does not block when long-running updates to solr are made. This is
realized using blocking queues which process all long-running tasks in
the background. Also some bugfixes to existing connectors.
- intruduced raw-queries for the re-introduced byId-Queries (they are
hopefully faster than full edismax queries)
- removed the cached solr connector (testing this) to rely only on the
solr built-in search caches. That should save some RAM (also). We will
see if this is usable.
- added the field in crawl profile
- adopted logging end error management
- adopted duplicate document detection
- added a new rule to the indexing process to reject non-matching
- full redesign of the expert crawl start servlet
The new filter field can now be seen in /CrawlStartExpert_p.html at
Section "Document Filter", subsection item "Filter on Content of
adjusted to smaller and 1-core devices.
- the workflow processor now starts no process at all. these are started
as soon as parser/condenser/indexing queues are filled.
- better abstraction
used to select between different collections as defined during a crawl
start with the 'collection' attribute. This actually implements the
ability to prepare search tenants which restrict their search results to
a specific collection. The main use for this is to provide tenants to
the yaml4 interface (at this time).
holds the number of documents for the host where the document is hosted.
This is necessary for ranking and the norming of references per local
host in the ranking computation.
references_external_i and references_exthosts_i. These can be used to
count and evaluate the number of external links to every web page. An
experimental ranking function can be i.e.:
search interfaces if no other ranking attributes are given
- using the YaCy ranking in the GSA interface only if there was not
given a GSA-style sort attribute
- to avoid confusion about correct ranking attributes, only the default
'0'-ranking profile is used and not scenario-adopted (site, date)
because that should be configurable in the web interface before it is
used actually for ranking.
- memory allocation problem in RowCollection: if memory is too low, do
not to try to increase by 1 because this leads to very long execution
time and at the end to the same OOM as if we allocate the memory at the
moment we need it even if the resource observer states that this memory
is not there. To compensate this, the increase size is reduced.
- no document search this time
- adjusted banner and network to not show 'WORDS' but DHT Chunks. This
is to avoid confusion for robinson peers which do not create Word