#{profile}# #[description]# #{/profile}# and use #{speed}# #[label]# #{/speed}# of the defined performance.
Changes take effect immediately
This is the time delta between accessing of the same domain during a crawl. The crawl balancer tries to avoid that domains are accessed too often, but if the balancer fails (i.e. if there are only links left from the same domain), then these minimum delta times are ensured.
This is the time that the crawler idles when the proxy is accessed, or a local or remote search is done. The delay is extended by this time each time the proxy is accessed afterwards. This shall improve performance of the affected process (proxy or search). (current delta is #[crawlPauseProxyCurrent]#/#[crawlPauseLocalsearchCurrent]#/#[crawlPauseRemotesearchCurrent]# seconds since last proxy/local-search/remote-search access.)