// wikiCode.java // ------------------------------------- // part of YACY // (C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@anomic.de // first published on http://www.anomic.de // Frankfurt, Germany, 2004 // // This file ist contributed by Alexander Schier // last major change: 09.08.2004 // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // Using this software in any meaning (reading, learning, copying, compiling, // running) means that you agree that the Author(s) is (are) not responsible // for cost, loss of data or any harm that may be caused directly or indirectly // by usage of this softare or this documentation. The usage of this software // is on your own risk. The installation and usage (starting/running) of this // software may allow other people or application to access your computer and // any attached devices and is highly dependent on the configuration of the // software which must be done by the user of the software; the author(s) is // (are) also not responsible for proper configuration and usage of the // software, even if provoked by documentation provided together with // the software. // // Any changes to this file according to the GPL as documented in the file // gpl.txt aside this file in the shipment you received can be done to the // lines that follows this copyright notice here, but changes must not be // done inside the copyright notive above. A re-distribution must contain // the intact and unchanged copyright notice. // Contributions and changes to the program code must be marked as such. // Contains contributions from Alexander Schier [AS] // and Marc Nause [MN] package de.anomic.data; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.HashMap; import de.anomic.data.wikiBoard; import de.anomic.http.httpHeader; import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaSwitchboard; import de.anomic.server.serverCore; import de.anomic.server.serverObjects; import de.anomic.server.serverSwitch; import de.anomic.yacy.yacyNewsRecord; import de.anomic.yacy.yacyNewsPool; import de.anomic.yacy.yacyCore; public class wikiCode { private String numListLevel=""; private String ListLevel=""; private String defListLevel=""; private plasmaSwitchboard sb; private boolean escape = false; //needed for escape private boolean escapeSpan = false; //needed for escape symbols [= and =] spanning over several lines public wikiCode(plasmaSwitchboard switchboard){ sb=switchboard; } public String transform(String content){ return transform(content.getBytes(), sb); } public String transform(byte[] content){ return transform(content, sb); } public String transform(byte[] content, plasmaSwitchboard switchboard) { ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(content); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(bais)); String line; String out = ""; try { while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { out += transformLine(new String(line), switchboard) + serverCore.crlfString; } return out; } catch (IOException e) { return "internal error: " + e.getMessage(); } } public static String replaceHTML(String result) { int p0; // avoide html inside //p0 = 0; while ((p0 = result.indexOf("&", p0)) >= 0) result = result.substring(0, p0) + "&" + result.substring(p0 + 1); p0 = 0; while ((p0 = result.indexOf('"', p0)) >= 0) result = result.substring(0, p0) + """ + result.substring(p0 + 1); p0 = 0; while ((p0 = result.indexOf("<", p0)) >= 0) result = result.substring(0, p0) + "<" + result.substring(p0 + 1); p0 = 0; while ((p0 = result.indexOf(">", p0)) >= 0) result = result.substring(0, p0) + ">" + result.substring(p0 + 1); //p0 = 0; while ((p0 = result.indexOf("*", p0)) >= 0) result = result.substring(0, p0) + "•" + result.substring(p0 + 1); p0 = 0; while ((p0 = result.indexOf("(C)", p0)) >= 0) result = result.substring(0, p0) + "©" + result.substring(p0 + 3); return result; } public String transformLine(String result, plasmaSwitchboard switchboard) { // transform page int p0, p1; boolean defList = false; //needed for definition lists result = replaceHTML(result); //check if line contains any escape symbol of if we are in an esacpe sequence already //if that's the case the program will continue further below [MN] if((result.indexOf("[=")<0)&&(result.indexOf("=]")<0)&&(!escapeSpan)){ // format lines if (result.startsWith(" ")) result = "" + result + ""; if (result.startsWith("----")) result = "
"; // citings contributed by [MN] if(result.startsWith(":")){ String head = ""; String tail = ""; while(result.startsWith(":")){ head = head + "
"; tail = tail + "
"; result = result.substring(1); } result = head + result + tail; } // end contrib [MN] // format headers if ((p0 = result.indexOf("====")) >= 0) { p1 = result.indexOf("====", p0 + 4); if (p1 >= 0) result = result.substring(0, p0) + "

" + result.substring(p0 + 4, p1) + "

" + result.substring(p1 + 4); } if ((p0 = result.indexOf("===")) >= 0) { p1 = result.indexOf("===", p0 + 3); if (p1 >= 0) result = result.substring(0, p0) + "

" + result.substring(p0 + 3, p1) + "

" + result.substring(p1 + 3); } if ((p0 = result.indexOf("==")) >= 0) { p1 = result.indexOf("==", p0 + 2); if (p1 >= 0) result = result.substring(0, p0) + "

" + result.substring(p0 + 2, p1) + "

" + result.substring(p1 + 2); } if ((p0 = result.indexOf("''''")) >= 0) { p1 = result.indexOf("''''", p0 + 4); if (p1 >= 0) result = result.substring(0, p0) + "" + result.substring(p0 + 4, p1) + "" + result.substring(p1 + 4); } if ((p0 = result.indexOf("'''")) >= 0) { p1 = result.indexOf("'''", p0 + 3); if (p1 >= 0) result = result.substring(0, p0) + "" + result.substring(p0 + 3, p1) + "" + result.substring(p1 + 3); } if ((p0 = result.indexOf("''")) >= 0) { p1 = result.indexOf("''", p0 + 2); if (p1 >= 0) result = result.substring(0, p0) + "" + result.substring(p0 + 2, p1) + "" + result.substring(p1 + 2); } //* unorderd Lists contributed by [AS] //** Sublist if(result.startsWith(ListLevel + "*")){ //more stars p0 = result.indexOf(ListLevel); p1 = result.length(); result = ""; i--; } ListLevel = ListLevel.substring(0,i); p0 = ListLevel.length(); p1 = result.length(); if(ListLevel.length() > 0){ result = tmp + "
  • " + result.substring(p0, p1) + "
  • "; }else{ result = tmp + result.substring(p0, p1); } } //# sorted Lists contributed by [AS] //## Sublist if(result.startsWith(numListLevel + "#")){ //more # p0 = result.indexOf(numListLevel); p1 = result.length(); result = "
      " + serverCore.crlfString + "
    1. " + result.substring(numListLevel.length() + 1, p1) + "
    2. "; numListLevel += "#"; }else if(numListLevel.length() > 0 && result.startsWith(numListLevel)){ //equal number of # p0 = result.indexOf(numListLevel); p1 = result.length(); result = "
    3. " + result.substring(numListLevel.length(), p1) + "
    4. "; }else if(numListLevel.length() > 0){ //less # int i = numListLevel.length(); String tmp = ""; while(! result.startsWith(numListLevel.substring(0,i)) ){ tmp += "
    "; i--; } numListLevel = numListLevel.substring(0,i); p0 = numListLevel.length(); p1 = result.length(); if(numListLevel.length() > 0){ result = tmp + "
  • " + result.substring(p0, p1) + "
  • "; }else{ result = tmp + result.substring(p0, p1); } } // end contrib [AS] //* definition Lists contributed by [MN] based on unordered list code by [AS] if(result.startsWith(defListLevel + ";")){ //more semicolons String dt = ""; String dd = ""; p0 = result.indexOf(defListLevel); p1 = result.length(); String resultCopy = result.substring(defListLevel.length() + 1, p1); if((p0 = resultCopy.indexOf(":")) > 0){ dt = resultCopy.substring(0,p0); dd = resultCopy.substring(p0+1); result = "
    " + "
    " + dt + "
    " + "
    " + dd; defList = true; } defListLevel += ";"; }else if(defListLevel.length() > 0 && result.startsWith(defListLevel)){ //equal number of semicolons String dt = ""; String dd = ""; p0 = result.indexOf(defListLevel); p1 = result.length(); String resultCopy = result.substring(defListLevel.length(), p1); if((p0 = resultCopy.indexOf(":")) > 0){ dt = resultCopy.substring(0,p0); dd = resultCopy.substring(p0+1); result = "
    " + dt + "
    " + "
    " + dd; defList = true; } }else if(defListLevel.length() > 0){ //less semicolons String dt = ""; String dd = ""; int i = defListLevel.length(); String tmp = ""; while(! result.startsWith(defListLevel.substring(0,i)) ){ tmp += "
    "; i--; } defListLevel = defListLevel.substring(0,i); p0 = defListLevel.length(); p1 = result.length(); if(defListLevel.length() > 0){ String resultCopy = result.substring(p0, p1); if((p0 = resultCopy.indexOf(":")) > 0){ dt = resultCopy.substring(0,p0); dd = resultCopy.substring(p0+1); result = tmp + "
    " + dt + "
    " + "
    " + dd; defList = true; } }else{ result = tmp + result.substring(p0, p1); } } // end contrib [MN] // create links String kl, kv, alt, align; int p; // internal links and images while ((p0 = result.indexOf("[[")) >= 0) { p1 = result.indexOf("]]", p0 + 2); if (p1 <= p0) break; else; { kl = result.substring(p0 + 2, p1); // this is the part of the code that's responsible for images // contibuted by [MN] if(kl.startsWith("Image:")){ alt = ""; align = ""; kv = ""; kl = kl.substring(6); // are there any arguments for the image? if ((p = kl.indexOf("|")) > 0) { kv = kl.substring(p+1); kl = kl.substring(0, p); // if there are 2 arguments, write them into ALIGN and ALT if ((p = kv.indexOf("|")) > 0) { align = " align=\"" + kv.substring(0, p) +"\""; alt = " alt=\"" + kv.substring(p + 1) +"\""; } // if there is just one, put it into ALT else alt = " alt=\"" + kv +"\""; } result = result.substring(0, p0) + "" + result.substring(p1 + 2); } // end contrib [MN] // if it's no image, it might be an internal link else { if ((p = kl.indexOf("|")) > 0) { kv = kl.substring(p + 1); kl = kl.substring(0, p); } else { kv = kl; } if (switchboard.wikiDB.read(kl) != null) result = result.substring(0, p0) + "" + kv + "" + result.substring(p1 + 2); else result = result.substring(0, p0) + "" + kv + "" + result.substring(p1 + 2); } } } // external links while ((p0 = result.indexOf("[")) >= 0) { p1 = result.indexOf("]", p0 + 1); if (p1 <= p0) break; else { kl = result.substring(p0 + 1, p1); if ((p = kl.indexOf(" ")) > 0) { kv = kl.substring(p + 1); kl = kl.substring(0, p); } else { kv = kl; } if (!(kl.startsWith("http://"))) kl = "http://" + kl; result = result.substring(0, p0) + "" + kv + "" + result.substring(p1 + 1); } } } //escape code contributed by [MN] //both [= and =] in the same line else if(((p0 = result.indexOf("[="))>=0)&&((p1 = result.indexOf("=]"))>=0)){ String escapeText = result.substring(p0+2,p1); result = transformLine(result.substring(0,p0)+"!escape!!Text!"+result.substring(p1+2), switchboard); result = result.replaceAll("!escape!!Text!", escapeText); } //start [= else if(((p0 = result.indexOf("[="))>=0)&&(!escapeSpan)){ escape = true; //prevent surplus line breaks String escapeText = result.substring(p0+2); result = transformLine(result.substring(0,p0)+"!escape!!Text!", switchboard); result = result.replaceAll("!escape!!Text!", escapeText); escape = false; escapeSpan = true; } //end =] else if(((p0 = result.indexOf("=]"))>=0)&&(escapeSpan)){ escapeSpan = false; String escapeText = result.substring(0,p0); result = transformLine("!escape!!Text!"+result.substring(p0+2), switchboard); result = result.replaceAll("!escape!!Text!", escapeText); } //end contrib [MN] if ((result.endsWith(""))||(defList)||(escape)) return result; else return result + "
    "; } /* what we need: == New section == === Subsection === ==== Sub-subsection ==== link colours: existent=green, non-existent=red ---- [[wikipedia FAQ|answers]] (first element is wiki page name, second is link print name) [http://www.nupedia.com Nupedia] (external link) [http://www.nupedia.com] (un-named external link) ''Emphasize'', '''strongly''', '''''very strongly''''' (italics, bold, bold-italics) * Lists are easy to do: ** start every line with a star *** more stars means deeper levels # Numbered lists are also good ## very organized ## easy to follow ; Definition list : list of definitions ; item : the item's definition : A colon indents a line or paragraph. A manual newline starts a new paragraph. A picture: [[Image:Wiki.png]] [[Image:Wiki.png|right|jigsaw globe]] (floating right-side with caption) what we got in addition to that: [= escape characters =] */ }