Also add when possible a warning level log message on input stream
closing error instead of failing silently. This could help understanding
some IO exceptions such as "too many files open".
Detected when importing recent MediaWiki dumps containing some pages
with script content in plain text format (see Scribunto extension ).
Further improvement : modify the MediawikiImporter to prevent processing
revisions whose <model> is not wikitext.
Creating a MultiProtocolURL instance from a File object and then
retrieving a File with getFSFile() was inconsistent with file paths
containing space or non ASCII chars.
by using icu.ULocale for languages not already covered (ICU normalizes
to ISO639-1 2 char codes).
Add test class
Use DublinCore vocabulary declarations in DCEntry and SurrogateReader
for easier usage debugging,
Init SurrogateReader.inputSource on first use.
(expected scheme e.g. http, was protocol version).
Depreceate obsolete custom X-...-Scheme header constant.
Use existing FORMAT_ANSIC Dateformatter in HeaderFramework.
Correct htmlParserTest (del one not intended println)
recognized as tag like 1<a
reported in
Script content is ignored by default, but the text is filtered for html
tags. Modified scraper to skip tag filtering while within a <script>
section (until a closing tag is detected </script>.
Possible side effect, missing </script> end-tag will truncate trailing
content text.
As described in mantis 721 (
WatchWebStructure_p.html failed to include in its structure view https
and other protocols and ports than default http.
As described in mantis 720 (,
when requesting this API with a domain name instead of a complete URL
only HTTP references on default port were listed.
This ensure consistent implementation of the url host hash generation
and easier usage finding in source code.
Also added a unit test for this function.
add "datetime" property of <time> tag to scrapers startdate list.
Datetime is parsed as iso8601 (xml) date, html5 allows partial as well
as duration (not handled by this)
When starting a crawl from a file containing thousands of links,
configuration setting "crawler.MaxActiveThreads" is effective to prevent
saturating the system with too many outgoing HTTP connections threads
launched by the crawler.
But robots.txt was not affected by this setting and was indefinitely
increasing the number of concurrently loading threads until most ot the
connections timed out.
To improve performance control, added a pool of threads for Robots.txt,
consistently used in its ensureExist() and massCrawlCheck() methods.
The Robots.txt threads pool max size can now be configured in the
/PerformanceQueus_p.html page, or with the new
"robots.txt.MaxActiveThreads" setting, initialized with the same default
value as the crawler.
to make all readily available information from the original ServletRequest
available to YaCy servlets (without converting data to internal structures).
The implementation of the common interface allows easier integration of
YaCy servlets with the servlet standard (e.g. shared login service with
the servlet container etc.)
When the peer is behind a reverse proxy providing SSL/TLS encryption,
the rendered absolute URLs should start with https when the user browser
requested https : added limited support to the X-Forwarded-Proto HTTP
header notably provided on Heroku platform.
Also added some unit tests.
used for rwi ranking.
Main changes:
- introduce a posintext() to access the stored value. This reduces also mem alloc of position array for WordReferenceRow (index access)
- use the positions() array for joined references on multi-word queries if needed (otherwise allow positions() to be null
- adjust assignments and the min() max() and distance() calculation accordingly
Issue was the calculation in AbstractReference with positions.clear() call,
this made distance result always 0 (distance needs min 2 positions) and created concurrency issues.
+ unit test of changes
to make sure current dates are recognized (was fixed to 2014 - 2016)
+ adjust holiday date parser from pattern.match to pattern.find to deal with leading and trailing text
+ moved relative date recognition (morgen, tomorrow) to parseline (used by query parser only), as not working and problematic for indexing
+ add test case for parseline (used by query parser)