# Configuration file for YaCy Snap packaging with Snapcraft (see https://snapcraft.io/)
name: yacy-search
version: '1.921'
summary: YaCy peer-to-peer search engine and intranet search appliance
description: |
  YaCy is a decentralized search engine software.
  Its search results come from a network of independent peers, 
  where no single entity decides what gets listed, or in which order results appear.
  YaCy nodes can also be placed in intranet environment 
  which makes YaCy a replacement for commercial enterprise search solutions. 

grade: devel
confinement: strict
icon: addon/YaCy256x256.png

      # needed to run wkhtmltopdf from YaCy within the Snap for Snapshots generation
      # with wkhtmltopdf included with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (recommended minimum system to build Snaps in 2018)
      QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH: "$SNAP/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/platforms"
    command: sh "$SNAP/yacy/startYACY.sh" -f -s "$SNAP_USER_DATA"
    # Interfaces authorizations requirements
    # network-bind - to allow acting as an HTTP server and client
    # desktop - to launch the default desktop navigator when starting (with xdg-open command) - not strictly necessary
    # home - not strictly necessary but can be convenient for some features to have read/write access to files outside the snap data folders, notably 
    #  - to index files in Intranet mode
    #  - for index, dump, vocabulary import/export features
    # x11 - needed by wkhtmltopdf to generate Snapshots using WebKit engine - not necessary when Snapshots feature is not used
    plugs: [network-bind, desktop, home, x11]
  passwd: # set the YaCy administrator password
    command: sh "$SNAP/yacy/bin/passwd.sh"
    # Interfaces authorizations requirements
    # network - to allow requesting the ConfigAccounts_p HTTP API when the server is running
    plugs: [network]

    # Additional packages
    # curl : needed by the passwd.sh script to call a YaCy API when the server is running
    # wkhtmltopdf : needed by the snapshot generation feature. 
    # Conversion from PDF snapshots to images is done using the pure java pdfbox library, as imagemagick is more difficult to propertly embed within a Snap 
    stage-packages: [curl, wkhtmltopdf]
    plugin: ant
      - clean
      - dist
    source: .
      - openjdk-8-jdk
    override-build: |
      snapcraftctl build
      tar -xzf RELEASE/yacy*.tar.gz -C "$SNAPCRAFT_PART_INSTALL/"