Some web servers provide both 'Content-Encoding : "gzip"' and
'Content-Type : "application/x-gzip"' HTTP headers on their ".gz" files.
This was annoying to fail on such resources which are not so uncommon,
while non conforming (see RFC 7231 section for
"Content-Encoding" header specification
Thus enable getpageinfo_p API to return something in a reasonable amount
of time on resources over MegaBytes size range.
Support added first with the generic XML parser, for other formats
regular crawler limits apply as usual.
Recursive processing was removed in commit
67beef657f, but one remained for anchors
content(likely omitted from refactoring). It is no more necessary :
other links such as images embedded in anchors are currently correctly
detected by the parser.
More annoying : that remaining recursive processing could lead to almost
endless processing when encountering some (invalid) HTML structures
involving nested anchors, as detected and reported by lucipher on YaCy
forum ( ).
For faster processing (measured about 2 times faster on many real-world
examples) and more advanced detection (previous algorithm detected only
URLs separated from the rest of the text by a space character).
Especially for Turkish speaking users using "tr" as their system default
locale : strings for technical stuff (URLs, tag names, constants...)
must not be lower cased with the default locale, as 'I' doesn't becomes
'i' like in other locales such as "en", but becomes 'ı'.
This parser adds support for any XML based format other than already
supported XML vocabularies such XHTML, RSS/Atom feeds... It will
eventually be used as a fallback if one of these specific parsers fail,
before falling back to the existing genericParser which extracts not
that much useful information except URL tokens.
Also add when possible a warning level log message on input stream
closing error instead of failing silently. This could help understanding
some IO exceptions such as "too many files open".
When using a public HTTP URL in /IndexImportMediawiki_p.html, the remote
file now is directly streamed and processed, allowing import of several
GB dumps even with a low memory remote peer, and without need to
manually download the dump file first.
recognized as tag like 1<a
reported in
Script content is ignored by default, but the text is filtered for html
tags. Modified scraper to skip tag filtering while within a <script>
section (until a closing tag is detected </script>.
Possible side effect, missing </script> end-tag will truncate trailing
content text.
add "datetime" property of <time> tag to scrapers startdate list.
Datetime is parsed as iso8601 (xml) date, html5 allows partial as well
as duration (not handled by this)
Applied strategy : when there is no restriction on domains or
sub-path(s), stack anchor links once discovered by the content scraper
instead of waiting the complete parsing of the file.
This makes it possible to handle a crawling start file with thousands of
links in a reasonable amount of time.
Performance limitation : even if the crawl start faster with a large
file, the content of the parsed file still is fully loaded in memory.
to also support handling of urls w/o corresponding file-extension.
For this refactor use of document.getParserObject() to alway return a Parser (for clean logic)
and define/move the scraperObject as local var of AbstractParser.
Adjust related calls to getParserObject (where actually a scraperObject is wanted).
Addionally skip appending url token to parsed text for dht metadata entries
(by default returned as result by rwi index).
- Above brought up that parser start url parameter, declared as AnchorURL uses only methodes of parent object DigestURL (changed parameter declaration accordingly).