- provide an easy tutorial-like "what should I do first" menu
- provide all elements which are subject to most first questions to YaCy
exibition people on top level: Resource limitation, Parser and Ranking
I apologize to everyone who are used to the old style and need to find
the menu items (again) after this change. I hope that this will make the
interface more usable for new users who see a web indexer/crawler the
first time.
which is the location for the search input frame. The new embedded
header is a clone of the simpleHeader with removed menus and without a
link to the index administration.
- re-implemented formerly jquery-based tagcloud with simple html
- fixed minimized menu for mobile/minimized view (try that: make window
very narrow...)
- adopted all YaCy administration pages to new framework
- created new search page layout (working, but still work in progress)
- old skin files are fully appliable! (and looking good)
- target is a new style based on bootstrap examples, see /test.html
- icons in YaCy may be replaced by glyphicons (to be done)
config settings frome the page also removed from yacy.init
introduced, it was also used for search facets. The generic search
facets are now deduced from generic solr fields which makes jena as tool
for facet semantics superfluous.
*) image links will not be marked (if they have class "yacylogo" or
*) external links in menu on left (and "fork me"-banner) will open in
new tab/window now
- an existing ranking servlet for solr was extended. It is now possible
to set boost values for fields, boost functions and boost queries.
- The ranking can have different instances, but currently only the first
one is used
- added an abstraction layer for fields which can be used for search and
those fields can be edited in the solr ranking configruation
- the ranking value from solr within the field score is used to combine
remote search requests, which all are created using the same locally
defined boost values
- reduced the number of fields which are used for search (makes it
- replaced some text fields by string fields (makes indexing faster)
- removed classes which had no use
- made a large number of experiments for a better ranking and created a
temporary setting which prefers hits inside titles
- adjusted also the RWI-based ranking computation to 'prefer title'
- made special cases like for portal search where no post-processing and
post-ranking is wanted: this keeps the original ranking order as done by
- fixed many bugs with old settings for ranking
index (new solr core webgraph) .. this is now off by default
- completely redesigned this servlet
- added description how to attach a remote solr
- adjusted naming of servlet and menues
- moved 'lazy initialization' attribut from IndexSchema to
IndexFederated (this is a general option) back again.
The default schema uses only some of them and the resting search index
has now the following properties:
- webgraph size will have about 40 times as much entries as default
- the complete index size will increase and may be about the double size
of current amount
As testing showed, not much indexing performance is lost. The default
index will be smaller (moved fields out of it); thus searching
can be faster.
The new index will cause that some old parts in YaCy can be removed,
i.e. specialized webgraph data and the noload crawler. The new index
will make it possible to:
- search within link texts of linked but not indexed documents (about 20
times of document index in size!!)
- get a very detailed link graph
- enhance ranking using a complete link graph
To get the full access to the new index, the API to solr has now two
access points: one with attribute core=collection1 for the default
search index and core=webgraph to the new webgraph search index. This is
also avaiable for p2p operation but client access is not yet
multiple solr cores instead of just one. Therefore it is now necessary
to distuingish between solr server connections (called an 'Instance')
and a connection to a single solr core. One Instance may now have
multiple connector classes assigned to it, each connecting to a single
To support multiple cores it is also necessary to distinguish between
the connection configuration and the configuration of the index schema.
We will have multiple schema configurations in the future, each for
every solr core. This caused that the IndexFederated servlet had to be
split into two parts, the new Servlet for the Schema editor is now in
the IndexSchema Servlet.
- added additional config page (ConfigSearchPage_p) for easy setup of search page layout (to not overload ConfigPortal page)
- currently redundant setting with part of ConfigPortal page
- added missing config for filetype and protocol navigator
- adjusted init of SearchEvent to check navigation config setting
- renamed RankigProcess.getTopicNavigator to getTopics (to distiguish between added SearchEvent.getTopicNavigator)
- showing also outbound links to other domains if there are any
- the outbound links browser shows also the link structure image
- showing even inbound links if the web structure graph has information
about that
- removed the left menu and made the HostBrowser a part of the top menu
for search
- moved the file search also to the top menu
- added hover information in the HostBrowser to explain what the click
- because the HostBrowser also links to the Metadata viewer ViewFile,
there should be a button to switch back to the HostBrowser: added that
IndexControlURLs where it appears more naturally. Because the RWI
administration is less important in the presence of Solr, the
IndexControlURL is now the default servlet when the Index Administration
button on the main menu is selected.
this new search interface is something completely new for search, but
completely common on desktops: browser a web space like one would browse
a file system in a file browser. The file listing is created using the
search index and a faceted restriction to specific domains.
or will be superfluous or subject of complete redesign after the
migration to solr. Removing these things now will make the transition to
solr more simple.
ready-prepared crawl list but at the stacks of the domains that are
stored for balanced crawling. This affects also the balancer since that
does not need to prepare the pre-selected crawl list for monitoring. As
a effect:
- it is no more possible to see the correct order of next to-be-crawled
links, since that depends on the actual state of the balancer stack the
next time another url is requested for loading
- the balancer works better since the next url can be selected according
to the current situation and not according to a pre-selected order.