#%env/templates/metas.template%# #%env/templates/header.template%# #%env/templates/submenuIndexControl.template%#

Index DB Import

The local index currently consists of (at least) #[wcount]# reverse word indexes and #[ucount]# URL references.

#(error)# ::



Import Job with the same path already started.





Starting new Job

Import Type: Cache Size Usage Examples
Import Path:
Always do a backup of your source and destination database before starting to use this import function.

Currently running jobs

#{running.jobs}# #{/running.jobs}#
Job Type Job Name Status % Elapsed
Import Status Abort Import Pause Import
#[type]# #[shortName]# #(runningStatus)#Finished::Running::Paused#(/runningStatus)# #[percent]# #[elapsed]# #[estimated]# #[status]# #(stopped)#:: #(/stopped)# #(paused)# :: #(/paused)#

Finished jobs

#{finished.jobs}# #{/finished.jobs}#
Job Type Path Status % Elapsed
Import Status
#[type]# #[shortName]# #(runningStatus)#Finished::Error: #[errorMsg]#::Paused#(/runningStatus)# #[percent]# #[elapsed]# #[status]#

Last Refresh: #[date]#

Usage Examples:

Plasma DB Import:

Example Path: E:\PLASMADB\

You need to have at least the following directories and files in this path:
Name Type Witeable Description
urlHash.db File No The LoadedURL Database containing all loaded and indexed URLs
ACLUSTER Directory Yes The assortment directory containing parts of the word index.
WORDS Directory Yes The words directory containing parts of the word index.

Assortment Import:

Example Path: E:\PLASMADB\ACLUSTER\indexAssortment001.db

You need to have at least the following directories and files in this path:
Name Type Witeable Description
indexAssortment001.db File No The assortment file that should be imported.
Attention: The assortment file must have the postfix "[0-9]{3}\.db". If you would like to import an assortment file from the PLASMADB\ACLUSTER\ABKP

Please note that the imported words are useless if the destination peer doesn't know the URLs the imported words belongs to.
