This organizes all urls to be loaded in separate queues for each host.
Each host separates the crawl depth into it's own queue. The primary
rule for urls taken from any queue is, that the crawl depth is minimal.
This produces a crawl depth which is identical to the clickdepth.
Furthermorem the crawl is able to create a much better balancing over
all hosts which is fair to all hosts that are in the queue.
This process will create a very large number of files for wide crawls in
the QUEUES folder: for each host a directory, for each crawl depth a
file inside the directory. A crawl with maxdepth = 4 will be able to
create 10.000s of files. To be able to use that many file readers, it
was necessary to implement a new index data structure which opens the
file only if an access is wanted (OnDemandOpenFileIndex). The usage of
such on-demand file reader shall prevent that the number of file
pointers is over the system limit, which is usually about 10.000 open
files. Some parts of YaCy had to be adopted to handle the crawl depth
number correctly. The logging and the IndexCreateQueues servlet had to
be adopted to show the crawl queues differently, because the host name
is attached to the port on the host to differentiate between http,
https, and ftp services.
- removed the default version blacklist regex from init (for future versions)
!!! left existing update blacklist setting untouched !!!
(existing installation wanting autoupdate for 1.71 need to change blacklist in ConfigUpdate_p.html)
- moved old blacklist patch to
a document. This is the upper limit for the clickdepth_i value which may
be shorter in case that the crawler did not take the shortest path to
the document.
- use JSoup parser for selective rewrite of html body <a href= links only,
instead of regex which rewrites also header href/src links
- this improves display of pages which use header <base> tag
- tags with src attribute are taken from original location (like css) improving display and are not routed trough the indexer
Disadvantage: scripting links will drop out of proxy
Setting of the servlet through web.xml exclusivly (in case one would like to quickly switch back to the YaCyProxyServlet,
leaving the existing code of YaCyProxyServlet untouched available)
- they are incomplete and buggy
- it was not easy to explain
- it did not comply with a KISS strategy
- setting a performance of low priority actually caused crashing of a
- there was nobody who would maintain that functionality
config settings frome the page also removed from yacy.init
is VERY high. This applies also if the CPU load is high because of
in-cache crawling; in that case we want to experience a high-CPU load as
much as possible
The resource observer is now able to recognize free disk space AND
available space for YaCy. The amount of space which is assigned for YaCy
are defined in new settings in the configuration file.
Furthermore, there is now a cleanup process which deletes files in case
that an autodelete is activated. The autodelete is now BY DEFAULT ON if
the disk space is low, which means that YaCy starts to delete documents
when the disk is full!
if load > 1 (but < 2) but only if there is enough memory (now: 0.5 GB
RAM available). The memory amount of the postprocessing is the cause
that systems block because they run into a frequent-GC chain which
almost locks the peer. If running with enough memory, the postprocessing
is fast and not damaging to the system.
Because the required RAM of 0.5 GB is never available in default
setting, the postprocessing will not run if the peer is not reconfigured
to use more memory.
introduced, it was also used for search facets. The generic search
facets are now deduced from generic solr fields which makes jena as tool
for facet semantics superfluous.
- since specific heuristic Twitter & Blekko is not longer available or redundant with OpenSearchHeuristic,
adjusted ConfigHeuristic to use OpensearchHeuristic settings only.
For this the default OSD search target list is made available (copied) by default and the other configs are removed.
- the return of QueryGoal.getOriginalQueryString includes the queryModifier, which are held separately in a modifier object,
but in most (all) cases just the query term is expected, clarified and renamed it to QueryGoal.getQueryString which returns
just the search term (if needed a .getOrigianlQueryString could be implemented in Queryparameters, adding the modifiers)
- started to adjust internal html href references from absolute to relative (currently it is mixed).
For future development we should prefer relative href targets (less trouble with context aware servlets)
as BASIC were pwd is transmitted near clear text (B64enc).
This has some implication as RFC 2617 requires and recommends a password hash MD5(user:realm:pwd) for DIGEST.
!!! before activating DIGEST you have to reassign all passwords !!! to allow new calculation of the hash
- default authentication is still BASIC
- configuration at this time only manually in (DATA/settings) or defaults/web.xml (<auth-method>
- the realmname is in defaults/yacy.init adminRealm=YaCy-AdminUI
- fyi: the realmname is shown on login screen
- changing the realm name invalidates all passwords - but for security you are encouraged to do so (as localhostadmin)
- implemented to support both, old hashes for BASIC and new hashes for BASIC and DIGEST
- to differentiate old / new hash the in Jetty used hash-prefix "MD5:" is used for new pwd-hashes ( "MD5:hash" )
- all non-dht targets (previously separated into 'robinson' for dht-like
queries and 'node' for solr queries) are non 'extra' peers, which are
queries using solr
- these extra-peers are now selected using a ranking on last-seen,
peer-tag-matches, node-peer flags, peer age, and link count. The ranking
is done using a weight and a random factor.
- the number of extra peers is 50% of the dht peers
- the dht peers now exclude too young peers to prevent bad results
during strong growth of the network
- the number of dht peers (and therefore extra-peers) is reduced when
the memory of the peer is low and/or some documents still appear in the
indexing-queue. This shall prevent a peer from deadlocks when p2p
queries are made in a fast sequence on weak hardware.
- this allows additional features, like servlet configuration via web.xml and many more things.
- currently the standard servlets are still configured in the code (so the supplied defaults/web.xml is not realy needed, yet),
but could be expanded
- lookup for web.xml - 1. in /DATA/SETTINGS then in /defaults
as path for solr index dumps (instead of the SEGMENTS path). This will
make a maintenance of index backups easier. It will also provide a tool
to migrate from an freeworld index to a webportal index.
- user entry in UserDB with admin right can login to access protected pages
- dto. admin user, choosen username is stored in conf (adminAccountUserName=)