servlet since YaCy 1.63. This is much more performant for the client
than using the XMLResponseWriter because parsing of XML data is very CPU
intensive. Older YaCy peers are still requested using the
XMLResponseWriter but the majority of YaCy peers already respond with
the binary writer. This makes remote searches much faster and less CPU
not-flushed Solr cache is now handled in this way:
- it is smaller by default
- an Solr-internal process is started to flush the cache periodically
(this does NOT clean the cache, just removes old objects)
- a Solr-external process (the standard YaCy cleanup-process) now has
direct access to the solr internal cache and flushes them completely.
The time frame for such a flush is defined by the cleanup-process
frequency, by default 10 minutes.
the embedded Solr (the default). This was obtained by cirumventing solrj
search encapsulation and the implementation of direct index access
methods to Solr.
The effect will not only be seen during search, but this has also a
strong effect on suggestions (much more) and less CPU power usage during
index distribution (which needs many search requests)
which had a problem because of badly used concurrency.
This fix also caused a redesign of the whole host deletion process.
This should fix bug
This shall fulfill the following requirement:
If a document A links to B and B contains a 'canonical C', then the
citation rank computation shall consider that A links to C and B does
not link to C.
To do so, we first must collect all canonical links, find all references
to them, get the anchor list of the documents and patch the citation
reference of these links.
webgraph index which is temporary filled with the crawl profile key.
This is used to select a set of documents for post-processing as soon as
a crawl is finished. Now the postprocessing for a specific crawl is
started when that specific crawl is finished and not at the end of all
post-processing steps.
there for deletion), this fixes a problem for the deletion of old
documents for new crawl starts
- added clickdepth and citation computation for fail documents
- replaced load failure logging by information which is stored in Solr
- fixed a bug with crawling of feeds: added must-match pattern
application to feed urls to filter out such urls which shall not be in a
wanted domain
- delegatedURLs, which also used ZURLs are now temporary objects in
for anchor attributes.
- this caused that large portions of the parser code had to be adopted
as well
- added a counter target_order_i for anchor links in webgraph
all unique links! This made it necessary, that a large portion of the
parser and link processing classes must be adopted to carry a different
type of link collection which carry a property attribute which are
attached to web anchors.
- introduction of a new URL class, AnchorURL
- the other url classes, DigestURI and MultiProtocolURI had been renamed
and refactored to fit into a new document package schema,
- cleanup of net.yacy.cora.document package and refactoring
fuzzy_signature_copycount_i, which count the number of copies of
non-unique documents and assigns this to each document. Thus, each
document there is a number assigned which shows how many copies of this
document exists.
These fields are disabled by default.
regular expression on th url: the collection attribut for a crawl start
may be now either a token or a list of tokens, seperated by ',' where a
token is either a string or a pair <string,pattern> where the string is
separated to the pattern with a ':' and the string is assigned to the
document as collection only if the pattern matches with the url.
in intranets and the internet can now choose to appear as Googlebot.
This is an essential necessity to be able to compete in the field of
commercial search appliances, since most web pages are these days
optimized only for Google and no other search platform any more. All
commercial search engine providers have a built-in fake-Google User
Agent to be able to get the same search index as Google can do. Without
the resistance against obeying to robots.txt in this case, no
competition is possible any more. YaCy will always obey the robots.txt
when it is used for crawling the web in a peer-to-peer network, but to
establish a Search Appliance (like a Google Search Appliance, GSA) it is
necessary to be able to behave exactly like a Google crawler.
With this change, you will be able to switch the user agent when portal
or intranet mode is selected on per-crawl-start basis. Every crawl start
can have a different user agent.
jdk-based logger tend to block
at java.util.logging.Logger.log( in concurrent
environments. This makes logging a main performance issue. To overcome
this problem, this is a add-on to jdk logging to put log entries on a
concurrent message queue and log the messages one by one using a
separate process.
- FTPClient uses the concurrent logging instead of the log4j logger
references_internal_url_sxt because they had been shown to be
superfluous. The citation of referrer in the host browser is possible
without them. Therefore now the host browser does not only show
internal, but also external referrer to each link.
While the values for the reference evaluation are computed, also a
backlink-structure can be discovered and written to the index as well.
The host browser has been extended to show such backlinks to each
presented links. The host browser therefore can now show an information
where an document is linked. The new citation reference is computed as
likelyhood for a random click path with recursive usage of previously
computed likelyhood. This process is repeated until the likelyhood
converges to a specific number. This number is then normalized to a
ranking value CRn, 0<=CRn<=1. The value CRn can therefore be used to
rank popularity within intra-domain link structures.
- move setting of system property solr.directoryFactory=solr.MMapDirectoryFactory to
- add check of os.arch for 64bit system, if it fails use default/ (if exists) as
reason: on 32bit MMapDirectoryFactory may fail with.....
Caused by: Map failed
soft commits, reduced caching size of search events, ensured that solr
results are processed before connection is closed to keep that stuff not
too long in RAM
API recording for this method so it can be repeated automatically. The
index dump generation is now also available for API recording. Added
some synchronization in backend which was necessary for this.
id to be tested, but with a collection of ids. This will cause only a
single call to solr instead of many. The result is a much better
performace when testing the existence of many urls. The effect should
cause very much less IO during index transmission, both on sender and
receiver side.
- removed httpclient 3.1 which has been used by solrj < 4.x.x and is now
not used any more
- fixed some parts in YaCy which used methods from httpclient 3.1
Because the index size is now provided by solr, and the only way to do
that is a match for [* TO *], a size computation is quite complex and
time-consuming. Therefore this patch prevents that the method is called
at all and if necessary puts a DOS-preventing barrier in front of it.
- check geolocation coordinates and accept only those, which are
- the solr push process does not stop crawling any more if after 20
requests to Solr Solr does not accept the record. Instead, a severe log
entry asks the user to create a bug request
- intruduced raw-queries for the re-introduced byId-Queries (they are
hopefully faster than full edismax queries)
- removed the cached solr connector (testing this) to rely only on the
solr built-in search caches. That should save some RAM (also). We will
see if this is usable.
adjusted to smaller and 1-core devices.
- the workflow processor now starts no process at all. these are started
as soon as parser/condenser/indexing queues are filled.
- better abstraction
holds the number of documents for the host where the document is hosted.
This is necessary for ranking and the norming of references per local
host in the ranking computation.
references_external_i and references_exthosts_i. These can be used to
count and evaluate the number of external links to every web page. An
experimental ranking function can be i.e.:
- removed unused solr access classes
- made snippet generation for documents aus YaCy RWI/DHT concurrent (as
it was before the search process removation)
- reduced the number of remote results in settings file because the
processing of such mass documents add is too CPU-intensive (in Solr)
- removed 'worker' processes
- no internal time-out behaviour: methods either are successful or
return null
- waiting is only done on top-level
- removed snippet-production; this is replaced by solr snippets
- removed statistics based on solr size queries (they had been VERY
long); the statistics (like suggestions or tag cloud) are now again
based on the old but very fast RWI index. In portal or intranet mode the
RWI index is usually switched off; if you like to have statistics again
then you must switch on the rwis again in this mode.
- fixed many bugs regarding correct page counter