so web.xml in defaults dir is applied first and optional DATA/SETTINGS/web.xml loaded on top.
By using this Jetty feature (default web.xml) we assure that changes to the default are applied to existing installations
and individual addition/changes are still respected.
on proxied pages a link to exit proxy is added to top of page.
Link text can be configured in web.xml init-parameter (see default/web.xml). If missing no link is displayed.
- use JSoup parser for selective rewrite of html body <a href= links only,
instead of regex which rewrites also header href/src links
- this improves display of pages which use header <base> tag
- tags with src attribute are taken from original location (like css) improving display and are not routed trough the indexer
Disadvantage: scripting links will drop out of proxy
Setting of the servlet through web.xml exclusivly (in case one would like to quickly switch back to the YaCyProxyServlet,
leaving the existing code of YaCyProxyServlet untouched available)
as BASIC were pwd is transmitted near clear text (B64enc).
This has some implication as RFC 2617 requires and recommends a password hash MD5(user:realm:pwd) for DIGEST.
!!! before activating DIGEST you have to reassign all passwords !!! to allow new calculation of the hash
- default authentication is still BASIC
- configuration at this time only manually in (DATA/settings) or defaults/web.xml (<auth-method>
- the realmname is in defaults/yacy.init adminRealm=YaCy-AdminUI
- fyi: the realmname is shown on login screen
- changing the realm name invalidates all passwords - but for security you are encouraged to do so (as localhostadmin)
- implemented to support both, old hashes for BASIC and new hashes for BASIC and DIGEST
- to differentiate old / new hash the in Jetty used hash-prefix "MD5:" is used for new pwd-hashes ( "MD5:hash" )
- this allows additional features, like servlet configuration via web.xml and many more things.
- currently the standard servlets are still configured in the code (so the supplied defaults/web.xml is not realy needed, yet),
but could be expanded
- lookup for web.xml - 1. in /DATA/SETTINGS then in /defaults