Germany // first published 12.01.2006 on http://www.anomic.de // // $LastChangedDate: 2006-04-02 22:40:07 +0200 (So, 02 Apr 2006) $ // $LastChangedRevision: 1986 $ // $LastChangedBy: orbiter $ // // LICENSE // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA package de.anomic.kelondro; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import de.anomic.server.serverFileUtils; import de.anomic.server.serverMemory; import de.anomic.server.logging.serverLog; public class kelondroRowCollection { public static final double growfactor = 1.4; protected byte[] chunkcache; protected int chunkcount; protected long lastTimeRead, lastTimeWrote; protected kelondroRow rowdef; protected int sortBound; private static final int exp_chunkcount = 0; private static final int exp_last_read = 1; private static final int exp_last_wrote = 2; private static final int exp_order_type = 3; private static final int exp_order_col = 4; private static final int exp_order_bound = 5; private static final int exp_collection = 6; public kelondroRowCollection(kelondroRowCollection rc) { this.rowdef = rc.rowdef; this.chunkcache = rc.chunkcache; this.chunkcount = rc.chunkcount; this.sortBound = rc.sortBound; this.lastTimeRead = rc.lastTimeRead; this.lastTimeWrote = rc.lastTimeWrote; } public kelondroRowCollection(kelondroRow rowdef, int objectCount) { this.rowdef = rowdef; this.chunkcache = new byte[objectCount * rowdef.objectsize()]; this.chunkcount = 0; this.sortBound = 0; this.lastTimeRead = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.lastTimeWrote = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public kelondroRowCollection(kelondroRow rowdef, int objectCount, byte[] cache, int sortBound) { this.rowdef = rowdef; this.chunkcache = cache; this.chunkcount = objectCount; this.sortBound = sortBound; this.lastTimeRead = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.lastTimeWrote = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public kelondroRowCollection(kelondroRow rowdef, kelondroRow.Entry exportedCollectionRowEnvironment, int columnInEnvironment) { this.rowdef = rowdef; int chunkcachelength = exportedCollectionRowEnvironment.cellwidth(columnInEnvironment) - exportOverheadSize; kelondroRow.Entry exportedCollection = exportRow(chunkcachelength).newEntry(exportedCollectionRowEnvironment, columnInEnvironment); this.chunkcount = (int) exportedCollection.getColLong(exp_chunkcount); //assert (this.chunkcount <= chunkcachelength / rowdef.objectsize) : "chunkcount = " + this.chunkcount + ", chunkcachelength = " + chunkcachelength + ", rowdef.objectsize = " + rowdef.objectsize; if ((this.chunkcount > chunkcachelength / rowdef.objectsize)) { serverLog.logWarning("RowCollection", "corrected wrong chunkcount; chunkcount = " + this.chunkcount + ", chunkcachelength = " + chunkcachelength + ", rowdef.objectsize = " + rowdef.objectsize); this.chunkcount = chunkcachelength / rowdef.objectsize; // patch problem } this.lastTimeRead = (exportedCollection.getColLong(exp_last_read) + 10957) * day; this.lastTimeWrote = (exportedCollection.getColLong(exp_last_wrote) + 10957) * day; String sortOrderKey = exportedCollection.getColString(exp_order_type, null); kelondroOrder oldOrder = null; if ((sortOrderKey == null) || (sortOrderKey.equals("__"))) { oldOrder = null; } else { oldOrder = kelondroNaturalOrder.bySignature(sortOrderKey); if (oldOrder == null) oldOrder = kelondroBase64Order.bySignature(sortOrderKey); } if ((rowdef.objectOrder != null) && (oldOrder != null) && (!(rowdef.objectOrder.signature().equals(oldOrder.signature())))) throw new kelondroException("old collection order does not match with new order"); if (rowdef.primaryKey != (int) exportedCollection.getColLong(exp_order_col)) throw new kelondroException("old collection primary key does not match with new primary key"); this.sortBound = (int) exportedCollection.getColLong(exp_order_bound); //assert (sortBound <= chunkcount) : "sortBound = " + sortBound + ", chunkcount = " + chunkcount; if (sortBound > chunkcount) { serverLog.logWarning("RowCollection", "corrected wrong sortBound; sortBound = " + sortBound + ", chunkcount = " + chunkcount); this.sortBound = chunkcount; } this.chunkcache = exportedCollection.getColBytes(exp_collection); } public void reset() { this.chunkcache = new byte[0]; this.chunkcount = 0; this.sortBound = 0; } private static final kelondroRow exportMeasureRow = exportRow(0 /* no relevance */); protected static final int sizeOfExportedCollectionRows(kelondroRow.Entry exportedCollectionRowEnvironment, int columnInEnvironment) { kelondroRow.Entry exportedCollectionEntry = exportMeasureRow.newEntry(exportedCollectionRowEnvironment, columnInEnvironment); int chunkcount = (int) exportedCollectionEntry.getColLong(exp_chunkcount); return chunkcount; } private static final long day = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; public static int daysSince2000(long time) { return (int) (time / day) - 10957; } private static kelondroRow exportRow(int chunkcachelength) { // find out the size of this collection return new kelondroRow( "int size-4 {b256}," + "short lastread-2 {b256}," + // as daysSince2000 "short lastwrote-2 {b256}," + // as daysSince2000 "byte[] orderkey-2," + "short ordercol-2 {b256}," + "short orderbound-2 {b256}," + "byte[] collection-" + chunkcachelength, kelondroNaturalOrder.naturalOrder, 0 ); } public static final int exportOverheadSize = 14; public synchronized byte[] exportCollection() { // returns null if the collection is empty trim(false); kelondroRow row = exportRow(chunkcache.length); kelondroRow.Entry entry = row.newEntry(); assert (sortBound <= chunkcount) : "sortBound = " + sortBound + ", chunkcount = " + chunkcount; assert (this.chunkcount <= chunkcache.length / rowdef.objectsize) : "chunkcount = " + this.chunkcount + ", chunkcache.length = " + chunkcache.length + ", rowdef.objectsize = " + rowdef.objectsize; entry.setCol(exp_chunkcount, this.chunkcount); entry.setCol(exp_last_read, daysSince2000(this.lastTimeRead)); entry.setCol(exp_last_wrote, daysSince2000(this.lastTimeWrote)); entry.setCol(exp_order_type, (this.rowdef.objectOrder == null) ? "__".getBytes() :this.rowdef.objectOrder.signature().getBytes()); entry.setCol(exp_order_col, this.rowdef.primaryKey); entry.setCol(exp_order_bound, this.sortBound); entry.setCol(exp_collection, this.chunkcache); return entry.bytes(); } public void saveCollection(File file) throws IOException { serverFileUtils.write(exportCollection(), file); } public kelondroRow row() { return this.rowdef; } private final void ensureSize(int elements) { int needed = elements * rowdef.objectsize(); if (chunkcache.length >= needed) return; byte[] newChunkcache = new byte[(int) (needed * growfactor)]; // increase space System.arraycopy(chunkcache, 0, newChunkcache, 0, chunkcache.length); chunkcache = newChunkcache; newChunkcache = null; } public final long memoryNeededForGrow() { return (long) ((((long) (chunkcount + 1)) * ((long) rowdef.objectsize())) * growfactor); } public synchronized void trim(boolean plusGrowFactor) { if (chunkcache.length == 0) return; int needed = chunkcount * rowdef.objectsize(); if (plusGrowFactor) needed = (int) (needed * growfactor); if (needed >= chunkcache.length) return; // in case that the growfactor causes that the cache would // grow instead of shrink, simply ignore the growfactor if (serverMemory.available() + 1000 < needed) return; // if the swap buffer is not available, we must give up. // This is not critical. Othervise we provoke a serious // problem with OOM byte[] newChunkcache = new byte[needed]; System.arraycopy(chunkcache, 0, newChunkcache, 0, Math.min( chunkcache.length, newChunkcache.length)); chunkcache = newChunkcache; newChunkcache = null; } public final long lastRead() { return lastTimeRead; } public final long lastWrote() { return lastTimeWrote; } public synchronized final kelondroRow.Entry get(int index) { assert (index >= 0) : "get: access with index " + index + " is below zero"; assert (index < chunkcount) : "get: access with index " + index + " is above chunkcount " + chunkcount + "; sortBound = " + sortBound; assert (index * rowdef.objectsize < chunkcache.length); if (index >= chunkcount) return null; if (index * rowdef.objectsize() >= chunkcache.length) return null; this.lastTimeRead = System.currentTimeMillis(); return rowdef.newEntry(chunkcache, index * rowdef.objectsize(), true); } public synchronized final void set(int index, kelondroRow.Entry a) { assert (index >= 0) : "get: access with index " + index + " is below zero"; assert (index < chunkcount) : "get: access with index " + index + " is above chunkcount " + chunkcount; //assert (!(bugappearance(a, astart, alength))) : "a = " + serverLog.arrayList(a, astart, alength); //if (bugappearance(a, astart, alength)) return; // TODO: this is temporary; remote peers may still submit bad entries a.writeToArray(chunkcache, index * rowdef.objectsize()); this.lastTimeWrote = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public synchronized void addUnique(kelondroRow.Entry row) { byte[] r = row.bytes(); addUnique(r, 0, r.length); } public synchronized void addUnique(kelondroRow.Entry row, Date entryDate) { addUnique(row); } public synchronized void addUniqueMultiple(List rows, Date entryDate) throws IOException { Iterator i = rows.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) addUnique((kelondroRow.Entry) i.next()); } public synchronized void add(byte[] a) { addUnique(a, 0, a.length); } private final void addUnique(byte[] a, int astart, int alength) { assert (a != null); assert (astart >= 0) && (astart < a.length) : " astart = " + a; assert (!(serverLog.allZero(a, astart, alength))) : "a = " + serverLog.arrayList(a, astart, alength); assert (alength > 0); assert (astart + alength <= a.length); if (bugappearance(a, astart, alength)) { System.out.println("*** DEBUG: patched wrong a = " + serverLog.arrayList(a, astart, alength)); return; // TODO: this is temporary; remote peers may still submit bad entries } assert (!(bugappearance(a, astart, alength))) : "a = " + serverLog.arrayList(a, astart, alength); int l = Math.min(rowdef.objectsize(), Math.min(alength, a.length - astart)); ensureSize(chunkcount + 1); System.arraycopy(a, astart, chunkcache, rowdef.objectsize() * chunkcount, l); chunkcount++; this.lastTimeWrote = System.currentTimeMillis(); } private static boolean bugappearance(byte[] a, int astart, int alength) { // check strange appearances of '@[B', which is not a b64-value or any other hash fragment if (astart + 3 > alength) return false; loop: for (int i = astart; i <= alength - 3; i++) { if (a[i ] != 64) continue loop; if (a[i + 1] != 91) continue loop; if (a[i + 2] != 66) continue loop; return true; } return false; } public synchronized final void addAllUnique(kelondroRowCollection c) { if (c == null) return; assert(rowdef.objectsize() == c.rowdef.objectsize()); ensureSize(chunkcount + c.size()); System.arraycopy(c.chunkcache, 0, chunkcache, rowdef.objectsize() * chunkcount, rowdef.objectsize() * c.size()); chunkcount += c.size(); } protected synchronized final void removeRow(int p) { assert p >= 0 : "p = " + p; assert p < chunkcount : "p = " + p + ", chunkcount = " + chunkcount; assert chunkcount > 0 : "chunkcount = " + chunkcount; assert sortBound <= chunkcount : "sortBound = " + sortBound + ", chunkcount = " + chunkcount; if (p < sortBound) { // remove by shift System.arraycopy( chunkcache, (p + 1) * this.rowdef.objectsize(), chunkcache, p * this.rowdef.objectsize(), (chunkcount - p - 1) * this.rowdef.objectsize()); sortBound--; } else { // remove by copying the top-element to the remove position if (p != chunkcount - 1) { System.arraycopy( chunkcache, (chunkcount - 1) * this.rowdef.objectsize(), chunkcache, p * this.rowdef.objectsize(), this.rowdef.objectsize()); } } chunkcount--; this.lastTimeWrote = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public synchronized kelondroRow.Entry removeOne() { if (chunkcount == 0) return null; kelondroRow.Entry r = get(chunkcount - 1); if (chunkcount == sortBound) sortBound--; chunkcount--; this.lastTimeWrote = System.currentTimeMillis(); return r; } public synchronized void clear() { this.chunkcache = new byte[0]; this.chunkcount = 0; this.sortBound = 0; this.lastTimeWrote = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public int size() { return chunkcount; } public synchronized Iterator rows() { // iterates kelondroRow.Entry - type entries return new rowIterator(); } public class rowIterator implements Iterator { private int p; public rowIterator() { p = 0; } public boolean hasNext() { return p < chunkcount; } public Object next() { return get(p++); } public void remove() { p--; removeRow(p); } } public synchronized void select(Set keys) { // removes all entries but the ones given by urlselection if ((keys == null) || (keys.size() == 0)) return; Iterator i = rows(); kelondroRow.Entry row; while (i.hasNext()) { row = (kelondroRow.Entry) i.next(); if (!(keys.contains(row.getColString(0, null)))) i.remove(); } } public synchronized final void sort() { assert (this.rowdef.objectOrder != null); if (this.sortBound == this.chunkcount) return; // this is already sorted //System.out.println("SORT(chunkcount=" + this.chunkcount + ", sortBound=" + this.sortBound + ")"); if (this.sortBound > 1) { qsort(0, this.sortBound, this.chunkcount); } else { qsort(0, this.chunkcount); } this.sortBound = this.chunkcount; } private final void qsort(int L, int S, int R) { //System.out.println("QSORT: chunkcache.length=" + chunkcache.length + ", chunksize=" + chunksize + ", L=" + L + ", S=" + S + ", R=" + R); assert (S <= R) : "S > R: S = " + S + ", R = " + R; if (L >= R - 1) return; if (S >= R) return; if (R - L < 20) { isort(L, R); return; } int p = L + ((S - L) / 2); int ps = p; int q = S; int qs = q; int pivot = p; while (q < R) { if (compare(pivot, q) < 1) { q++; } else { pivot = swap(p, q, pivot); p++; q++; } } if ((ps - L) <= ((p - L) / 2)) qsort(L, p); else qsort(L, ps, p); if ((qs - p) <= ((R - p) / 2)) qsort(p, R); else qsort(p, qs, R); } private final void qsort(int L, int R) { //System.out.println("QSORT: chunkcache.length=" + chunkcache.length + ", L=" + L + "/" + new String(this.chunkcache, L * this.rowdef.objectsize(), this.rowdef.width(0)) + ", R=" + R + "/" + new String(this.chunkcache, (R - 1) * this.rowdef.objectsize(), this.rowdef.width(0))); /* if ((L == 190) && (R == 258)) { for (int i = L; i < R; i++) { System.out.print(new String(this.chunkcache, L * this.chunksize, this.chunksize) + ", "); } System.out.println(); } */ if (L >= R - 1) return; if (R - L < 20) { isort(L, R); return; } int i = L; int j = R - 1; int pivot = (i + j) / 2; //System.out.println("Pivot=" + pivot + "/" + new String(this.chunkcache, pivot * this.rowdef.objectsize(), this.rowdef.width(0))); while (i <= j) { while (compare(pivot, i) == 1) i++; // chunkAt[i] < keybuffer while (compare(pivot, j) == -1) j--; // chunkAt[j] > keybuffer //if (L == 6693) System.out.println(i + ", " + j); if (i <= j) { pivot = swap(i, j, pivot); i++; j--; } } //if (L == 6693) System.out.println(i); qsort(L, i); qsort(i, R); } private final void isort(int L, int R) { for (int i = L + 1; i < R; i++) for (int j = i; j > L && compare(j - 1, j) > 0; j--) swap(j, j - 1, 0); } private final int swap(int i, int j, int p) { if (i == j) return p; if ((this.chunkcount + 1) * this.rowdef.objectsize() < this.chunkcache.length) { // there is space in the chunkcache that we can use as buffer System.arraycopy(chunkcache, this.rowdef.objectsize() * i, chunkcache, chunkcache.length - this.rowdef.objectsize(), this.rowdef.objectsize()); System.arraycopy(chunkcache, this.rowdef.objectsize() * j, chunkcache, this.rowdef.objectsize() * i, this.rowdef.objectsize()); System.arraycopy(chunkcache, chunkcache.length - this.rowdef.objectsize(), chunkcache, this.rowdef.objectsize() * j, this.rowdef.objectsize()); } else { // allocate a chunk to use as buffer byte[] a = new byte[this.rowdef.objectsize()]; System.arraycopy(chunkcache, this.rowdef.objectsize() * i, a, 0, this.rowdef.objectsize()); System.arraycopy(chunkcache, this.rowdef.objectsize() * j, chunkcache, this.rowdef.objectsize() * i, this.rowdef.objectsize()); System.arraycopy(a, 0, chunkcache, this.rowdef.objectsize() * j, this.rowdef.objectsize()); } if (i == p) return j; else if (j == p) return i; else return p; } public synchronized void uniq(long maxtime) { assert (this.rowdef.objectOrder != null); // removes double-occurrences of chunks // this works only if the collection was ordered with sort before // if the collection is large and the number of deletions is also large, // then this method may run a long time with 100% CPU load which is caused // by the large number of memory movements. Therefore it is possible // to assign a runtime limitation long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (chunkcount <= 1) return; int i = 0; while (i < chunkcount - 1) { //System.out.println("ENTRY0: " + serverLog.arrayList(chunkcache, rowdef.objectsize*i, rowdef.objectsize)); //System.out.println("ENTRY1: " + serverLog.arrayList(chunkcache, rowdef.objectsize*(i+1), rowdef.objectsize)); if (compare(i, i + 1) == 0) { removeRow(i); // this decreases the chunkcount } else { i++; } if ((maxtime > 0) && (start + maxtime < System.currentTimeMillis())) break; } } public synchronized String toString() { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); Iterator i = rows(); if (i.hasNext()) s.append(((kelondroRow.Entry) i.next()).toString()); while (i.hasNext()) s.append(", " + ((kelondroRow.Entry) i.next()).toString()); return new String(s); } private final int compare(int i, int j) { assert (chunkcount * this.rowdef.objectsize() <= chunkcache.length) : "chunkcount = " + chunkcount + ", objsize = " + this.rowdef.objectsize() + ", chunkcache.length = " + chunkcache.length; assert (i >= 0) && (i < chunkcount) : "i = " + i + ", chunkcount = " + chunkcount; assert (j >= 0) && (j < chunkcount) : "j = " + j + ", chunkcount = " + chunkcount; assert (this.rowdef.objectOrder != null); if (i == j) return 0; assert (this.rowdef.primaryKey == 0) : "this.sortColumn = " + this.rowdef.primaryKey; int keylength = this.rowdef.width(this.rowdef.primaryKey); int colstart = this.rowdef.colstart[this.rowdef.primaryKey]; if (bugappearance(chunkcache, i * this.rowdef.objectsize() + colstart, keylength)) throw new kelondroException("bugappearance i"); if (bugappearance(chunkcache, j * this.rowdef.objectsize() + colstart, keylength)) throw new kelondroException("bugappearance j"); int c = this.rowdef.objectOrder.compare( chunkcache, i * this.rowdef.objectsize() + colstart, keylength, chunkcache, j * this.rowdef.objectsize() + colstart, keylength); return c; } protected synchronized int compare(byte[] a, int astart, int alength, int chunknumber) { assert (chunknumber < chunkcount); int l = Math.min(this.rowdef.width(rowdef.primaryKey), Math.min(a.length - astart, alength)); return rowdef.objectOrder.compare(a, astart, l, chunkcache, chunknumber * this.rowdef.objectsize() + this.rowdef.colstart[rowdef.primaryKey], this.rowdef.width(rowdef.primaryKey)); } protected synchronized boolean match(byte[] a, int astart, int alength, int chunknumber) { if (chunknumber >= chunkcount) return false; int i = 0; int p = chunknumber * this.rowdef.objectsize() + this.rowdef.colstart[rowdef.primaryKey]; final int len = Math.min(this.rowdef.width(rowdef.primaryKey), Math.min(alength, a.length - astart)); while (i < len) if (a[astart + i++] != chunkcache[p++]) return false; return ((len == this.rowdef.width(rowdef.primaryKey)) || (chunkcache[len] == 0)) ; } public synchronized void close() { chunkcache = null; } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(new java.util.Date(10957 * day)); System.out.println(new java.util.Date(0)); System.out.println(daysSince2000(System.currentTimeMillis())); } }