#!/bin/sh # # THIS IS THE YACY MAKE-RELEASE SCRIPT # YOU CAN USE IT TO COMPILE YOUR OWN RELEASE # THE TARGET OF THE COMPILATION CAN BE FOUND # IN THE 'RELEASE' DIRECTORY AFTERWARDS # ----------------------------------------- # This Software is Copyrighted # (C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@anomic.de # first published on http://www.anomic.de # Frankfurt, Germany, 2005 # last major change: 08.05.2005 # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Using this software in any meaning (reading, learning, copying, compiling, # running) means that you agree that the Author(s) is (are) not responsible # for cost, loss of data or any harm that may be caused directly or indirectly # by usage of this softare or this documentation. The usage of this software # is on your own risk. The installation and usage (starting/running) of this # software may allow other people or application to access your computer and # any attached devices and is highly dependent on the configuration of the # software which must be done by the user of the software; the author(s) is # (are) also not responsible for proper configuration and usage of the # software, even if provoked by documentation provided together with # the software. # # Any changes to this file according to the GPL as documented in the file # gpl.txt aside this file in the shipment you received can be done to the # lines that follows this copyright notice here, but changes must not be # done inside the copyright notive above. A re-distribution must contain # the intact and unchanged copyright notice. # Contributions and changes to the program code must be marked as such. # define variables version='0.374' datestr=`date +%Y%m%d` #release='yacy_v'$version'_'$datestr release='yacy_dev_v'$version'_'$datestr extralibs='yacy_libx' target='RELEASE' classes='classes' lib='lib' libx='libx' source='source' doc='doc' data='DATA' mainclass='yacy.java' echo "[`date +%Y/%m/%d\ %H:%M:%S`] Building yacy version $version - $datestr ..." classpath="$classes" for N in `ls -1 lib/*.jar`; do classpath="$classpath:$N"; done for N in `ls -1 libx/*.jar`; do classpath="$classpath:$N"; done echo "[`date +%Y/%m/%d\ %H:%M:%S`] Using classpath: $classpath" #classpath='$classes:lib/commons-collections.jar:lib/commons-pool-1.2.jar:libx/PDFBox-0.7.1.jar:libx/log4j-1.2.9.jar:libx/tm-extractors-0.4.jar' mkdir -p $release mkdir -p $extralibs # clean up echo "[`date +%Y/%m/%d\ %H:%M:%S`] Clean up ..." rm -Rf $target &> /dev/null rm -Rf $classes &> /dev/null rm $doc/release.txt &> /dev/null rm $source/*.class &> /dev/null rm $source/de/anomic/kelondro/*.class &> /dev/null rm $source/de/anomic/tools/*.class &> /dev/null rm $source/de/anomic/data/*.class &> /dev/null rm $source/de/anomic/htmlFilter/*.class &> /dev/null rm $source/de/anomic/http/*.class &> /dev/null rm $source/de/anomic/net/*.class &> /dev/null rm $source/de/anomic/plasma/*.class &> /dev/null rm $source/de/anomic/server/*.class &> /dev/null rm $source/de/anomic/yacy/*.class &> /dev/null rm $source/*~ &> /dev/null rm $source/de/anomic/kelondro/*~ &> /dev/null rm $source/de/anomic/tools/*~ &> /dev/null rm $source/de/anomic/data/*~ &> /dev/null rm $source/de/anomic/htmlFilter/*~ &> /dev/null rm $source/de/anomic/http/*~ &> /dev/null rm $source/de/anomic/net/*~ &> /dev/null rm $source/de/anomic/plasma/*~ &> /dev/null rm $source/de/anomic/server/*~ &> /dev/null rm $source/de/anomic/yacy/*~ &> /dev/null rm doc/*~ &> /dev/null rm addon/*~ &> /dev/null rm htroot/*~ &> /dev/null rm htroot/yacy/*~ &> /dev/null rm htroot/htdocsdefault/*~ &> /dev/null rm htroot/env/*~ &> /dev/null rm htroot/env/grafics/*~ &> /dev/null rm htroot/env/templates/*~ &> /dev/null # make classes directory echo "[`date +%Y/%m/%d\ %H:%M:%S`] make classes directory ..." mkdir -p $classes # make release directory echo "[`date +%Y/%m/%d\ %H:%M:%S`] make release directory ..." mkdir -p $target # compile core echo "[`date +%Y/%m/%d\ %H:%M:%S`] compile core ..." mv -f $source/$mainclass $source/$mainclass.orig sed `echo 's/@REPL_DATE@/'$datestr'/'` $source/$mainclass.orig > $source/$mainclass.sed1 sed `echo 's/@REPL_VERSION@/'$version'/'` $source/$mainclass.sed1 > $source/$mainclass rm $source/$mainclass.sed1 javac -classpath $classpath -sourcepath $source -d $classes -g $source/de/anomic/tools/*.java javac -classpath $classpath -sourcepath $source -d $classes -g $source/de/anomic/net/*.java javac -classpath $classpath -sourcepath $source -d $classes -g $source/de/anomic/htmlFilter/*.java javac -classpath $classpath -sourcepath $source -d $classes -g $source/de/anomic/server/*.java javac -classpath $classpath -sourcepath $source -d $classes -g $source/de/anomic/http/*.java javac -classpath $classpath -sourcepath $source -d $classes -g $source/de/anomic/kelondro/*.java javac -classpath $classpath -sourcepath $source -d $classes -g $source/de/anomic/data/*.java javac -classpath $classpath -sourcepath $source -d $classes -g $source/de/anomic/plasma/parser/*.java javac -classpath $classpath -sourcepath $source -d $classes -g $source/de/anomic/plasma/*.java javac -classpath $classpath -sourcepath $source -d $classes -g $source/de/anomic/yacy/*.java javac -classpath $classpath -sourcepath $source -d $classes -g $source/$mainclass mv -f $source/$mainclass.orig $source/$mainclass # compile server pages echo "[`date +%Y/%m/%d\ %H:%M:%S`] compile server pages ..." javac -classpath $classpath -sourcepath htroot -d htroot -g htroot/*.java javac -classpath $classpath -sourcepath htroot/yacy -d htroot/yacy -g htroot/yacy/*.java javac -classpath $classpath -sourcepath htroot/htdocsdefault -d htroot/htdocsdefault -g htroot/htdocsdefault/*.java # copy classes echo "[`date +%Y/%m/%d\ %H:%M:%S`] copy classes ..." mkdir -p $release/$classes cp -R $classes/* $release/$classes/ # copy libs echo "[`date +%Y/%m/%d\ %H:%M:%S`] copy libs ..." mkdir -p $release/$lib cp -R $lib/* $release/$lib/ rm -fR `find $release/$lib/ | grep svn` mkdir -p $extralibs/$libx cp -R $libx/* $extralibs/$libx/ rm -fR `find $extralibs/$libx/ | grep svn` # copy configuration files echo "[`date +%Y/%m/%d\ %H:%M:%S`] copy configuration files ..." cp yacy.init $release cp yacy.yellow $release #cp yacy.black $release cp yacy.blue $release cp yacy.stopwords $release cp httpd.mime $release cp superseed.txt $release # copy wrappers echo "[`date +%Y/%m/%d\ %H:%M:%S`] copy wrappers ..." cp startYACY.command $release cp startYACY.bat $release cp startYACY_noconsole.bat $release cp startYACY.sh $release cp stopYACY.command $release cp stopYACY.bat $release cp stopYACY.sh $release cp killYACY.sh $release cp makerelease.sh $release # copy documentation echo "[`date +%Y/%m/%d\ %H:%M:%S`] copy documentation ..." cp readme.txt $release cp gpl.txt $release mkdir -p $release/$doc mkdir -p $release/$doc/grafics cp $doc/*.css $release/$doc/ cp $doc/*.js $release/$doc/ cp $doc/*.html $release/$doc/ cp $doc/*.txt $release/$doc/ cp $doc/grafics/*.gif $release/$doc/grafics/ #cp $doc/grafics/*.ico $release/$doc/grafics/ #cp $doc/grafics/*.jpg $release/$doc/grafics/ rm -fR `find $release/$doc/ | grep svn` # copy source code echo "[`date +%Y/%m/%d\ %H:%M:%S`] copy source code ..." mkdir -p $release/$source cp -R $source/* $release/$source/ rm -fR `find $release/$source/ | grep svn` # copy server pages echo "[`date +%Y/%m/%d\ %H:%M:%S`] copy server pages ..." mkdir -p $release/htroot mkdir -p $release/htroot/yacy mkdir -p $release/htroot/htdocsdefault mkdir -p $release/htroot/env mkdir -p $release/htroot/env/grafics mkdir -p $release/htroot/env/templates mkdir -p $release/htroot/proxymsg cp htroot/*.rss $release/htroot/ cp htroot/*.xml $release/htroot/ cp htroot/*.html $release/htroot/ cp htroot/*.java $release/htroot/ cp htroot/*.class $release/htroot/ cp htroot/*.ico $release/htroot/ cp htroot/yacy/*.html $release/htroot/yacy/ cp htroot/yacy/*.java $release/htroot/yacy/ cp htroot/yacy/*.class $release/htroot/yacy/ cp htroot/htdocsdefault/*.html $release/htroot/htdocsdefault/ cp htroot/htdocsdefault/*.java $release/htroot/htdocsdefault/ cp htroot/htdocsdefault/*.class $release/htroot/htdocsdefault/ cp htroot/env/*.css $release/htroot/env/ cp htroot/env/grafics/* $release/htroot/env/grafics/ cp htroot/env/templates/*.template $release/htroot/env/templates/ cp htroot/proxymsg/*.html $release/htroot/proxymsg/ rm -fR `find $release/htroot/ | grep svn` # copy add-on's echo "[`date +%Y/%m/%d\ %H:%M:%S`] copy add-on's ..." mkdir -p $release/addon cp addon/* $release/addon/ # set access rights echo "[`date +%Y/%m/%d\ %H:%M:%S`] set access rights ..." chmod 644 $release/* chmod 755 $release/htroot chmod 644 $release/htroot/* chmod 755 $release/htroot/env chmod 644 $release/htroot/env/* chmod 755 $release/htroot/env/grafics chmod 644 $release/htroot/env/grafics/* chmod 755 $release/htroot/env/templates chmod 644 $release/htroot/env/templates/* chmod 755 $release/htroot/yacy chmod 644 $release/htroot/yacy/* chmod 755 $release/htroot/htdocsdefault chmod 644 $release/htroot/htdocsdefault/* chmod 755 $release/htroot/proxymsg chmod 644 $release/htroot/proxymsg/* chmod 755 $release/$source chmod 644 $release/$source/*.java chmod 755 $release/$source/de chmod 755 $release/$source/de/anomic chmod 755 $release/$source/de/anomic/* chmod 755 $release/$source/de/anomic/plasma/parser chmod 644 $release/$source/de/anomic/kelondro/*.java chmod 644 $release/$source/de/anomic/tools/*.java chmod 644 $release/$source/de/anomic/data/*.java chmod 644 $release/$source/de/anomic/htmlFilter/*.java chmod 644 $release/$source/de/anomic/http/*.java chmod 644 $release/$source/de/anomic/net/*.java chmod 644 $release/$source/de/anomic/plasma/*.java chmod 644 $release/$source/de/anomic/plasma/parser/*.java chmod 644 $release/$source/de/anomic/server/*.java chmod 644 $release/$source/de/anomic/yacy/*.java chmod 755 $release/$classes chmod 644 $release/$classes/* chmod 755 $release/$classes/de chmod 755 $release/$classes/de/anomic chmod 755 $release/$classes/de/anomic/* chmod 644 $release/$classes/de/anomic/kelondro/*.class chmod 644 $release/$classes/de/anomic/tools/*.class chmod 644 $release/$classes/de/anomic/data/*.class chmod 644 $release/$classes/de/anomic/htmlFilter/*.class chmod 644 $release/$classes/de/anomic/http/*.class chmod 644 $release/$classes/de/anomic/net/*.class chmod 644 $release/$classes/de/anomic/plasma/*.class chmod 644 $release/$classes/de/anomic/server/*.class chmod 644 $release/$classes/de/anomic/yacy/*.class chmod 755 $release/$lib chmod 644 $release/$lib/* chmod 755 $release/$doc chmod 644 $release/$doc/* chmod 755 $release/$doc/grafics chmod 644 $release/$doc/grafics/* chmod 755 $release/*.command chmod 755 $release/*.sh chmod 755 $release/addon chmod 755 $extralibs/$libx chmod 644 $extralibs/$libx/* # compress files echo "[`date +%Y/%m/%d\ %H:%M:%S`] compress files ..." tar -cf $release.tar $release rm -Rf $release gzip -9 $release.tar mv $release.tar.gz $target tar -cf $extralibs.tar $extralibs rm -Rf $extralibs gzip -9 $extralibs.tar mv $extralibs.tar.gz $target # make release test file: # this file must be copied later on to # www.yacy.net/yacy/ echo "[`date +%Y/%m/%d\ %H:%M:%S`] make release file ..." echo $version > $doc/release.txt # finished echo "[`date +%Y/%m/%d\ %H:%M:%S`] finished." echo "[`date +%Y/%m/%d\ %H:%M:%S`] created $target/$release.tar.gz" echo "[`date +%Y/%m/%d\ %H:%M:%S`] created $target/$extralibs.tar.gz"