- all non-dht targets (previously separated into 'robinson' for dht-like
queries and 'node' for solr queries) are non 'extra' peers, which are
queries using solr
- these extra-peers are now selected using a ranking on last-seen,
peer-tag-matches, node-peer flags, peer age, and link count. The ranking
is done using a weight and a random factor.
- the number of extra peers is 50% of the dht peers
- the dht peers now exclude too young peers to prevent bad results
during strong growth of the network
- the number of dht peers (and therefore extra-peers) is reduced when
the memory of the peer is low and/or some documents still appear in the
indexing-queue. This shall prevent a peer from deadlocks when p2p
queries are made in a fast sequence on weak hardware.
causes Solr error (and wordindex likely finds suggestion)
org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: org.apache.solr.search.SyntaxError: Cannot parse 'text_t:""d"': Lexical error at line 1, column 12. Encountered: <EOF> after : ""
at org.apache.solr.handler.component.QueryComponent.prepare(QueryComponent.java:171)
at org.apache.solr.handler.component.SearchHandler.handleRequestBody(SearchHandler.java:187)
at org.apache.solr.handler.RequestHandlerBase.handleRequest(RequestHandlerBase.java:135)
at net.yacy.cora.federate.solr.connector.EmbeddedSolrConnector.query(EmbeddedSolrConnector.java:179)
at net.yacy.cora.federate.solr.connector.EmbeddedSolrConnector$DocListSearcher.<init>(EmbeddedSolrConnector.java:345)
at net.yacy.cora.federate.solr.connector.EmbeddedSolrConnector.getCountByQuery(EmbeddedSolrConnector.java:364)
at net.yacy.cora.federate.solr.connector.MirrorSolrConnector.getCountByQuery(MirrorSolrConnector.java:326)
at net.yacy.cora.federate.solr.connector.ConcurrentUpdateSolrConnector.getCountByQuery(ConcurrentUpdateSolrConnector.java:440)
at net.yacy.search.index.Segment.getWordCountGuess(Segment.java:464)
at net.yacy.data.DidYouMean.getSuggestions(DidYouMean.java:181)
at suggest.respond(suggest.java:73)
- the admin user name can be configured, in apiExec calls the default "admin" username is used.
TODO: the bin/apicall.sh script should likely take that into account.
as path for solr index dumps (instead of the SEGMENTS path). This will
make a maintenance of index backups easier. It will also provide a tool
to migrate from an freeworld index to a webportal index.
execAPIActions require http to be up. The 10s sleep was sufficient to allow Jetty to start,
but it's more robust to place the call after http is assigned to switchboard/serverSwitch.
- added default filename filter to select field (as only addition to *.black list is permanent)
- modified Blacklist_p header/legend to show all active blacklists
(to support understanding that all configured lists are active)
- removed obsolete code in Blacklist_p servlet
- metatags my be null
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at net.yacy.search.query.QueryParams.getFacets(QueryParams.java:445)
at net.yacy.search.query.QueryParams.getBasicParams(QueryParams.java:400)
at net.yacy.search.query.QueryParams.solrTextQuery(QueryParams.java:345)
at net.yacy.search.query.QueryParams.solrQuery(QueryParams.java:334)
at net.yacy.search.query.SearchEvent.<init>(SearchEvent.java:290)
at net.yacy.search.query.SearchEventCache.getEvent(SearchEventCache.java:176)
at IndexControlRWIs_p.genSearchresult(IndexControlRWIs_p.java:641)
at IndexControlRWIs_p.respond(IndexControlRWIs_p.java:141)
at net.yacy.peers.Network.peerPing(Network.java:195)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:616)
regular expressions cause no results. Usage of '*' followed by a dot or
any expression will now cause that this expression is used as a filetype
!!! attention !!! to make sure YaCy can start, https will be disabled if port 8443 is used
- added ping test for above to migration
- as of now port for https is hardcoded to default 8443
- if not urgend required I'd leave it this way (it's standard) to use different ports for http and https
- post https port on ConfigBasic.html (if active)
a dublin core record inside of surrogate input files may now contain
tokens within the namespace 'md' (short for: metadata). The token names
must be valid withing the namespace of the solr field names. All
md-tokens inside of surrogate files then overwrite values within solr
documents before they are written to the solr index. This makes it
possible to assign collection names to each surrogate entry and also
ranking information can be added. Please see the example file.
work around the unfolding process in Solr's BinaryResponseWriter.
This was a huge performance bottleneck in the embedded solr connector
and the problem is actually on Solr side, but we have now a workaround.
- This made it possible to abstract a high-performance index access
method which is implemented as method getDocumentListByParams. That
method is also implemented in the SolrServerConnector and provides a
very efficient access to a solr index if the index is embedded.
- a popular use of the document list retrieval is a result count which
can now also make use of the new method, via getDocumentCountByParams.
- enhanced the Error cache which now does not store error documents
within the ram cache if the document is also written to solr. When
documents are retrieved from the cache, they are partly read from the
ram cache and if not existent there, from the Solr index.
servlet since YaCy 1.63. This is much more performant for the client
than using the XMLResponseWriter because parsing of XML data is very CPU
intensive. Older YaCy peers are still requested using the
XMLResponseWriter but the majority of YaCy peers already respond with
the binary writer. This makes remote searches much faster and less CPU