the segments had been there to create a tenant-infrastructure but were
never be used since that was all much too complex. There will be a
replacement using a solr navigation using a segment field in the search
0-values and no empty strings are written). This may save a lot of
memory (in ram and on disc) if excessive 0-values or empty strings
- do not allow default boolean values for checkboxes because that does
not make sense: browsers may omit the checkbox attribute name if the box
is not checked. A default value 'true' would not comply with the
semantic of the browsers response.
- add a checkbox in IndexFederated_p for the lazy initialization of solr
- vocabulary annotation is not done any more into the metadata of urldb
- vocabularies are written into the jena triplestore using a rdf
- vocabularies for rdf tripel must be updated; refactoring done
- with the new navigation tags in the triplestore a faster
pre-urldb-lookup is possible: navigation is processed now within the RWI
during pre-ranking retrieval
- added also a Owl vocabulary stub to add the plain-text url to the
triplestore using the owl:sameas predicate
- added abstract add, delete, get methods in the triplestore
- added generation of triples after auto-annotation
- migrated all MultiProtocolURI objects to DigestURI in the parser since
the url hash is needed as subject value in the triples in the triple
- new limit to use the table copy (instead of flag): 400MB available. If
less is available, then a copy is never used. If more is available, then
it can be used if there is a remaining space of at least 200MB
- flush caches more often: flush the Digest cache
this causes that the table is not initialized when there is no search is
done. the effect is most strong if YaCy is started headless which causes
no browser pop-up which otherwise would load the search page and
therefore trigger the initialization of the table.
- added log warnings in case that search processes run into time-out
- better concurrency for Integer formatter (used a non-synchronized
formatter before)
- bugfix for search termination (a poison pill was missing)
- added timeout parameters for search (again) -> target is, that they
are never reached.
- search request are now made using a map boundary
- search results are only computed for the map boundary
- the number of results is adopted to the results in the visible range
- added a double-buffering for the search result markers
- added a search query option for the search results: