// plasmaWebStructure.java // ----------------------------- // (C) 2007 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net, Frankfurt a. M., Germany // first published 15.05.2007 on http://yacy.net // // This is a part of YaCy, a peer-to-peer based web search engine // // $LastChangedDate$ // $LastChangedRevision$ // $LastChangedBy$ // // LICENSE // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA package de.anomic.yacy.graphics; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import net.yacy.cora.date.GenericFormatter; import net.yacy.cora.document.MultiProtocolURI; import net.yacy.cora.document.UTF8; import net.yacy.document.Condenser; import net.yacy.document.Document; import net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.DigestURI; import net.yacy.kelondro.logging.Log; import net.yacy.kelondro.util.FileUtils; import net.yacy.kelondro.util.LookAheadIterator; public class WebStructureGraph { public static int maxCRLDump = 500000; public static int maxCRGDump = 200000; public static int maxref = 300; // maximum number of references, to avoid overflow when a large link farm occurs (i.e. wikipedia) public static int maxhosts = 20000; // maximum number of hosts in web structure map private final Log log; private final File structureFile; private final TreeMap structure_old; // ',' to {}* private final TreeMap structure_new; private final BlockingQueue publicRefDNSResolvingQueue; private final publicRefDNSResolvingProcess publicRefDNSResolvingWorker; private final static leanrefObject leanrefObjectPOISON = new leanrefObject(null, null); private static class leanrefObject { public final DigestURI url; public final Set globalRefURLs; public leanrefObject(final DigestURI url, final Set globalRefURLs) { this.url = url; this.globalRefURLs = globalRefURLs; } } public WebStructureGraph(final Log log, final File structureFile) { this.log = log; this.structure_old = new TreeMap(); this.structure_new = new TreeMap(); this.structureFile = structureFile; this.publicRefDNSResolvingQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue(); // load web structure Map loadedStructure; try { loadedStructure = (this.structureFile.exists()) ? FileUtils.loadMap(this.structureFile) : new TreeMap(); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { loadedStructure = new TreeMap(); } if (loadedStructure != null) this.structure_old.putAll(loadedStructure); // delete out-dated entries in case the structure is too big if (this.structure_old.size() > maxhosts) { // fill a set with last-modified - dates of the structure final TreeSet delset = new TreeSet(); String key, value; for (final Map.Entry entry : this.structure_old.entrySet()) { key = entry.getKey(); value = entry.getValue(); if (value.length() >= 8) delset.add(value.substring(0, 8) + key); } int delcount = this.structure_old.size() - (maxhosts * 9 / 10); final Iterator j = delset.iterator(); while ((delcount > 0) && (j.hasNext())) { this.structure_old.remove(j.next().substring(8)); delcount--; } } this.publicRefDNSResolvingWorker = new publicRefDNSResolvingProcess(); this.publicRefDNSResolvingWorker.start(); } private class publicRefDNSResolvingProcess extends Thread { public publicRefDNSResolvingProcess() { } public void run() { leanrefObject lro; try { while ((lro = publicRefDNSResolvingQueue.take()) != leanrefObjectPOISON) { learnrefs(lro); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } public Integer[] /*(outlinksSame, outlinksOther)*/ generateCitationReference(final DigestURI url, final Document document, final Condenser condenser, final Date docDate) { // generate citation reference final Map hl = document.getHyperlinks(); final Iterator it = hl.keySet().iterator(); final HashSet globalRefURLs = new HashSet(); final String refhost = url.getHost(); MultiProtocolURI u; int GCount = 0; int LCount = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { u = it.next(); if (u.getHost().equals(refhost)) { // this is a local link LCount++; } else { // this is a global link GCount++; globalRefURLs.add(u); } } if (globalRefURLs.size() > 0) try { if (this.publicRefDNSResolvingWorker.isAlive()) { this.publicRefDNSResolvingQueue.put(new leanrefObject(url, globalRefURLs)); } else { this.learnrefs(new leanrefObject(url, globalRefURLs)); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { this.learnrefs(new leanrefObject(url, globalRefURLs)); } return new Integer[] {Integer.valueOf(LCount), Integer.valueOf(GCount)}; } public void learnrefs(final leanrefObject lro) { final StringBuilder cpg = new StringBuilder(240); assert cpg.length() % 12 == 0 : "cpg.length() = " + cpg.length() + ", cpg = " + cpg.toString(); final String refhashp = UTF8.String(lro.url.hash(), 6, 6); // ref hash part String nexturlhash; for (MultiProtocolURI u: lro.globalRefURLs) { byte[] nexturlhashb = new DigestURI(u).hash(); assert nexturlhashb != null; if (nexturlhashb != null) { nexturlhash = UTF8.String(nexturlhashb); assert nexturlhash.length() == 12 : "nexturlhash.length() = " + nexturlhash.length() + ", nexturlhash = " + nexturlhash; assert !nexturlhash.substring(6).equals(refhashp); // this is a global link cpg.append(nexturlhash); // store complete hash assert cpg.length() % 12 == 0 : "cpg.length() = " + cpg.length() + ", cpg = " + cpg.toString(); } } assert cpg.length() % 12 == 0 : "cpg.length() = " + cpg.length() + ", cpg = " + cpg.toString(); learn(lro.url, cpg); } private static int refstr2count(final String refs) { if ((refs == null) || (refs.length() <= 8)) return 0; assert (refs.length() - 8) % 10 == 0 : "refs = " + refs + ", length = " + refs.length(); return (refs.length() - 8) / 10; } static Map refstr2map(final String refs) { if ((refs == null) || (refs.length() <= 8)) return new HashMap(); final Map map = new HashMap(); String c; final int refsc = refstr2count(refs); int d; for (int i = 0; i < refsc; i++) { c = refs.substring(8 + i * 10, 8 + (i + 1) * 10); try { d = Integer.valueOf(c.substring(6), 16); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { d = 1; } map.put(c.substring(0, 6), d); } return map; } private static String map2refstr(final Map map) { final StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(map.size() * 10); s.append(GenericFormatter.SHORT_DAY_FORMATTER.format()); String h; for (final Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) { s.append(entry.getKey()); h = Integer.toHexString(entry.getValue().intValue()); if (h.length() == 0) { s.append("0000"); } else if (h.length() == 1) { s.append("000").append(h); } else if (h.length() == 2) { s.append("00").append(h); } else if (h.length() == 3) { s.append('0').append(h); } else if (h.length() == 4) { s.append(h); } else { s.append("FFFF"); } } return s.toString(); } public structureEntry outgoingReferences(final String domhash) { // returns a map with a domhash(String):refcount(Integer) relation assert domhash.length() == 6; SortedMap tailMap; Map h = new HashMap(); String domain = ""; String date = ""; String ref; synchronized (structure_old) { tailMap = structure_old.tailMap(domhash); if (!tailMap.isEmpty()) { final String key = tailMap.firstKey(); if (key.startsWith(domhash)) { domain = key.substring(7); ref = tailMap.get(key); date = ref.substring(0, 8); h = refstr2map(ref); } } } synchronized (structure_new) { tailMap = structure_new.tailMap(domhash); if (!tailMap.isEmpty()) { final String key = tailMap.firstKey(); if (key.startsWith(domhash)) { ref = tailMap.get(key); if (domain.length() == 0) domain = key.substring(7); if (date.length() == 0) date = ref.substring(0, 8); assert domain.equals(key.substring(7)) : "domain = " + domain + ", key = " + key; h.putAll(refstr2map(ref)); } } } if (h.isEmpty()) return null; return new structureEntry(domhash, domain, date, h); } public structureEntry incomingReferences(final String domhash) { String host = resolveDomHash2DomString(domhash); if (host == null) return null; // collect the references WebStructureGraph.structureEntry sentry; HashMap domhashes = new HashMap(); Iterator i = structureEntryIterator(false); while (i.hasNext()) { sentry = i.next(); if (sentry.references.containsKey(domhash)) domhashes.put(sentry.domhash, sentry.references.get(domhash)); } i = structureEntryIterator(true); while (i.hasNext()) { sentry = i.next(); if (sentry.references.containsKey(domhash)) domhashes.put(sentry.domhash, sentry.references.get(domhash)); } // construct a new structureEntry Object return new structureEntry( domhash, host, GenericFormatter.SHORT_DAY_FORMATTER.format(), domhashes); } public HashMap incomingDomains(final String domhash) { // collect the references WebStructureGraph.structureEntry sentry; HashMap domains = new HashMap(); Iterator i = structureEntryIterator(false); while (i.hasNext()) { sentry = i.next(); if (sentry.references.containsKey(domhash)) domains.put(sentry.domain, sentry.references.get(domhash)); } i = structureEntryIterator(true); while (i.hasNext()) { sentry = i.next(); if (sentry.references.containsKey(domhash)) domains.put(sentry.domain, sentry.references.get(domhash)); } return domains; } public int referencesCount(final String domhash) { // returns the number of domains that are referenced by this domhash assert domhash.length() == 6 : "domhash = " + domhash; SortedMap tailMap; int c = 0; synchronized (structure_old) { tailMap = structure_old.tailMap(domhash); if (!tailMap.isEmpty()) { final String key = tailMap.firstKey(); if (key.startsWith(domhash)) { c = refstr2count(tailMap.get(key)); } } } synchronized (structure_new) { tailMap = structure_new.tailMap(domhash); if (!tailMap.isEmpty()) { final String key = tailMap.firstKey(); if (key.startsWith(domhash)) { c += refstr2count(tailMap.get(key)); } } } return c; } public String resolveDomHash2DomString(final String domhash) { // returns the domain as string, null if unknown assert domhash.length() == 6; SortedMap tailMap; synchronized(structure_old) { tailMap = structure_old.tailMap(domhash); if (!tailMap.isEmpty()) { final String key = tailMap.firstKey(); if (key.startsWith(domhash)) { return key.substring(7); } } } synchronized(structure_new) { tailMap = structure_new.tailMap(domhash); if (!tailMap.isEmpty()) { final String key = tailMap.firstKey(); if (key.startsWith(domhash)) { return key.substring(7); } } } return null; } private void learn(final DigestURI url, final StringBuilder reference /*string of b64(12digits)-hashes*/) { final String domhash = UTF8.String(url.hash(), 6, 6); // parse the new reference string and join it with the stored references structureEntry structure = outgoingReferences(domhash); final Map refs = (structure == null) ? new HashMap() : structure.references; assert reference.length() % 12 == 0 : "reference.length() = " + reference.length() + ", reference = " + reference.toString(); String dom; int c; for (int i = 0; i < reference.length() / 12; i++) { dom = reference.substring(i * 12 + 6, (i + 1) * 12); c = 0; if (refs.containsKey(dom)) { c = (refs.get(dom)).intValue(); } refs.put(dom, Integer.valueOf(++c)); } // check if the maxref is exceeded if (refs.size() > maxref) { int shrink = refs.size() - (maxref * 9 / 10); delloop: while (shrink > 0) { // shrink the references: the entry with the smallest number of references is removed int minrefcount = Integer.MAX_VALUE; String minrefkey = null; findloop: for (final Map.Entry entry : refs.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().intValue() < minrefcount) { minrefcount = entry.getValue().intValue(); minrefkey = entry.getKey(); } if (minrefcount == 1) break findloop; } // remove the smallest if (minrefkey == null) break delloop; refs.remove(minrefkey); shrink--; } } // store the map back to the structure synchronized(structure_new) { structure_new.put(domhash + "," + url.getHost(), map2refstr(refs)); } } private static void joinStructure(final TreeMap into, final TreeMap from) { for (final Map.Entry e: from.entrySet()) { if (into.containsKey(e.getKey())) { final Map s0 = refstr2map(into.get(e.getKey())); final Map s1 = refstr2map(e.getValue()); for (final Map.Entry r: s1.entrySet()) { if (s0.containsKey(r.getKey())) { s0.put(r.getKey(), s0.get(r.getKey()).intValue() + r.getValue().intValue()); } else { s0.put(r.getKey(), r.getValue().intValue()); } } into.put(e.getKey(), map2refstr(s0)); } else { into.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } } } public void joinOldNew() { synchronized(structure_new) { joinStructure(this.structure_old, this.structure_new); this.structure_new.clear(); } } public void saveWebStructure() { joinOldNew(); try { synchronized(structure_old) { FileUtils.saveMap(this.structureFile, this.structure_old, "Web Structure Syntax: ',' to {}*"); } } catch (final IOException e) { Log.logException(e); } } public String hostWithMaxReferences() { // find domain with most references String maxhost = null; int refsize, maxref = 0; joinOldNew(); synchronized(structure_new) { for (final Map.Entry entry : structure_old.entrySet()) { refsize = entry.getValue().length(); if (refsize > maxref) { maxref = refsize; maxhost = entry.getKey().substring(7); } } } return maxhost; } public Iterator structureEntryIterator(final boolean latest) { // iterates objects of type structureEntry return new structureIterator(latest); } public class structureIterator extends LookAheadIterator implements Iterator { private final Iterator> i; public structureIterator(final boolean latest) { i = ((latest) ? structure_new : structure_old).entrySet().iterator(); } public structureEntry next0() { Map.Entry entry = null; String dom = null, ref = ""; while (i.hasNext()) { entry = i.next(); ref = entry.getValue(); if ((ref.length() - 8) % 10 != 0) continue; dom = entry.getKey(); if (dom.length() >= 8) break; dom = null; } if (entry == null || dom == null) return null; assert (ref.length() - 8) % 10 == 0 : "refs = " + ref + ", length = " + ref.length(); return new structureEntry(dom.substring(0, 6), dom.substring(7), ref.substring(0, 8), refstr2map(ref)); } } public static class structureEntry { public String domhash, domain, date; public Map references; public structureEntry( final String domhash, final String domain, final String date, final Map references) { this.domhash = domhash; this.domain = domain; this.date = date; this.references = references; } } public void close() { if (this.publicRefDNSResolvingWorker.isAlive()) { log.logInfo("Waiting for the DNS Resolving Queue to terminate"); try { this.publicRefDNSResolvingQueue.put(leanrefObjectPOISON); this.publicRefDNSResolvingWorker.join(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } log.logInfo("Saving Web Structure File"); saveWebStructure(); } }