- move htroot exist check from old httpdfilehandler to startup, remove from filehandler and legacy proxyhandler
- use SwitchboardConstant.htroot where appropriate
webgraph. These cores are now accessible at
/solr/collection1/select instead /solr/select?core=collection1
/solr/webgraph/select instead /solr/select?core=webgraph
in addition to the old behavior to support compatibility to the old
peers. These new paths are fully solr standard-conform and will allow
the cross-linking between YaCy peers using their public solr API.
as BASIC were pwd is transmitted near clear text (B64enc).
This has some implication as RFC 2617 requires and recommends a password hash MD5(user:realm:pwd) for DIGEST.
!!! before activating DIGEST you have to reassign all passwords !!! to allow new calculation of the hash
- default authentication is still BASIC
- configuration at this time only manually in (DATA/settings) or defaults/web.xml (<auth-method>
- the realmname is in defaults/yacy.init adminRealm=YaCy-AdminUI
- fyi: the realmname is shown on login screen
- changing the realm name invalidates all passwords - but for security you are encouraged to do so (as localhostadmin)
- implemented to support both, old hashes for BASIC and new hashes for BASIC and DIGEST
- to differentiate old / new hash the in Jetty used hash-prefix "MD5:" is used for new pwd-hashes ( "MD5:hash" )
- this allows additional features, like servlet configuration via web.xml and many more things.
- currently the standard servlets are still configured in the code (so the supplied defaults/web.xml is not realy needed, yet),
but could be expanded
- lookup for web.xml - 1. in /DATA/SETTINGS then in /defaults
via Jetty IPAccessHandler to allow only configured IP's to access.
Handler is only loaded if a restriction is configured.
Since IPAcessHandler (Jetty 8) does not support IPv6 system property java.net.preferIPv4Stack=true
Testing showed system.setProperty seems to be sensitive to point of calling (earliest possible time seems to be best = early in yacy.main).
Moved the "isrunning..." just open browser check also to the new routine to preread the yacy.config only once.
!!! attention !!! to make sure YaCy can start, https will be disabled if port 8443 is used
- added ping test for above to migration
- as of now port for https is hardcoded to default 8443
- if not urgend required I'd leave it this way (it's standard) to use different ports for http and https
- post https port on ConfigBasic.html (if active)
- based on Jetty ProxyServlet
- at this time use existing HTTPD ProxyHandler for url rewrite
- add jetty-client jar (dependency in Jetty ProxyServlet)
reuse ProxyHandler.convertHeaderFromJetty in YaCyDefaultServlet
- domainhandler causes closed response output stream in following handlers
on addresses resolved to local peer (like in hello protocoll preventing peer to switch to senior peer)
- introduce a YaCyHttp interface to modulize/separate http server
- adjust the Jetty version specific implementation part (in package net.yacy.http)
- putting the version specific code in classes starting with Jetty8xxxx
- moved existing Jetty9xxx implementation into a test class (to keep the code)
- adjust build to the changed jars
- make use of the introduced YaCyHttpServer interface in related htroot servlets
- adjust other test cases/classes