As described in mantis 721 (
WatchWebStructure_p.html failed to include in its structure view https
and other protocols and ports than default http.
As described in mantis 720 (,
when requesting this API with a domain name instead of a complete URL
only HTTP references on default port were listed.
This ensure consistent implementation of the url host hash generation
and easier usage finding in source code.
Also added a unit test for this function.
used for rwi ranking.
Main changes:
- introduce a posintext() to access the stored value. This reduces also mem alloc of position array for WordReferenceRow (index access)
- use the positions() array for joined references on multi-word queries if needed (otherwise allow positions() to be null
- adjust assignments and the min() max() and distance() calculation accordingly
to support the new time parser and search functions in YaCy a high
precision detection of date and time on the day is necessary. That
requires that the time zone of the document content and the time zone of
the user, doing a search, is detected. The time zone of the search
request is done automatically using the browsers time zone offset which
is delivered to the search request automatically and invisible to the
user. The time zone for the content of web pages cannot be detected
automatically and must be an attribute of crawl starts. The advanced
crawl start now provides an input field to set the time zone in minutes
as an offset number. All parsers must get a time zone offset passed, so
this required the change of the parser java api. A lot of other changes
had been made which corrects the wrong handling of dates in YaCy which
was to add a correction based on the time zone of the server. Now no
correction is added and all dates in YaCy are UTC/GMT time zone, a
normalized time zone for all peers.
generated dynamically which will stay static in the future. This applies
mainly to the search result favicon in front of search hits. These icons
will now be generated once, but then caches in the browser. There is
also a YaCy-internal cache for these icons which had prevented the
re-generation of the icons in YaCy, but this cache is now superfluous
since the browser should not call the servlet ViewImage again.
for anchor attributes.
- this caused that large portions of the parser code had to be adopted
as well
- added a counter target_order_i for anchor links in webgraph
all unique links! This made it necessary, that a large portion of the
parser and link processing classes must be adopted to carry a different
type of link collection which carry a property attribute which are
attached to web anchors.
- introduction of a new URL class, AnchorURL
- the other url classes, DigestURI and MultiProtocolURI had been renamed
and refactored to fit into a new document package schema,
- cleanup of net.yacy.cora.document package and refactoring
in intranets and the internet can now choose to appear as Googlebot.
This is an essential necessity to be able to compete in the field of
commercial search appliances, since most web pages are these days
optimized only for Google and no other search platform any more. All
commercial search engine providers have a built-in fake-Google User
Agent to be able to get the same search index as Google can do. Without
the resistance against obeying to robots.txt in this case, no
competition is possible any more. YaCy will always obey the robots.txt
when it is used for crawling the web in a peer-to-peer network, but to
establish a Search Appliance (like a Google Search Appliance, GSA) it is
necessary to be able to behave exactly like a Google crawler.
With this change, you will be able to switch the user agent when portal
or intranet mode is selected on per-crawl-start basis. Every crawl start
can have a different user agent.
jdk-based logger tend to block
at java.util.logging.Logger.log( in concurrent
environments. This makes logging a main performance issue. To overcome
this problem, this is a add-on to jdk logging to put log entries on a
concurrent message queue and log the messages one by one using a
separate process.
- FTPClient uses the concurrent logging instead of the log4j logger
- no document search this time
- adjusted banner and network to not show 'WORDS' but DHT Chunks. This
is to avoid confusion for robinson peers which do not create Word
The default schema uses only some of them and the resting search index
has now the following properties:
- webgraph size will have about 40 times as much entries as default
- the complete index size will increase and may be about the double size
of current amount
As testing showed, not much indexing performance is lost. The default
index will be smaller (moved fields out of it); thus searching
can be faster.
The new index will cause that some old parts in YaCy can be removed,
i.e. specialized webgraph data and the noload crawler. The new index
will make it possible to:
- search within link texts of linked but not indexed documents (about 20
times of document index in size!!)
- get a very detailed link graph
- enhance ranking using a complete link graph
To get the full access to the new index, the API to solr has now two
access points: one with attribute core=collection1 for the default
search index and core=webgraph to the new webgraph search index. This is
also avaiable for p2p operation but client access is not yet
caused by a JRE bug, the PixelGrabber had to be circumvented using an
own frame buffer which can be read without a PixelGrabber. This resulted
in ultra-fast and much less memory-consuming transformation. YaCy images
are now generated really fast!
- replaced the dot in the NetworkGraph with arrows
- enhanced the image drawing speed using pre-computed color values
- added more attention for OOM cases during very large image painting