4.0.0 there is a new softcommit feature which implements a
near-real-time (NRT) search option. The softcommit does not do IO and
does not cause performance issues.
YaCy has now an extension in its solr connectors to use the softcommit
feature. The softcommit call now replaces all places where a hard commit
was used. Furthermore the commit strategy in when doing a search from
the web interface was changed (it's done every time before a search is
The softcommit feature was implemented because it was needed for the
following changes (customer demands), which is also included in this
git commit:
- added a feature to identify all documents which have unique titles
and/or unique descriptions. These unique flags are disabled by default.
- added also a feature to set a flag when the url from a canonical tag
is equal to the document url. This is also disabled by default.
To support the new softcommit strategy, the commitWithinMs option was
set to -1 do disable automatic commit based on document insert times. If
documents are inserted permanently then also a commit would happen
permanently whenever the commitWithinMs time is reached. This would
conflict with the regular autocommit of 10 minutes and the new
softcommit strategy.
forum at
The feature was not called 'haslink' but called 'inlink' to have a
analogous naming like 'inurl'. This causes now that you can search for
words in links of the document, like:
* inlink:yacy
searches all documents which link to pages which have an 'yacy' in the
- migrates all entries in old urldb
Metadata coordinate (lat / lon) NumberFormatException still relative often (see excerpt below),
- added try/catch for URIMetadataRow (seems not to be needed in URIMetaDataNode, as Solr internally checks for number format)
- removed possible typ conversion for lat() / lon() comparison with 0.0f, changed to 0.0 (leaving it to the compiler/optimizer to choose number format)
current log excerpt for NumberFormatException:
W 2013/01/14 00:10:07 StackTrace For input string: "-"
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "-"
at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Double.parseDouble(Unknown Source)
at net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.URIMetadataRow$Components.lon(URIMetadataRow.java:525)
at net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.URIMetadataRow.lon(URIMetadataRow.java:279)
at net.yacy.search.index.SolrConfiguration.metadata2solr(SolrConfiguration.java:277)
at net.yacy.search.index.Fulltext.putMetadata(Fulltext.java:329)
at transferURL.respond(transferURL.java:152)
Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "-"
at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Double.parseDouble(Unknown Source)
at net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.URIMetadataRow$Components.lon(URIMetadataRow.java:525)
at net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.URIMetadataRow.lon(URIMetadataRow.java:279)
at net.yacy.search.index.SolrConfiguration.metadata2solr(SolrConfiguration.java:277)
at net.yacy.search.index.Fulltext.putMetadata(Fulltext.java:329)
at transferURL.respond(transferURL.java:152)
- added additional config page (ConfigSearchPage_p) for easy setup of search page layout (to not overload ConfigPortal page)
- currently redundant setting with part of ConfigPortal page
- added missing config for filetype and protocol navigator
- adjusted init of SearchEvent to check navigation config setting
- renamed RankigProcess.getTopicNavigator to getTopics (to distiguish between added SearchEvent.getTopicNavigator)
metadata and old rwi and for the citation index. The important
advancement is the separation of the citation index deletion because
that index is responsible for the linkdepth calculation. Now a search
index can be deleted without the citation index and that should cause
that less clickdepths must be post-processed.
This attribute can be used for ranking and for other purpose (demand by
The click depth is computed in two steps:
- during indexing the current fill-state of the reverse link index is
used to backtrack the current page to the root page. The length of that
backtrack is the clickdepth. But this does not discover the shortest
click depth. To get this, a second process to check again is needed
- added a process tag that can be used to do operations on the existing
index after a crawl; i.e. calculation the shortest clickpath. Added a
field to control this operation but not a method to operate on this.
- added a visualization of the clickpath length in the host browser
- fixed conflict in htroot/yacysearch.java
- removed nedres check because that causes that the remote server is not
called at all in most cases (local index has already results but we want
- fixed a regex bug (a '=' too much)
- urlcitationindex != null check added to ResultEntry.referencesCount
- plus other places where conflicting procedure was used (and urlcitationindex not already checked != null)
- any system supporting opensearch specification can be configured
- search query is only forwarded to remote system if not enough results available on local peer
- discover function provided, checking the local Solr index for links to opensearchdescription files, to add to the config
- sample config file with some general search engines with opensearch support
- ConfigPortal: added checkbox Host Browser
- yacy.init: added search.result.show.hostbrowser as default = on (true)
- fix HostBrowser: broken link to protected WebStructurePicture for public user
that enables viewing of images for intranet SMB servers.
- added a filter search for protocol, tld and ext again; otherwise p2p
search produces a lot of rubbish
- an event type (once, regular) can be selected
- for this event type, a fixed time can be selected. This may be either
directly after startup or at one of the full hours at a day (==25
The main point about this feature is the opportunity to start an action
directly after startup. That makes it possible to create YaCy
distributions which, after started at the first time, start to index
parts of the intranet/internet by itself.
- automatically show the protocol navigation if there is more than http
and https
- automatically show the extension navigation if there is some media
introduce a copy-field for the author field to be copied to a string
field. This field is then used to generate facets. Without this field,
the facet would consist only of the words of the author names, not of
the full author string.
INCOMING links to the corresponding web page. This information is taken
from the reverse link index (a 'little sister' of the RWI index).
- this field can be of use to enhance the ranking because a web page
with more incoming links can be more more important than others. But
this is not true for typical link pages like menues. Therefore the
number of outgoing links is needed.
- added a new solr attribute 'bf' to solr queries which is a boost
function extension. this field can contain a formula which comuptes the
boost according to given field values. After some experiments the
following forumla is now default:
This takes the number of references and the inbound links. Further
experiments are needed to enhance that forumula.