If swichted on link (click) to the tag adds the keyword to the search query.
If a keyword navigator is active the selected keyword adds or replaces
a query keyword: modifier (currently replace was choosen as multiple
keywords are not fully supported yet)
Inspired from the existing one used on image search, and consistent with
post filtering on content domain applied in SearchEvent.addNodes().
These filters are quite simplistic but at least audio, video or
application search now return results. Previously, when filtering on
these content domains, many results pages (and often even the first
page) were empty while the total results count suggested that results
should be available. This was because filtering on domain was only
applied AFTER requesting Solr indexes.
- added some missing increments from RWI results
- decrement relevant navigator counts when solr or RWI results are
evicted because duplicates detection or constraints checked belatedly
- do not compute facets when unnecessary to avoid unwanted CPU load
- do not increment from facets when already done
- do not rely on facets on remote solr peers requests, as most of the
time only a limited part of their total results if fetched (thus also
preventing unnecessary load on remote peers)
- use a concurrency friendly score map for the dates navigators to
prevent unwanted ConcurrentModificationExceptions
This improves the situation for the most obvious inconsistencies in
search navigators counts, but more has to be done for a true accuracy
(notably when query modifiers constraints are applied belatedly - after
the solr or RWI retrieval request - such as the content domain
Was inadequately modified in my previous related commits (making next
pages buttons unavailable in Search portal mode), as
SearchEvent.local_solr_available did not count the total filtered
results but only the ones within the currently fetched result page(s).
Using unfiltered detailed counts (local and remote entries found before
doubles detection and before applying query modifiers) was confusing and
inconsistent with the total count. It could let think more results are
to come in the next pages, without understanding why they are not