add "datetime" property of <time> tag to scrapers startdate list.
Datetime is parsed as iso8601 (xml) date, html5 allows partial as well
as duration (not handled by this)
NullPointerException occurred when using and Identificator instance
which encountered and error in its constructor.
This error could be caused by a missing "langdetect" folder in the
current folder of the main process, or by simultaneous first calls to
the constructor, initializing concurrently the DetectorFactory.langlist.
Fixes the mantis 714 (
Could occur when a search request was performed just after peer startup,
and the Switchboard Thread "LibraryProvider.initialize" had completed,
thus requesting a ProbabilisticClassifier not completely initialized
(and having a null contexts property).
Applied strategy : when there is no restriction on domains or
sub-path(s), stack anchor links once discovered by the content scraper
instead of waiting the complete parsing of the file.
This makes it possible to handle a crawling start file with thousands of
links in a reasonable amount of time.
Performance limitation : even if the crawl start faster with a large
file, the content of the parsed file still is fully loaded in memory.
to make sure current dates are recognized (was fixed to 2014 - 2016)
+ adjust holiday date parser from pattern.match to pattern.find to deal with leading and trailing text
+ moved relative date recognition (morgen, tomorrow) to parseline (used by query parser only), as not working and problematic for indexing
+ add test case for parseline (used by query parser)
including a small change, word posintext counting.
We remember/store 1st posintext. Previously following words got a handle (posintext)
excluding found. Now it just counts and assigns true posintext as handle (posintext)
to also support handling of urls w/o corresponding file-extension.
For this refactor use of document.getParserObject() to alway return a Parser (for clean logic)
and define/move the scraperObject as local var of AbstractParser.
Adjust related calls to getParserObject (where actually a scraperObject is wanted).
Addionally skip appending url token to parsed text for dht metadata entries
(by default returned as result by rwi index).
- Above brought up that parser start url parameter, declared as AnchorURL uses only methodes of parent object DigestURL (changed parameter declaration accordingly).
Language identification may show poor performance on documents with short or no
title but clear lang indication in text content. Using content text too
improves lang detection.
+ remove double caching of text in Identificator
in worker thread.
Writer of importer keeps needs a poison to close the file. On exception (e.g. OOM)
add a poison marker in outer most try/catch to assure output queue will terminate
in this condition too (and closes+renames the surrogate/in/xxx.prt file)
JVM registers each file in a list regardless of already deleted and never
cleans up the list during runtime.
This accumulates to a considerable amount of mem during large crawls and/or
long uptime.
To tackle this, all temp files are now created in a subdir of
and the jvm tmpdir property is set to this subdir, which is deleted by
code on shutdown.
Additionally let pdfParser use this tmp subdir too.
- adjust check of data available according to doc
- return null on no recognized content (to not exit TextParser next parser try)
- use commons.compress directly
skip reading bz2 file magicbyte to identify bz2 format as inputstream reset would be required. Common compress reads and checks the magicbytes internally and throws ioexception if wrong, making preread obsolete.
see freshly deprecated
Implementation improves parsing of the homepage (ajax page) which uses metatag "fragment" in header and parses supplied html snapshot instead of mostly empty ajax/scripted page.
Implementation supports also hash-bang urls (url with anchor starting with ! like ...path#!hashfragment) but our crawler filters it
(use of hash-bang is controversly discussed and proposal is deprecated, makes no sense to adjust the crawler, but as long as it is used by some sites the minor change/improvement in htmlparser is good for some time).
Quick - how does it work
- if metatag fragment with content "!" is found
- htmlparser tries to get content of htmls snapshot (using a different url)
- htmlparser returns 2 documents (original url and snapshot content - but using same original url)
- after parsing result documents are joined (and stored to index containing content also from snapshot page... as the original ajax page contains typically no parseable html content)
Reads document level included title and description and skips the graphic content to save bandwidth.
svg metadata element is not interpreted
- remove rdfParser from init (current function identical with genericParser)
to prevent blank thumbnail display in image search because of not handled source which don't load on click.
Now the cross icon indicates the problem (inlcuding not supported format)