@ -1189,61 +1189,61 @@ public final class yacy {
String applicationRoot = System.getProperty("user.dir").replace('\\', '/');
//System.out.println("args.length=" + args.length);
//System.out.print("args=["); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) System.out.print(args[i] + ", "); System.out.println("]");
if ((args.length >= 1) && ((args[0].equals("-startup")) || (args[0].equals("-start")))) {
if ((args.length >= 1) && ((args[0].toLowerCase().equals("-startup")) || (args[0].equals("-start")))) {
// normal start-up of yacy
if (args.length == 2) applicationRoot= args[1];
startup(applicationRoot, startupMemFree, startupMemTotal);
} else if ((args.length >= 1) && ((args[0].equals("-shutdown")) || (args[0].equals("-stop")))) {
} else if ((args.length >= 1) && ((args[0].toLowerCase().equals("-shutdown")) || (args[0].equals("-stop")))) {
// normal shutdown of yacy
if (args.length == 2) applicationRoot= args[1];
} else if ((args.length >= 1) && (args[0].equals("-migratewords"))) {
} else if ((args.length >= 1) && (args[0].toLowerCase().equals("-migratewords"))) {
// migrate words from DATA/PLASMADB/WORDS path to assortment cache, if possible
// attention: this may run long and should not be interrupted!
if (args.length == 2) applicationRoot= args[1];
} else if ((args.length >= 1) && (args[0].equals("-minimizeUrlDB"))) {
} else if ((args.length >= 1) && (args[0].toLowerCase().equals("-minimizeurldb"))) {
// migrate words from DATA/PLASMADB/WORDS path to assortment cache, if possible
// attention: this may run long and should not be interrupted!
int dbcache = 4;
if (args.length >= 3 && args[1].equals("-cache")) {
if (args.length >= 3 && args[1].toLowerCase().equals("-cache")) {
dbcache = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
args = shift(args, 1, 2);
if (args.length == 2) applicationRoot= args[1];
minimizeUrlDB(applicationRoot, dbcache);
} else if ((args.length >= 1) && (args[0].equals("-testPeerDB"))) {
} else if ((args.length >= 1) && (args[0].toLowerCase().equals("-testpeerdb"))) {
if (args.length == 2) {
applicationRoot= args[1];
} else if (args.length > 2) {
System.err.println("Usage: -testPeerDB [homeDbRoot]");
} else if ((args.length >= 1) && (args[0].equals("-deletestopwords"))) {
} else if ((args.length >= 1) && (args[0].toLowerCase().equals("-deletestopwords"))) {
// delete those words in the index that are listed in the stopwords file
if (args.length == 2) applicationRoot= args[1];
} else if ((args.length >= 1) && (args[0].equals("-genwordstat"))) {
} else if ((args.length >= 1) && (args[0].toLowerCase().equals("-genwordstat"))) {
// this can help to create a stop-word list
// to use this, you need a 'yacy.words' file in the root path
// start this with "java -classpath classes yacy -genwordstat [<rootdir>]"
if (args.length == 2) applicationRoot= args[1];
} else if ((args.length == 4) && (args[0].equals("-cleanwordlist"))) {
} else if ((args.length == 4) && (args[0].toLowerCase().equals("-cleanwordlist"))) {
// this can be used to organize and clean a word-list
// start this with "java -classpath classes yacy -cleanwordlist <word-file> <minlength> <maxlength>"
int minlength = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
int maxlength = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);
cleanwordlist(args[1], minlength, maxlength);
} else if ((args.length >= 1) && (args[0].equals("-transfercr"))) {
} else if ((args.length >= 1) && (args[0].toLowerCase().equals("-transfercr"))) {
// transfer a single cr file to a remote peer
String targetaddress = args[1];
String crfile = args[2];
transferCR(targetaddress, crfile);
} else if ((args.length >= 1) && (args[0].equals("-domlist"))) {
} else if ((args.length >= 1) && (args[0].toLowerCase().equals("-domlist"))) {
// generate a url list and save it in a file
String format = "txt";
if (args.length >= 3 && args[1].equals("-format")) {
if (args.length >= 3 && args[1].toLowerCase().equals("-format")) {
if (args[2].equals("html")) format = args[2];
if (args[2].equals("zip")) format = args[2];
if (args[2].equals("gzip")) format = args[2];
@ -1252,21 +1252,21 @@ public final class yacy {
if (args.length == 2) applicationRoot= args[1];
String outfile = "domlist_" + System.currentTimeMillis();
domlist(applicationRoot, format, outfile);
} else if ((args.length >= 1) && (args[0].equals("-urllist"))) {
} else if ((args.length >= 1) && (args[0].toLowerCase().equals("-urllist"))) {
// generate a url list and save it in a file
boolean html = false;
if (args.length >= 3 && args[1].equals("-format")) {
if (args.length >= 3 && args[1].toLowerCase().equals("-format")) {
if (args[2].equals("html")) html = true;
args = shift(args, 1, 2);
if (args.length == 2) applicationRoot= args[1];
String outfile = "urllist_" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ((html) ? ".html" : ".txt");
urllist(applicationRoot, html, outfile);
} else if ((args.length >= 1) && (args[0].equals("-urldbcleanup"))) {
} else if ((args.length >= 1) && (args[0].toLowerCase().equals("-urldbcleanup"))) {
// generate a url list and save it in a file
if (args.length == 2) applicationRoot= args[1];
} else if ((args.length >= 1) && (args[0].equals("-rwihashlist"))) {
} else if ((args.length >= 1) && (args[0].toLowerCase().equals("-rwihashlist"))) {
// generate a url list and save it in a file
String domain = "all";
String format = "txt";