appeared after the declaration of robots allow/deny for the crawler
because the sitemap parser terminated after the allow/deny rules had
been found. Now the parser reads the robots.txt until the end to
discover also sitemap rules at the end of the file.
- removed httpclient 3.1 which has been used by solrj < 4.x.x and is now
not used any more
- fixed some parts in YaCy which used methods from httpclient 3.1
Because the index size is now provided by solr, and the only way to do
that is a match for [* TO *], a size computation is quite complex and
time-consuming. Therefore this patch prevents that the method is called
at all and if necessary puts a DOS-preventing barrier in front of it.
- on-demand collection-list generation for collection-based deletions
instead of a default collection-list presentation (this makes calling
the interface much faster since the computation of collections lists for
large indexes may take some seconds)
- check geolocation coordinates and accept only those, which are
- the solr push process does not stop crawling any more if after 20
requests to Solr Solr does not accept the record. Instead, a severe log
entry asks the user to create a bug request
does not block when long-running updates to solr are made. This is
realized using blocking queues which process all long-running tasks in
the background. Also some bugfixes to existing connectors.
- intruduced raw-queries for the re-introduced byId-Queries (they are
hopefully faster than full edismax queries)
- removed the cached solr connector (testing this) to rely only on the
solr built-in search caches. That should save some RAM (also). We will
see if this is usable.
- added the field in crawl profile
- adopted logging end error management
- adopted duplicate document detection
- added a new rule to the indexing process to reject non-matching
- full redesign of the expert crawl start servlet
The new filter field can now be seen in /CrawlStartExpert_p.html at
Section "Document Filter", subsection item "Filter on Content of
adjusted to smaller and 1-core devices.
- the workflow processor now starts no process at all. these are started
as soon as parser/condenser/indexing queues are filled.
- better abstraction
used to select between different collections as defined during a crawl
start with the 'collection' attribute. This actually implements the
ability to prepare search tenants which restrict their search results to
a specific collection. The main use for this is to provide tenants to
the yaml4 interface (at this time).