<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>YaCy '#[clientname]#': RWI Ranking Configuration</title> #%env/templates/metas.template%# <script> /** * Apply the new selected value to the bound slider. */ function handleSelectChange(event) { var selectElem = event.target || event.srcElement; if(selectElem != null && selectElem.id != null && selectElem.id.length > 7) { var rangeElem = document.getElementById("slider_" + selectElem.id.substring(7)); if(rangeElem != null) { rangeElem.value = selectElem.value; } } } /** * Apply the new slider value to the bound select. */ function handleSliderChange(event) { var rangeElem = event.target || event.srcElement; if(rangeElem != null && rangeElem.id != null && rangeElem.id.length > 7) { var selectElem = document.getElementById("select_" + rangeElem.id.substring(7)); if(selectElem != null) { selectElem.value = rangeElem.value; } } } </script> </head> <body id="RankingRWI_p"> #%env/templates/header.template%# #%env/templates/submenuRanking.template%# <h2>RWI Ranking Configuration</h2> <p>The document ranking influences the order of the search result entities. A ranking is computed using a number of attributes from the documents that match with the search word. The attributes are first normalized over all search results and then the normalized attribute is multiplied with the ranking coefficient computed from this list. The ranking coefficient grows exponentially with the ranking levels given in the following table. If you increase a single value by one, then the strength of the parameter doubles. </p> <form class="dsearch" action="RankingRWI_p.html" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <fieldset> <legend>Pre-Ranking</legend> <dl>#{attrPre}# <dt style="width:260px"><label id="label_#[nameorg]#" for="select_#[nameorg]#">#[name]#</label> <span class="info" style="float:right"><img src="env/grafics/i16.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="info"/><span id="info_#[nameorg]#">#[info]#</span></span></dt> <dd style="width:360px; float:left; display:inline;" id="#[nameorg]#"> <select id="select_#[nameorg]#" aria-describedby="info_#[nameorg]#" style="float:left; display:inline;" name="#[nameorg]#" onchange="handleSelectChange(event)">#{select}# <option value="#[value]#" #(checked)#:: selected="selected"#(/checked)#>#[value]#</option>#{/select}# </select> <div style="width:280px; margin-left: 10px; float:left; display: inline;"> <input id="slider_#[nameorg]#" aria-labelledby="label_#[nameorg]#" aria-describedby="info_#[nameorg]#" type="range" min="0" max="15" value="#[value]#" onchange="handleSliderChange(event)"/> </div> </dd>#{/attrPre}# </dl> </fieldset> <p>There are two ranking stages: first all results are ranked using the pre-ranking and from the resulting list the documents are ranked again with a post-ranking. The two stages are separated because they need statistical information from the result of the pre-ranking. </p> <fieldset> <legend>Post-Ranking</legend> <dl>#{attrPost}# <dt style="width:260px"><label id="label_#[nameorg]#" for="select_#[nameorg]#">#[name]#</label> <span class="info" style="float:right"><img src="env/grafics/i16.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="info"/><span id="info_#[nameorg]#">#[info]#</span></span></dt> <dd style="width:360px" id="#[nameorg]#"> <select id="select_#[nameorg]#" aria-describedby="info_#[nameorg]#" style="float:left; display:inline;" name="#[nameorg]#" onchange="handleSelectChange(event)">#{select}# <option value="#[value]#" #(checked)#:: selected="selected"#(/checked)#>#[value]#</option>#{/select}# </select> <div style="width:280px; margin-left: 10px; float:left; display: inline;"> <input id="slider_#[nameorg]#" aria-labelledby="label_#[nameorg]#" aria-describedby="info_#[nameorg]#" type="range" min="0" max="15" value="#[value]#" onchange="handleSliderChange(event)"/> </div> </dd>#{/attrPost}# </dl> </fieldset> <fieldset> <input type="submit" name="EnterRanking" class="btn btn-primary" value="Set as Default Ranking" /> <input type="submit" name="ResetRanking" class="btn btn-primary" value="Re-Set to Built-In Ranking" /> </fieldset> </form> #%env/templates/footer.template%# </body> </html>