- snapshots can now also be xml files which are extracted from the solr
index and stored as individual xml files in the snapshot directory along
the pdf and jpg images
- a transaction layer was placed above of the snapshot directory to
distinguish snapshots into 'inventory' and 'archive'. This may be used
to do transactions of index fragments using archived solr search results
between peers. This is currently unfinished, we need a protocol to move
snapshots from inventory to archive
- the SNAPSHOT directory was renamed to snapshot and contains now two
snapshot subdirectories: inventory and archive
- snapshots may now be generated by everyone, not only such peers
running on a server with xkhtml2pdf installed. The expert crawl starts
provides the option for snapshots to everyone. PDF snapshots are now
optional and the option is only shown if xkhtml2pdf is installed.
- the snapshot api now provides the request for historised xml files,
i.e. call:
The result of such xml files is identical with solr search results with
only one hit.
The pdf generation has been moved from the http loading process to the
solr document storage process. This may slow down the process a lot and
a different version of the process may be needed.
be transcoded into jpg for image previews. To create such pdfs you must
Add wkhtmltopdf and imagemagick to your OS, which you can do:
On a Mac download wkhtmltox-0.12.1_osx-cocoa-x86-64.pkg from
http://wkhtmltopdf.org/downloads.html and downloadh
In Debian do "apt-get install wkhtmltopdf imagemagick"
Then check in /Settings_p.html?page=ProxyAccess: "Transparent Proxy" and
"Always Fresh" - this is used by wkhtmltopdf to fetch web pages using
the YaCy proxy. Using "Always Fresh" it is possible to get all pages
from the proxy cache.
Finally, you will see a new option when starting an expert web crawl.
You can set a maximum depth for crawling which should cause a pdf
generation. The resulting pdfs are then available in
filled with the date, when the url is recognized as to be outdated. That
field was partly misinterpreted and the time interval was filled in. In
case that all the urls which are in the index shall be treated as
outdated, the field is filled now with Long.MAX_VALUE because then all
crawl dates are before that date and therefore outdated.
attribute in the <a> tag for each crawl. This introduces a lot of
changes because it extends the usage of the AnchorURL Object type which
now also has a different toString method that the underlying
DigestURL.toString. It is therefore not advised to use .toString at all
for urls, just just toNormalform(false) instead.
crawling to the YaCy indexer. Files are uploaded using POST multipart
requests; multiple file uploads are possible as well. Each file has
attached the file date and mime type which is used to get the right
parser for the submitted data. Also an url is submitted which is
assigned to the document.
The CrawlSwitchboard has a new option for default Crawl Profiles which
are assigned dynamically from the new push interface.
processes in favor of throwaway-processes. The control mechanism does
less often report a 'queue full' message to the busy loop which then
does not perform a long busy waiting; instead all requests are queued
and new loader processes are started if necessary up to a given limit
(as set before)
- refactored all code which uses URIMetadataRow as standard for word
hash length and word hash ordering and moved that to the class 'Word',
becuase the class URIMetadataRow defined the old metadata data structure
and should be superfluous in the future
- removed unused methods from URIMetadataRow as preparation for further
removal of that class
are deleted to terminate the crawl because otherwise the crawl will go
on after the load-from-passive stack policy.
- better check if a crawl is terminated using the loader queue.
profiles are cleaned. This shall enable a profile-termination-driven
postprocessing. To do this, index writings must carry the profile key
which will be implemented in another (next) step.
all unique links! This made it necessary, that a large portion of the
parser and link processing classes must be adopted to carry a different
type of link collection which carry a property attribute which are
attached to web anchors.
- introduction of a new URL class, AnchorURL
- the other url classes, DigestURI and MultiProtocolURI had been renamed
and refactored to fit into a new document package schema, document.id
- cleanup of net.yacy.cora.document package and refactoring
in intranets and the internet can now choose to appear as Googlebot.
This is an essential necessity to be able to compete in the field of
commercial search appliances, since most web pages are these days
optimized only for Google and no other search platform any more. All
commercial search engine providers have a built-in fake-Google User
Agent to be able to get the same search index as Google can do. Without
the resistance against obeying to robots.txt in this case, no
competition is possible any more. YaCy will always obey the robots.txt
when it is used for crawling the web in a peer-to-peer network, but to
establish a Search Appliance (like a Google Search Appliance, GSA) it is
necessary to be able to behave exactly like a Google crawler.
With this change, you will be able to switch the user agent when portal
or intranet mode is selected on per-crawl-start basis. Every crawl start
can have a different user agent.
jdk-based logger tend to block
at java.util.logging.Logger.log(Logger.java:476) in concurrent
environments. This makes logging a main performance issue. To overcome
this problem, this is a add-on to jdk logging to put log entries on a
concurrent message queue and log the messages one by one using a
separate process.
- FTPClient uses the concurrent logging instead of the log4j logger
- added the field in crawl profile
- adopted logging end error management
- adopted duplicate document detection
- added a new rule to the indexing process to reject non-matching
- full redesign of the expert crawl start servlet
The new filter field can now be seen in /CrawlStartExpert_p.html at
Section "Document Filter", subsection item "Filter on Content of
metadata and old rwi and for the citation index. The important
advancement is the separation of the citation index deletion because
that index is responsible for the linkdepth calculation. Now a search
index can be deleted without the citation index and that should cause
that less clickdepths must be post-processed.