introduced, it was also used for search facets. The generic search
facets are now deduced from generic solr fields which makes jena as tool
for facet semantics superfluous.
solrj.4.6.0 has a bug which prevents the attachment of a remote solr (as
tested with a SolrCloud). See bug report
This bug shall be fixed in Solr 4.6.1.
Fortunately, solrj-4.5.1 works together with solr-4.6.0 thus the current
index does not need to be changed.
- this allows additional features, like servlet configuration via web.xml and many more things.
- currently the standard servlets are still configured in the code (so the supplied defaults/web.xml is not realy needed, yet),
but could be expanded
- lookup for web.xml - 1. in /DATA/SETTINGS then in /defaults
ServerSideIncludes and servlet return values need further work (for working jetty integration)
- TODO: added nasty quickfix to allow SSI - needs further work
- TODO: YaCy servlet return values/parameters are not handled
- removed httpclient 3.1 which has been used by solrj < 4.x.x and is now
not used any more
- fixed some parts in YaCy which used methods from httpclient 3.1
log4j-over-slf4j is there. From slf4j all loggings are routed to the jdk
logger. Now all loggings are consistently done to the jdk logger.
- added some lines to the logging properties to suppress many solr
logging statements. The number of the logging entries had already become
a performance issue, therefore removing these from the log should
increase performance.
The default schema uses only some of them and the resting search index
has now the following properties:
- webgraph size will have about 40 times as much entries as default
- the complete index size will increase and may be about the double size
of current amount
As testing showed, not much indexing performance is lost. The default
index will be smaller (moved fields out of it); thus searching
can be faster.
The new index will cause that some old parts in YaCy can be removed,
i.e. specialized webgraph data and the noload crawler. The new index
will make it possible to:
- search within link texts of linked but not indexed documents (about 20
times of document index in size!!)
- get a very detailed link graph
- enhance ranking using a complete link graph
To get the full access to the new index, the API to solr has now two
access points: one with attribute core=collection1 for the default
search index and core=webgraph to the new webgraph search index. This is
also avaiable for p2p operation but client access is not yet
on the jaudiotagger library. The parser is disabled by default as it
needs to store temporary files for non file:// protocols, which might be
disliked. For your local MP3-collection it loads nicely Artist,
Title, Album etc. from the audio files meta data.
- when doing a remote search, node peers are selected for solr queries
- the solr query is done concurrently to the standard YaCy rwi search
- the solr search result is feeded into the same data structure that
prepares the rwi search result
- the same remote seach that is done to several outside peers is done to
the local solr index
- the search process works now also without any 'old' RWI data using
- added abstract add, delete, get methods in the triplestore
- added generation of triples after auto-annotation
- migrated all MultiProtocolURI objects to DigestURI in the parser since
the url hash is needed as subject value in the triples in the triple
parser. This makes it possible that every type of document can be a
crawl start point, not only text documents or html documents. Testet
this with a pdf document.
the new replacement is taken from and has the version 2.11.0 and was inside the file Xerces-J-bin.2.11.0.tar.gz
and consists of two files named xercesImpl.jar and xml-apis.jar
The original purpose of that library was to support:
- content parsers
- optional seed uploader
- SOAP API (which will be committed later)
Since the SOAP API does not exist any more the purpose is to support content parser and an optional seed uploader
git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
YaCy supports now the storage to remote solr indexes.
More federated storage (and search) methods may follow.
The remote index scheme is the same as produced by the SolrCell; see
Because this default scheme is used, the default example scheme can be used as solr configuration
This is also the same scheme that solr uses if documents are imported with apache tika.
federated solr storage is switched off by default.
To use this, do the following:
- set federated.service.solr.indexing.enabled = true
- download solr from
- extract the solr (3.1) package, 'cd example' and start solr with 'java -jar start.jar'
- start yacy and then start a crawler. The crawler will fill both, YaCy and solr indexes.
- to check whats in solr after indexing, open http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/
Until now it is not possible to use the solr index to search with YaCy in that solr index.
This functionality is now available for two reasons:
1) to compare the functionality of Solr and YaCy and to compare the search speed
2) to use YaCy as a search appliance for people who need a crawler or other source harvesting methods
that YaCy provides (like dublin core reading, wikimedia dump reading, rss feed reader etc) if people still
want to use solr instead of YaCy.
git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- remove the library
- added two classes from the httpclient-3.1 library as source code to YaCy because these classes were used by the YaCy HTTP Server
- modified the added classes ChunkedInputStream and ContentLengthInputStream in such a way that:
* there are no more dependencies to httpclient-3.1
* these classes had been simplified to serve only the purpose for the YaCy httpd
git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- added some clear statements that shall clear static cache size within the pdfbox library
- the pdfbox library contains a memory leak; it is unsafe to run a peer with pdf parser permanently on.
git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- cleaned uo the code. The new eclipse helios provided new warnings for dead code. This change cleans up most of these warnings
git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- a new news db will be created (news1024.db), the old one (news.db) can be deleted
- peers with too large news payload are not ignored any more (they may have been invisible because they had a too large news payload!)
git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- now importing OAI-PMH server list fron two sources
- simultanous import from several servers (even > 2000)
- check buttons on OAI-PMH server list to select multiple servers for import start
- it is possible to select all servers at once for import
- imported XML data is gzipped after import from surrogate reader
git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
this is the beginning of some architecture changes that will hopefully bring some more stability, speed and transparency to the search process.
git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
removed libx directory
all libraries are now in lib, instead the test libraries in libt which are not part of releases
git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
This was done to prepare the wiki parser as parser for wikipedia dumps, which will be used for performance test (to omit crawling)
git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
from the forum discussion in
The feature will provide two basic entities:
- you can integrate image links which point to your yacy installation anywhere in the web.
the image can be loaded with
<img src="http://<yourpeer>:<yourport>/cytag.png?icon=invisible&nick=<yournickname_or_community_id>&tag=<anything>">
This will place a invisible 1-pixel image. If you change the icon=invisible to icon=redpill, you will see a red pill
Use this, to track your activity in the web.
- you can view your tracks at
- There is a public api to your tracks at
which needs authentication
git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
the file server contains a patch that temporary matches all xml paths to api,
that means all interfaces still work. Please adopt all your interfaces to the new path.
git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542