Added as an additional icon with title in the search progress bar, to
inform about background search feeder threads terminated or still
running. While giving a bit more information to users about the p2p
search process, this can help choosing whether or not wait a little bit
more time before going to the next page, in order to get results from
various sources sorted as best as possible (see #91 for a discussion
about sorting accuracy and network latency).
Other related modifications included :
- regular updates to statistics in the progress bar until the
background feeders are completely terminated.
- removed some uses of unsecure and discouraged JavaScript elements
- added the new setting as configurable in the "Debug/Analysis" settings
page. Debug/analysis is its main purpose for now as there is currently
no nice and "understansable" ranking score info servlet (see forum
discussion )
- render in the "Search Page Layout" page preview when enabled
- added constants
Revealed by commit c77e43a : the exception was then thrown when indexing
pages containing mailto: scheme URL links with the Solr Webgraph core
Fixed the error case and restored filtering on mailto links in
Document.resortLinks() as these URLs still should not appear in
On MediaWiki dump imports, the SurrogateReader was trying to unread too
many bytes, then failing with the following exception :
" Push back buffer is full".
When using a public HTTP URL in /IndexImportMediawiki_p.html, the remote
file now is directly streamed and processed, allowing import of several
GB dumps even with a low memory remote peer, and without need to
manually download the dump file first.
Detected when importing recent MediaWiki dumps containing some pages
with script content in plain text format (see Scribunto extension ).
Further improvement : modify the MediawikiImporter to prevent processing
revisions whose <model> is not wikitext.
Creating a MultiProtocolURL instance from a File object and then
retrieving a File with getFSFile() was inconsistent with file paths
containing space or non ASCII chars.
This might be tangential related to
as the example includes a local index search, while rwi results are not
The keywords field string is split into words as navigator entries.
A keyword navigator facet is essential for search appliance usage were
documents and metadata use often specialized keyword vocabularies to
filter search results. This navi can be used without custom index schema.
As we don't have defined a search query command to filter "keywords" yet,
the filtering is limited by adding the keyword to the search query.
warc = Web ARChive File Format.
Warc files with extension .warc or compressed warc.gz can be placed in the
DATA/surrogate/in and contained responses are imported to the index.
The used library is stream based so we can easily extend it later to use
and load warc's from the net.
- enabled HTTP POST calls with Digest HTTP authentication
- made API calls compatible with API newly restricted to HTTP POST only
with transaction token validation
- ensured backward compatibility with older entries recorded as HTTP
- ensure use of HTTP POST method : HTTP GET should only be used for
information retrieval and not to perform server side effect operations
(see HTTP standard
- a transaction token is now required for these administrative form
submissions to ensure the request can not be included in an external
site and performed silently/by mistake by the user browser
When programmatically requesting the local peer with Apache http client,
authentication credentials must be passed as clear-text values.
This extension to the apache org.apache.http.impl.auth.DigestScheme
permits use of the YaCy encoded password stored in the
adminAccountBase64MD5 configuration property.
A port value of -1 will disable this option.
If set to a value greater 0, YaCy listens on this of on the local loopback
address ( for a shutdown or restart signal.
E.g. connect to http://localhost:8005/shutdown will stop the YaCy server.
http://localhost:8005/restart will restart it.
This option allows to stop YaCy locally independant from the web web
frontend (which might be configured for password protected remote access).