//plasmaCrawlWorker.java //------------------------ //part of YaCy //(C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@anomic.de //first published on http://www.anomic.de //Frankfurt, Germany, 2006 // // $LastChangedDate: 2006-08-12 16:28:14 +0200 (Sa, 12 Aug 2006) $ // $LastChangedRevision: 2397 $ // $LastChangedBy: theli $ // //This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or //(at your option) any later version. // //This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //GNU General Public License for more details. // //You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software //Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // //Using this software in any meaning (reading, learning, copying, compiling, //running) means that you agree that the Author(s) is (are) not responsible //for cost, loss of data or any harm that may be caused directly or indirectly //by usage of this softare or this documentation. The usage of this software //is on your own risk. The installation and usage (starting/running) of this //software may allow other people or application to access your computer and //any attached devices and is highly dependent on the configuration of the //software which must be done by the user of the software; the author(s) is //(are) also not responsible for proper configuration and usage of the //software, even if provoked by documentation provided together with //the software. // //Any changes to this file according to the GPL as documented in the file //gpl.txt aside this file in the shipment you received can be done to the //lines that follows this copyright notice here, but changes must not be //done inside the copyright notive above. A re-distribution must contain //the intact and unchanged copyright notice. //Contributions and changes to the program code must be marked as such. package de.anomic.crawler; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.NoRouteToHostException; import java.net.SocketException; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.util.Date; import de.anomic.http.HttpClient; import de.anomic.http.JakartaCommonsHttpClient; import de.anomic.http.JakartaCommonsHttpResponse; import de.anomic.http.httpHeader; import de.anomic.http.httpdBoundedSizeOutputStream; import de.anomic.http.httpdByteCountOutputStream; import de.anomic.http.httpdLimitExceededException; import de.anomic.index.indexReferenceBlacklist; import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaHTCache; import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaParser; import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaSwitchboard; import de.anomic.plasma.cache.IResourceInfo; import de.anomic.plasma.cache.http.ResourceInfo; import de.anomic.server.serverSystem; import de.anomic.server.logging.serverLog; import de.anomic.yacy.yacyURL; public final class HTTPLoader { private static final String DEFAULT_ENCODING = "gzip,deflate"; private static final String DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = "en-us,en;q=0.5"; private static final String DEFAULT_CHARSET = "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7"; private static final long DEFAULT_MAXFILESIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 10; public static final int DEFAULT_CRAWLING_RETRY_COUNT = 5; public static final String crawlerUserAgent = "yacybot (" + HttpClient.getSystemOST() +") http://yacy.net/bot.html"; public static final String yacyUserAgent = "yacy (" + HttpClient.getSystemOST() +") yacy.net"; /** * The socket timeout that should be used */ private int socketTimeout; /** * The maximum allowed file size */ //private long maxFileSize = -1; //private String acceptEncoding; //private String acceptLanguage; //private String acceptCharset; private plasmaSwitchboard sb; private serverLog log; public HTTPLoader(plasmaSwitchboard sb, serverLog theLog) { this.sb = sb; this.log = theLog; // refreshing timeout value this.socketTimeout = (int) sb.getConfigLong("crawler.clientTimeout", 10000); } /** * @param entry * @param requestDate * @param requestHeader * @param responseHeader * @param responseStatus Status-Code SPACE Reason-Phrase * @return */ protected plasmaHTCache.Entry createCacheEntry(CrawlEntry entry, Date requestDate, httpHeader requestHeader, httpHeader responseHeader, final String responseStatus) { IResourceInfo resourceInfo = new ResourceInfo(entry.url(), requestHeader, responseHeader); return plasmaHTCache.newEntry( requestDate, entry.depth(), entry.url(), entry.name(), responseStatus, resourceInfo, entry.initiator(), sb.webIndex.profilesActiveCrawls.getEntry(entry.profileHandle()) ); } public plasmaHTCache.Entry load(CrawlEntry entry, String parserMode) { return load(entry, parserMode, DEFAULT_CRAWLING_RETRY_COUNT); } private plasmaHTCache.Entry load(CrawlEntry entry, String parserMode, int retryCount) { if (retryCount < 0) { this.log.logInfo("Redirection counter exceeded for URL " + entry.url().toString() + ". Processing aborted."); sb.crawlQueues.errorURL.newEntry(entry, sb.webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().hash, new Date(), 1, ErrorURL.DENIED_REDIRECTION_COUNTER_EXCEEDED).store(); return null; } Date requestDate = new Date(); // remember the time... String host = entry.url().getHost(); String path = entry.url().getFile(); int port = entry.url().getPort(); boolean ssl = entry.url().getProtocol().equals("https"); if (port < 0) port = (ssl) ? 443 : 80; // check if url is in blacklist String hostlow = host.toLowerCase(); if (plasmaSwitchboard.urlBlacklist.isListed(indexReferenceBlacklist.BLACKLIST_CRAWLER, hostlow, path)) { this.log.logInfo("CRAWLER Rejecting URL '" + entry.url().toString() + "'. URL is in blacklist."); sb.crawlQueues.errorURL.newEntry(entry, sb.webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().hash, new Date(), 1, ErrorURL.DENIED_URL_IN_BLACKLIST).store(); return null; } // take a file from the net plasmaHTCache.Entry htCache = null; final long maxFileSize = sb.getConfigLong("crawler.http.maxFileSize", DEFAULT_MAXFILESIZE); try { // create a request header httpHeader requestHeader = new httpHeader(); requestHeader.put(httpHeader.USER_AGENT, crawlerUserAgent); yacyURL refererURL = null; if (entry.referrerhash() != null) refererURL = sb.getURL(entry.referrerhash()); if (refererURL != null) requestHeader.put(httpHeader.REFERER, refererURL.toNormalform(true, true)); requestHeader.put(httpHeader.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, sb.getConfig("crawler.http.acceptLanguage", DEFAULT_LANGUAGE)); requestHeader.put(httpHeader.ACCEPT_CHARSET, sb.getConfig("crawler.http.acceptCharset", DEFAULT_CHARSET)); requestHeader.put(httpHeader.ACCEPT_ENCODING, sb.getConfig("crawler.http.acceptEncoding", DEFAULT_ENCODING)); // HTTP-Client JakartaCommonsHttpClient client = new JakartaCommonsHttpClient(socketTimeout, requestHeader, null); JakartaCommonsHttpResponse res = null; try { // send request res = client.GET(entry.url().toString()); if (res.getStatusCode() == 200 || res.getStatusCode() == 203) { // the transfer is ok // create a new cache entry htCache = createCacheEntry(entry, requestDate, requestHeader, res.getResponseHeader(), res.getStatusLine()); // aborting download if content is to long ... if (htCache.cacheFile().getAbsolutePath().length() > serverSystem.maxPathLength) { this.log.logInfo("REJECTED URL " + entry.url().toString() + " because path too long '" + plasmaHTCache.cachePath.getAbsolutePath() + "'"); sb.crawlQueues.errorURL.newEntry(entry, sb.webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().hash, new Date(), 1, ErrorURL.DENIED_CACHEFILE_PATH_TOO_LONG); return (htCache = null); } // reserve cache entry if (!htCache.cacheFile().getCanonicalPath().startsWith(plasmaHTCache.cachePath.getCanonicalPath())) { // if the response has not the right file type then reject file this.log.logInfo("REJECTED URL " + entry.url().toString() + " because of an invalid file path ('" + htCache.cacheFile().getCanonicalPath() + "' does not start with '" + plasmaHTCache.cachePath.getAbsolutePath() + "')."); sb.crawlQueues.errorURL.newEntry(entry, sb.webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().hash, new Date(), 1, ErrorURL.DENIED_INVALID_CACHEFILE_PATH); return (htCache = null); } // request has been placed and result has been returned. work off response File cacheFile = plasmaHTCache.getCachePath(entry.url()); try { if (plasmaParser.supportedContent(parserMode, entry.url(), res.getResponseHeader().mime())) { // delete old content if (cacheFile.isFile()) { plasmaHTCache.deleteURLfromCache(entry.url()); } // create parent directories cacheFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); OutputStream fos = null; try { // creating an output stream fos = new FileOutputStream(cacheFile); // getting content length long contentLength = res.getResponseHeader().contentLength(); // check the maximum allowed file size if (contentLength == -1 || maxFileSize == -1) { if(maxFileSize == -1) { // unlimited fos = new httpdByteCountOutputStream(fos); } else { // check filesize while loading page fos = new httpdBoundedSizeOutputStream(fos, maxFileSize); } } else if (contentLength > maxFileSize) { this.log.logInfo("REJECTED URL " + entry.url() + " because file size '" + contentLength + "' exceeds max filesize limit of " + maxFileSize + " bytes."); sb.crawlQueues.errorURL.newEntry(entry, sb.webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().hash, new Date(), 1, ErrorURL.DENIED_FILESIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED); return null; } // we write the new cache entry to file system directly (res).setAccountingName("CRAWLER"); byte[] responseBody = res.getData(); fos.write(responseBody); htCache.setCacheArray(responseBody); plasmaHTCache.writeFileAnnouncement(cacheFile); //htCache.writeResourceInfo(); // write header to header BLOB-database } finally { if (fos!=null)try{fos.close();}catch(Exception e){/* ignore this */} } return htCache; } else { // if the response has not the right file type then reject file this.log.logInfo("REJECTED WRONG MIME/EXT TYPE " + res.getResponseHeader().mime() + " for URL " + entry.url().toString()); sb.crawlQueues.errorURL.newEntry(entry, sb.webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().hash, new Date(), 1, ErrorURL.DENIED_WRONG_MIMETYPE_OR_EXT); return null; } } catch (SocketException e) { // this may happen if the client suddenly closes its connection // maybe the user has stopped loading // in that case, we are not responsible and just forget it // but we clean the cache also, since it may be only partial // and most possible corrupted if (cacheFile.exists()) cacheFile.delete(); this.log.logSevere("CRAWLER LOADER ERROR1: with URL=" + entry.url().toString() + ": " + e.toString()); sb.crawlQueues.errorURL.newEntry(entry, sb.webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().hash, new Date(), 1, ErrorURL.DENIED_CONNECTION_ERROR); htCache = null; } } else if (res.getStatusLine().startsWith("30")) { if (res.getResponseHeader().containsKey(httpHeader.LOCATION)) { // getting redirection URL String redirectionUrlString = res.getResponseHeader().get(httpHeader.LOCATION); redirectionUrlString = redirectionUrlString.trim(); if (redirectionUrlString.length() == 0) { this.log.logWarning("CRAWLER Redirection of URL=" + entry.url().toString() + " aborted. Location header is empty."); sb.crawlQueues.errorURL.newEntry(entry, sb.webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().hash, new Date(), 1, ErrorURL.DENIED_REDIRECTION_HEADER_EMPTY); return null; } // normalizing URL yacyURL redirectionUrl = yacyURL.newURL(entry.url(), redirectionUrlString); // restart crawling with new url this.log.logInfo("CRAWLER Redirection detected ('" + res.getStatusLine() + "') for URL " + entry.url().toString()); this.log.logInfo("CRAWLER ..Redirecting request to: " + redirectionUrl); // if we are already doing a shutdown we don't need to retry crawling if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { this.log.logSevere("CRAWLER Retry of URL=" + entry.url().toString() + " aborted because of server shutdown."); sb.crawlQueues.errorURL.newEntry(entry, sb.webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().hash, new Date(), 1, ErrorURL.DENIED_SERVER_SHUTDOWN); return null; } // generating url hash String urlhash = redirectionUrl.hash(); // check if the url was already indexed String dbname = sb.urlExists(urlhash); if (dbname != null) { this.log.logWarning("CRAWLER Redirection of URL=" + entry.url().toString() + " ignored. The url appears already in db " + dbname); sb.crawlQueues.errorURL.newEntry(entry, sb.webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().hash, new Date(), 1, ErrorURL.DENIED_REDIRECTION_TO_DOUBLE_CONTENT); return null; } // retry crawling with new url entry.redirectURL(redirectionUrl); return load(entry, plasmaParser.PARSER_MODE_URLREDIRECTOR, retryCount - 1); } } else { // if the response has not the right response type then reject file this.log.logInfo("REJECTED WRONG STATUS TYPE '" + res.getStatusLine() + "' for URL " + entry.url().toString()); // not processed any further sb.crawlQueues.errorURL.newEntry(entry, sb.webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().hash, new Date(), 1, ErrorURL.DENIED_WRONG_HTTP_STATUSCODE + res.getStatusCode() + ")"); } } finally { if(res != null) { // release connection res.closeStream(); } } return htCache; } catch (Exception e) { String errorMsg = e.getMessage(); String failreason = null; if ((e instanceof IOException) && (errorMsg != null) && (errorMsg.indexOf("socket closed") >= 0) && (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) ) { this.log.logInfo("CRAWLER Interruption detected because of server shutdown."); failreason = ErrorURL.DENIED_SERVER_SHUTDOWN; } else if (e instanceof httpdLimitExceededException) { this.log.logWarning("CRAWLER Max file size limit '" + maxFileSize + "' exceeded while downloading URL " + entry.url()); failreason = ErrorURL.DENIED_FILESIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED; } else if (e instanceof MalformedURLException) { this.log.logWarning("CRAWLER Malformed URL '" + entry.url().toString() + "' detected. "); failreason = ErrorURL.DENIED_MALFORMED_URL; } else if (e instanceof NoRouteToHostException) { this.log.logWarning("CRAWLER No route to host found while trying to crawl URL '" + entry.url().toString() + "'."); failreason = ErrorURL.DENIED_NO_ROUTE_TO_HOST; } else if ((e instanceof UnknownHostException) || ((errorMsg != null) && (errorMsg.indexOf("unknown host") >= 0))) { yacyURL u = (entry.referrerhash() == null) ? null : sb.getURL(entry.referrerhash()); this.log.logWarning("CRAWLER Unknown host in URL '" + entry.url() + "'. " + "Referer URL: " + ((u == null) ? "Unknown" : u.toNormalform(true, true))); failreason = ErrorURL.DENIED_UNKNOWN_HOST; } else if (e instanceof java.net.BindException) { this.log.logWarning("CRAWLER BindException detected while trying to download content from '" + entry.url().toString() + "'. Retrying request."); failreason = ErrorURL.DENIED_CONNECTION_BIND_EXCEPTION; } else if ((errorMsg != null) && ( (errorMsg.indexOf("Corrupt GZIP trailer") >= 0) || (errorMsg.indexOf("Not in GZIP format") >= 0) || (errorMsg.indexOf("Unexpected end of ZLIB") >= 0) )) { this.log.logWarning("CRAWLER Problems detected while receiving gzip encoded content from '" + entry.url().toString() + "'. Retrying request without using gzip content encoding."); failreason = ErrorURL.DENIED_CONTENT_DECODING_ERROR; } else if ((errorMsg != null) && (errorMsg.indexOf("The host did not accept the connection within timeout of") >= 0)) { this.log.logWarning("CRAWLER Timeout while trying to connect to '" + entry.url().toString() + "'. Retrying request."); failreason = ErrorURL.DENIED_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT; } else if ((errorMsg != null) && (errorMsg.indexOf("Read timed out") >= 0)) { this.log.logWarning("CRAWLER Read timeout while receiving content from '" + entry.url().toString() + "'. Retrying request."); failreason = ErrorURL.DENIED_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT; } else if ((errorMsg != null) && (errorMsg.indexOf("connect timed out") >= 0)) { this.log.logWarning("CRAWLER Timeout while trying to connect to '" + entry.url().toString() + "'. Retrying request."); failreason = ErrorURL.DENIED_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT; } else if ((errorMsg != null) && (errorMsg.indexOf("Connection timed out") >= 0)) { this.log.logWarning("CRAWLER Connection timeout while receiving content from '" + entry.url().toString() + "'. Retrying request."); failreason = ErrorURL.DENIED_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT; } else if ((errorMsg != null) && (errorMsg.indexOf("Connection refused") >= 0)) { this.log.logWarning("CRAWLER Connection refused while trying to connect to '" + entry.url().toString() + "'."); failreason = ErrorURL.DENIED_CONNECTION_REFUSED; } else if ((errorMsg != null) && (errorMsg.indexOf("Circular redirect to '")>= 0)) { this.log.logWarning("CRAWLER Redirect Error with URL '" + entry.url().toString() + "': "+ e.toString()); failreason = ErrorURL.DENIED_REDIRECTION_COUNTER_EXCEEDED; } else if ((errorMsg != null) && (errorMsg.indexOf("There is not enough space on the disk") >= 0)) { this.log.logSevere("CRAWLER Not enough space on the disk detected while crawling '" + entry.url().toString() + "'. " + "Pausing crawlers. "); sb.pauseCrawlJob(plasmaSwitchboard.CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_CRAWL); sb.pauseCrawlJob(plasmaSwitchboard.CRAWLJOB_REMOTE_TRIGGERED_CRAWL); failreason = ErrorURL.DENIED_OUT_OF_DISK_SPACE; } else if ((errorMsg != null) && (errorMsg.indexOf("Network is unreachable") >=0)) { this.log.logSevere("CRAWLER Network is unreachable while trying to crawl URL '" + entry.url().toString() + "'. "); failreason = ErrorURL.DENIED_NETWORK_IS_UNREACHABLE; } else if ((errorMsg != null) && (errorMsg.indexOf("No trusted certificate found")>= 0)) { this.log.logSevere("CRAWLER No trusted certificate found for URL '" + entry.url().toString() + "'. "); failreason = ErrorURL.DENIED_SSL_UNTRUSTED_CERT; } else { this.log.logSevere("CRAWLER Unexpected Error with URL '" + entry.url().toString() + "': " + e.toString(), e); failreason = ErrorURL.DENIED_CONNECTION_ERROR; } if (failreason != null) { // add url into error db sb.crawlQueues.errorURL.newEntry(entry, sb.webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().hash, new Date(), 1, failreason); } return null; } } }