As reported by davide on YaCy forums ( ) when the
system is on high load, unless reading carefully YaCy configuration
file, it could be difficult to understand why remote search results are
not fetched.
- fixed superfluous space in query field list
- fixed filter query logic
- removed look-ahead query which caused that each new search page
submitted two solr queries
- fixed random solr result orders in case that the solr score was equal:
this was then re-ordered by YaCy using the document hash which came from
the solr object and that appeared to be random. Now the hash of the url
is used and the score is additionally modified by the url length to
prevent that this particular case appears at all.
removed preferred IPv4 in start options and added a new field IP6 in
peer seeds which will contain one or more IPv6 addresses. Now every peer
has one or more IP addresses assigned, even several IPv6 addresses are
possible. The peer-ping process must check all given and possible IP
addresses for a backping and return the one IP which was successful when
pinging the peer. The ping-ing peer must be able to recognize which of
the given IPs are available for outside access of the peer and store
this accordingly. If only one IPv6 address is available and no IPv4,
then the IPv6 is stored in the old IP field of the seed DNA.
Many methods in are now marked as @deprecated because they had
been used for a single IP only. There is still a large construction site
left in YaCy now where all these deprecated methods must be replaced
with new method calls. The 'extra'-IPs, used by cluster assignment had
been removed since that can be replaced with IPv6 usage in p2p clusters.
All clusters must now use IPv6 if they want an intranet-routing.
As the solr servlet may not be available (e.g. no public search page, old version, individual access setting) a /solr/select error is
remembered in the seed.dna of the remote peer.
This is not permanent, as flag is not stored and the seed is reloaded on several occasions, it is just a memory of the recent past status.
Might also be set to "not available" on time-out of last try.
- all non-dht targets (previously separated into 'robinson' for dht-like
queries and 'node' for solr queries) are non 'extra' peers, which are
queries using solr
- these extra-peers are now selected using a ranking on last-seen,
peer-tag-matches, node-peer flags, peer age, and link count. The ranking
is done using a weight and a random factor.
- the number of extra peers is 50% of the dht peers
- the dht peers now exclude too young peers to prevent bad results
during strong growth of the network
- the number of dht peers (and therefore extra-peers) is reduced when
the memory of the peer is low and/or some documents still appear in the
indexing-queue. This shall prevent a peer from deadlocks when p2p
queries are made in a fast sequence on weak hardware.
all unique links! This made it necessary, that a large portion of the
parser and link processing classes must be adopted to carry a different
type of link collection which carry a property attribute which are
attached to web anchors.
- introduction of a new URL class, AnchorURL
- the other url classes, DigestURI and MultiProtocolURI had been renamed
and refactored to fit into a new document package schema,
- cleanup of net.yacy.cora.document package and refactoring
jdk-based logger tend to block
at java.util.logging.Logger.log( in concurrent
environments. This makes logging a main performance issue. To overcome
this problem, this is a add-on to jdk logging to put log entries on a
concurrent message queue and log the messages one by one using a
separate process.
- FTPClient uses the concurrent logging instead of the log4j logger
signal in case that a cleanup process wants to remove the search
process. Added also a new cleanup process which can reduce the number of
stored searches to a specific number which can be higher or lower
according to the remaining RAM. The cleanup process is called every time
a search ist started.
- no document search this time
- adjusted banner and network to not show 'WORDS' but DHT Chunks. This
is to avoid confusion for robinson peers which do not create Word
are exactly at only that size which is needed to present the current
search result page. This will also cause that next solr request are made
automatically during switching to next pages.
- removed 'worker' processes
- no internal time-out behaviour: methods either are successful or
return null
- waiting is only done on top-level
- removed snippet-production; this is replaced by solr snippets
- removed statistics based on solr size queries (they had been VERY
long); the statistics (like suggestions or tag cloud) are now again
based on the old but very fast RWI index. In portal or intranet mode the
RWI index is usually switched off; if you like to have statistics again
then you must switch on the rwis again in this mode.
- fixed many bugs regarding correct page counter
structure, but is not filled yet. To have the opportunity of a second
core, multi-core functionality had to be implemented to the
deep-embedded solr:
- migrated the solr_40 directory content to a subdirectory
'collection1'; the previously used default core is now called
- added solr_40/webgraph subdirectory as second core
- added a servlet configuration for the second core 'webgraph' in
- added instance handling as addition to solr connections: all solr
connectors are now instances of an solr 'instance' object; this required
a complete re-design of the solr embedding
- migrated also caching and sharding ontop of new instance handling
- migrated the search apis to handle now the access to a specific core,
the default core named 'collection1'
- migrated the remote solr search interface to access shards of cores;
for the yacy remote search the default core is now called 'solr'; using
the peer address as solr address
- migrated the solr backup and restore process: old backups cannot be
used after this migration!
- redesign of solr instance handling in all methods which access the
instances: they cannot hold copies of these instances any more; the must
retrieve the actuall connection object every time they want to write to
it (this solves also some bugs when switching the index/network)
- added another schema 'solr.webgraph.schema', the old solr.keys.list is
replaced by solr.collection.schema
Solr search interface in such way that it is possible to use this
interface for the yacyinteractive search. This search interface is now
much faster using the Solr search directly. For the Solr interface it
was necessary to create a translation from the YaCy search modifiers to
the Solr facet selection. This was added in such a way that it becomes
generic for the normal YaCy search and as a on-top evaluation for Solr
introduce a copy-field for the author field to be copied to a string
field. This field is then used to generate facets. Without this field,
the facet would consist only of the words of the author names, not of
the full author string.
added solr highlighting / YaCy snippets to YaCy search results
- facets are now much more complete
- facets are computed and searched much faster
- snippet computation is done by solr if solr knows the snippet
create an document entry. This makes remote search much slower.
- removed synchronization of add method if ip_s is activated to prevent
that a user configuration causes bad behavior. The disadvantage of that
is, that a index dump can cause data loss if an indexing is running
during index dump
- catched more exceptions and more NPE
- better abstraction in MirrorSolrConnector
- slight performance enhancement when only the index count is requested
(rows=0 is sufficient to get a total count)